Son of Stern says "baby jesus", Stern cries

It is a known fact that:

A) There are religious people on this forum


B) Don't be a troll.

- Danimal
baby jesus!

/me waits for river of tears
Hey, I'm his illegitimate son!

Talking of which...thread title...we should make a movie. SON OF STERN.
CptStern said:
a momentary thought which quickly passed ...but I have considered buring other people :O
I've burned other people, with my penis. Fabulous!
You have a flamethrower in your Penis? :O

Lol, sorry. Had to say it. :)
I would have told him that his grandma was a damn liar and that she keeps the child model only because she was brainwashed by a large cult (insert religion) when she was young.

If that does not work then I guess you could just pull out your handgun and "dispose" of the child

Oh right they arnt legal anymore

Revisedsoul said:
if anything stern reminds me of the guy off the vonage comercials

Everytime I see those I always think "bondage" for some reason
Stern FTW! Oh, I am an athiest, and a friend of mine tried to convert me to ISLAM, for the love of God (FTLOG? Hmm, maybe it'll catch on, especially as in this case it's so delightfully ironic). I can only imagine the horror of any progeny I might have finding religion.
I'm with ya Stern - anyone caught throwing religion on my kid before he's ready to make that decision himself is in for a chop to the teeth.
Angry Lawyer said:
For some reason, I imagine your two-year-old to have a shaven head and mean-looking goatee.

-Angry Lawyer

I saw the word "goatse", and did a doble take.

CptStern said:
I know ....spent 12 years in catholic school myself :) or is it ;(
It should be :) or :E

Because alot of the Catholic schoolgirls that went to my school made going to a private catholic school awesome. Awesome awesome.
Sparta said:
It should be :) or :E

Because alot of the Catholic schoolgirls that went to my school made going to a private catholic school awesome. Awesome awesome.
Yeah, because you probably got so much p-nanny.

OMGjohnConnor said:
Yeah, because you probably got so much p-nanny.

Yeah, because thats exactly what i said didn't i? You moron.
Sparta said:
It should be :) or :E

Because alot of the Catholic schoolgirls that went to my school made going to a private catholic school awesome. Awesome awesome.


This man understands me.
You should teach your son the peaceful teachings of Jesus, because you yourself are obviously a peaceful man. Just don't force him into a religion.
Jesus was ****ing metal, whether you believe in him as a made-up figure or the saviour of all mankind.


Now, whether you want to beleived what he preached or not is your decision.

I don't think you all understand that somebod has to start a religious movement, whether it be Jesus, Mohhamed or Harre Krishna.
Yes, yes, I know Jesus was real. I meant that the real 'Jesus' (wasn't it actually Joseph) and our mythological perception of 'jesus' are entirely different things. I guess I didn't make it clear enough that by 'made up figure' I meant 'our modern idea of what Jesus was like'. :o
I see, thanks for clearing that up then :). And no it was Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph of Nazareth (Or St. Joseph)
Jesus was real, i have no doubt about it.

But just like the egyptian sun and moon were rolled by a dung beetle and ancient christians thought the stars were "angel entry bullet holes with light shining through from heaven", they have taken something real and turned it into complete bullshit.
Agreed. I have no problem with Jesus, it's his fan club that pisses me off.