somewhat distracting....


Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
I see to many pr0n sprays....

is there some way to disable sprays?
I aggree with the original poster and will try out the useful command Shuzor shared.

I get killed when I look to the sky for safety!
i likey porn sprays :E :E

but i get killed when I look at 'em, and if I want porn, there's really better (hmm... say, more appropriate, also??) places to get it.
Sweet god, if anyone here sprays ******* , I will kill your parents and shit on them
fiznut who is that in your avatar?

while I too cant see the harm in a little skin, it can be inapropriate,.

then again, if you're playing this bloody, violent game, you really should be old enough to appriciate the female form..

It is kinda funny how people are more offended by sex then violence.
f|uke said:
while I too cant see the harm in a little skin, it can be inapropriate,.

then again, if you're playing this bloody, violent game, you really should be old enough to appriciate the female form..

It is kinda funny how people are more offended by sex then violence.

its not that, its just that when i play CSS etc, i intend to play an action game, not look at porn... what if you went to the dentist, and he starts sticking porn on the walls... would be a little annoying right? (and weird too...)

Sure, i dont have a problem with naked people, but a computer game is the wrong place to be 'showing off' how 1337 you are with your uber-1337 pr0n sprayzzz!!!111... and i dont know.. but mixing sex and violence isnt always the _best_ thing..
It would be weird, because dentists treat children. Way to go horrible example.

In addition, computers are the best and only place to show off how 1337 you are with porn sprays..

Regardless, I believe the cl_allowdownloads show work. I think cl_decallimit 0, or maybe it's cl_maxdecal 0, something like that also works, but it also makes bullet holes not show up.
I have been tortured plenty of times with *******, spinning and goatse (even though by now, I am immune to goatse)
Watch opponent not those babes!:p watch them when ur not playing! dont watch them ingame :p (little advise :p)
Ragnarokk said:
It would be weird, because dentists treat children. Way to go horrible example.

Children play counterstrike as well, so I don't see how it's a horrible example.