Songs to wear pants to!


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score

if this was posted before, eff whoever posted it! I'm better anyway!

anyhow, yeah, this site is awesome. The guy takes requests and makes songs based off of them. You can make a free, public request or you could pay him to make you a song.

Pretty awesome stuff, and its not even half-assed.
make sure to check out the Previous Songs too

/me listens to samurai ska
Haha, fantastic singing!

Pretty speedy techno-rapping in the Sister-In-Law ear song. I dig it.
yeah, that song cracked me up :D
underage stalkers is also really well done ;)
Haha, I can't stop laughing to the Underage Stalker lyrics! :D

This guy's a f*cking genius.
Underage stalkers is awesome...
Some people are just kewl
What a great use of spare time
come on everyone
this site is so damn awesome
give him a listen
These songs are great, serious talent there :D

Gotta laugh at the gigabytes song :LOL:
haha pretty cool....

edit: underage stalkers ruleezz
On a similar note, check out the song "These are not my pants" by Five Iron Frenzy! :)
This is a really cool site :D
Downloaded all the songs there to listen too, and thinking of making a request or two ;o
Maybe a HL2 song would be pretty funny.
oooh, hadn't thought of that :)

I'm thinkin of buyin' me a theme song :D
I like them.

Maybe I should pay the guy to write me a personal theme song.
"My rabbit has eaten the last of the lettuce in the house and my mother will not go to the market until tomorrow. Please write him a cheering song and mention my name, Silvia, so he knows that I love him more than my brother. His name is Joe. The brother, not the rabbit. The rabbit's name is Poopie. He is the color of Poo.


lmfao, brilliant!