Sony fanboys bitching and moaning at finest

no one pays attention to my blog to roll over and find out who i am that way :(
Shit, dude. I thought you were some random non-gamingchat poster who just happens to be an asshole.

But since I know you, I take back what I said to you.
i'd prefer it if you didn't, what i said still stands on my behalf, as intrusive and perhaps not as called for as i first previously thought it may of all been.
nail hit head. perhaps if i saw you post as much about 360 ''fanboys'', pc ''fanboys'' and other such nonsense that whenever i used to read your posts about these folk and/or the PS3 it wouldn't stick out in my mind. to me, looking through some of your posts, including an identical thread a year ago on PS3 fans at the same event, that you most certainly do have something against their fan base and that just riles me up for being so petty.

The irony here is I actually like Sony and I've defended them on a few occasions, certainly early on in the PS3s life anyway. I own a PSP and plan on getting a PS3 at some stage. I will never buy an Xbox. I believe I've been more than fair in my treatment towards fanboys of all platforms and if that hasn't come across on this forum well that's just a coincidence. This isn't the only place I've voiced anger towards stupidity after all.

My official stance on each platform.

Positive PC
Positive PS3
Neutral Wii
Negative 360
The irony here is I actually like Sony and I've defended them on a few occasions, certainly early on in the PS3s life anyway. I own a PSP and plan on getting a PS3 at some stage. I will never buy an Xbox. I believe I've been more than fair in my treatment towards fanboys of all platforms and if that hasn't come across on this forum well that's just a coincidence. This isn't the only place I've voiced anger towards stupidity after all.

My official stance on each platform.

Positive PC
Positive PS3
Neutral Wii
Negative 360

Positive PC
Negative PS3
Neutral Wii
Negative 360
Positive PC
Neutral everything else

Never owned a console.
Idort master race.
Fanboy for none, member of all.
The irony here is I actually like Sony and I've defended them on a few occasions, certainly early on in the PS3s life anyway. I own a PSP and plan on getting a PS3 at some stage. I will never buy an Xbox. I believe I've been more than fair in my treatment towards fanboys of all platforms and if that hasn't come across on this forum well that's just a coincidence. This isn't the only place I've voiced anger towards stupidity after all.

My official stance on each platform.

Positive PC
Positive PS3
Neutral Wii
Negative 360

actually, i wasn't bringing you into the argument at all. your quote about people being angry on the internet and that it wasn't anything to really get up in arms about was what i was getting at, nothing else.

carry on.
Need to get my coffee in the morning before reading forums (posted Today, 08:42 AM). My bad. You know how it is your see yourself quoted and react without reading the whole post. My post still serves some point so I'll leave it here. On a relevant point the rage expressed in the comments linked in the OP is nothing compared to some other sources of outrage. The occurrences of "beta" quality games being released on 360 first in Japan before a final game is released for the PS3 for instance. That is something to genuinely get upset about as a 360 user.
no yeah it's cool, i dig. i think though that when it comes to thinking about consoles i'm neutral or positive for all of them. they've all their merits, some more than others, and i'm open to the concept of them swaying my opinion later down the road and do often hope that to be case for the PS3 and me.
I like all of them. No matter what problems they have, I'm willing to overlook them if they have endearing qualities that cancel out their faults.

Positive PC
Positive PS3
Positive 360
Positive PSP
Negative Wii

This has finally turned into something good.

Positive PC
Positive PS3
Neutral 360
Negative Wii

I'm fine with most stuff :)
I've never really understood how someone can love a gaming system enough to be a fanboy. On the other hand, I don't understand how people can hate a system either.
I've never really understood how someone can love a gaming system enough to be a fanboy. On the other hand, I don't understand how people can hate a system either.

You can't? I think it's very simple. Why do you like brand x of product blah over brand y of product blah? You will no doubt come up with various comparisons between them and thus prefer one brand over another. Simple. I could list why I despise the 360 but wouldn't be tremendously useful to the discussion and would likely spawn a flame war.
But do you actually despise the 360, or do you just prefer the other systems over it?
I despise the 360 for paying to play the online portion.

That is all, though
I pretty much despise the 360.

It's the PC's retarded little brother. The PS3 or Wii however, is a companion.
I own a PC, a Wii and a DS. My brother has a PS3, an Xbox and a better PC. I like them all.
I like my PC and PSP, I don't care about other platforms in any way.
My biggest regret is that I don't have PS3 for protein folding simulations Folding@home.
Uncharted 2 and Demon's Souls should alternate GOTY awards. They are so high above the rest that it is just plain silly.

My stances are:

Positive PC
Positive PS3
Positive Wii
Positive DS
Neutral PSP
Negative 360
Gametrailers has always been a truly terrible website for anything opinion related, so as shocking as this is it's not surprising. If their HD trailers didn't load faster than other sites I'd never use it. Not to mention I am suspicious that narrator Geoff Keighley is a digitally rendered creation designed purely to piss me off.

I could - at a very long stretch - see it being justified as 360 game of the year. But in the most impressive year yet for PS3 exclusives, to choose a multiplatform title, and not even the best multiplatform title at that, shows a poor level of critical ability uncharacteristic even for Gametrailers. I promised myself I'd never watch another of their videos again, after their habit of including spoilers in their reviews totally ruined the start of Uncharted 2 for me, and now that promise of mine is very much reiterated.

And to satisfy the trend of system opinion:

PS3: I love this machine and I really can't imagine my life without it. It's sleek, whisper-quiet, free online, clean interface, fantastic indie game library and doubles as a DVD/BluRay player. Once I import Demon's Souls I'll make it official and marry it.

360: Neutral, would be positive if the hardware wasn't such a noisy, ugly, poorly made joke.

PC: Everything from love and devotion to resentment and hatred depending on how badly ported a game is.

Wii: Neutral, but hurt by Nintendo for abandoning me. I realised recently that it's almost definite I'll never see a Metroid Prime game with modern graphics. Now that is truly depressing.

DS: Positive, though I don't play it nearly as much as I should.

PSP: Positive, the reason I don't play the DS as much as I should.
PS3: I like it. Much more now that there are better exclusives than at the time I bought it. Started poorly, but is coming along nice.

360: I don't dislike it. I don't have one and have only played a few games a few times on it. Don't have anything bad to say about it. Wish a few of it's exclusives found their way to the PS3.

Wii: Not the biggest fan, but don't hate it. I don't have one. Wanted one badly for about five days after it was released then my hype level plummeted when I actually used it. Nice for Metroid and Boom Blox, but haven't touched it for any other reason.

PC: Used to be the love of my life. At one point I never thought I'd buy another console after the N64 because of my PC love. When this gen came around and with it a bunch of crap ports coupled with the death of my gaming PC I haven't felt the need or desire to build a new one. Maybe when the next "X" game comes out I'll think about it.