Sonic 4: Episode 1 official

I love how people complain about video games

Can't wait to see more footage
Never been a big Sonic fan, but I enjoyed Sonic Advance 2 and I loved the daytime parts of Unleashed.

I'll probably forget about it till reviews come out.
Sega's biggest selling game features Mario. Who'd have thunk it? What further evidence does any sane person need that Nintendo won the great console war?!

Nice to see Bayonetta sales aren't too shabby.
A return to classic 2D style, but with 3D-rendered graphics?
Classic name?
Classic levels?
Classic gameplay, with some new additions?
Sounds very much like a Sega version of New Super Mario Bros applied to the Sonic series. If they do as well on this as Nintendo did on NSMB then maybe they could have their former glory back.
I'm gonna get this even if it turns out horrible, and I'm going to enjoy it because it's a Sonic game. I grew up wit dat shit.
So uh yeah, I hate sonic. Probably because of the socially retarded/budding homosexuals throughout middle school and high school who would talk about NOTHING but sonic the hedgehog, and would paint pictures of sonic characters in art class including some I'm pretty sure they MADE UP.
That's cuz you're not a retard who looks up games he hates on youtube. Notice all the comments are from haters, not people who like sonic and looked up 'sonic sucks.' Have you looked up 'half life sucks'? Didn't think so.
Did you even watch the video, dumbass? :rolleyes:
Yeah some french fag continuously jumping on spikes, real awesome bro.
He's simply making fun of old games.
They have pretty much dropped all of their best IPs in favor of sticking Sonic into anything they can imagine.
So uh yeah, I hate sonic. Probably because of the socially retarded/budding homosexuals throughout middle school and high school who would talk about NOTHING but sonic the hedgehog, and would paint pictures of sonic characters in art class including some I'm pretty sure they MADE UP.

That was me. Sorry. At least I hurt myself more than anyone else.
Why is this not coming to the PC? It's seems to be coming for every platform apart from the PC. It could have worked well with Steam.
Why would it? Even in the past it's just been random nitpicking as far as the PC goes. I'm not surprised at all.
I am surprised it's not coming out for the DS.
Why is this not coming to the PC? It's seems to be coming for every platform apart from the PC. It could have worked well with Steam.

Surprises me too. Steam seems to be getting exclusives on a lot of these kind of games lately.
Obviously the Sega Zone. :V

Wait what rhymes with zone again? HMMMM.
Well that's one of the stupider things I've seen in the past several years.
That looks pretty good actually. Too bad it's a console exclusive.

It looks like they changed the gravity a bit as I noticed Sonic didn't run backwards after jumping and landing on a slope. He also jumped straight up when on a slope.
No you can get a 404.

EDIT: okay it works now. Must have been a temporary problem
Work links. All it says is Sonic Team are not making Sonic 4, the guys who made Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush are.
Dear Sega,
Please put those Sonic classics collections things you do (with all Mega Drive and Game Boy Advance Sonic games, plus CD and Knuckles' Choatix) on Steam and they will be bought instead of me seeing them on the shelf in GAME and then going home and taking out my Mega Drive.
I want Sega to do a House of the Dead spinoff starring Goldman.
Just when I'd thought it would be a throughly fun Sonic game, they go and do this shit (it's a level from the game, so spoiler):

Horrible design, regardless of the fact that the player sucks. You can't see enough of the what's coming to make something like that work as well as it could.
OMG that is some of the most painful level design I think I have ever seen D=

At least it doesn't look like you die alot =/
Really not all that bad, and the leaked videos so far have been played by someone who can only be playing the game with their tongue. The cart level isn't massively impressive, but at least they're thinking a little outside the box.

And the homing attack... It's not like Sonic needed a 'press button to kill everything button', but I like how it speeds up time spent bouncing around on springs and what not. It's probably going to be a very efficient game if nothing else. Still don't really dig the art though.
I'll view the video when I can but to be honest I don't really trust anyone's impressions of it until I see it myself. For god's sake some of you were complaining that Sonic's legs being fully animated while he's running ruins it. Seriously? It looks ten times better. You realise the original spinny, blurry legs was just so Sega could reduce a really complicated animation down to three frames. Just compare the Sonic Advance 1 and 2 running sprites. 2 is far better.

I expect some of you could be shown a level that's a inch-for-inch recreation of Angel Island Zone or Casino Night Zone except rendered in 3D and with a slightly different graphical style and you'd complain it looked like horrible level design.

Maybe I'm giving too much credit to the game and not enough to the people of the internet, but as Darkside said early on, fans are idiots and I can't really trust any of your opinions till I see it myself.
Ok so I watched the video and it doesn't look that fun, but as kupocake said, the guy who was playing it looked really, really crap at the game. It is a gimmick level though and those can often go disastrously wrong. I remain optimistic.
"So, impressions?"


"Hey look, there's a demo of a Sonic 2 remake out."

Having only played a bit of the later (because it don't cost no money), I have to say it's unfortunate that they released it at about the time that every comment thread-lurking moron would be ready to say 'herp derp better than Sonic 4'. It's impressive for a fan project (or, it's impressive that one of these fan projects actually got somewhere for once), but it's a headache of over-design that makes Black Mesa look conservative by comparison.
Just when I'd thought it would be a throughly fun Sonic game, they go and do this shit (it's a level from the game, so spoiler):

Horrible design, regardless of the fact that the player sucks. You can't see enough of the what's coming to make something like that work as well as it could.
Yeah that's one of the worst demos I've seen in a while. The screen-rotating gimmick stolen from LocoRoco doesn't look like it fits the game, or like it's fun at all. Plus it's coded horribly - the cart's acceleration only changes when it's touching the ground, but the acceleration value changes based on screen rotation? Wow.