Sony Fanboys RAGE at MGS/Kojima for xbox version

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They're both great consoles. Each has its pros and cons. Discussion over.


Xbox can do great graphics (look at Alan Wake) as can the PS3.

I don't see why Asuka is crying so much when he owns both consoles... grow up.
My friends are gonna rage, can't wait to see their reaction.
so long as he pulls off the gameplay and story that made Metal Gear Solid famous in the first place?
1) You didn't prove that they animate better in a screenshot.

2) You are hand picking screenshots that you like for the PS3. And you proved it right here:

3) You need to compare the same games on each system or it's a moot point.

Different game engines have different strengths and weaknesses, as do artists of course, so comparing different games is like comparing the graphics of Mario to Call of Duty (which both are featured on the Wii)

But I'll let you get back to watching Sony's E3 conference. You can prove it later if you really think you can.

I didn't hand pic anything in anyone's favor i tried to get a screenshot from the games major environments.

"You need to compare the same games on each system or it's a moot point." are you ****ing playing stupid or are just very thick headed. Seriously?

The point im trying to make is that even tho harder to make games for once the system is learned its unrivaled. The way to prove that is to compare the games that focus on using their representative system with the most potential.

Gears of War 2 is only on the 360 so it focuses on using its power and architecture to its greatest potential. Same goes for Killzone 2. Why the **** would i compare the same game on both systems when my exact point is that because its on both the greater system losses out on what "could have been".

Thank you for proving MY point.

"Different game engines have different strengths and weaknesses, as do artists of course, so comparing different games is like comparing the graphics of Mario to Call of Duty (which both are featured on the Wii)"

Again i agree that the development team has a huge impact on how a game looks and even tho it might not be as technologically advance as another it still "looks" better because of art direction. But to my point just compare the games i listed and honestly tell me the 360 has "better" games.

Virus, Asuka (but mostly Asuka):

The PS3 is theoretically more powerful because of its nonparallel multi-threading and general Cell architecture, but the 360 is more powerful in the real world because people can actually code for it. The gap closes year after year as PS3 developers get better.

How so, if its more powerful in the real world then why are there better games with every passing moment?


Xbox can do great graphics (look at Alan Wake) as can the PS3.

I don't see why Asuka is crying so much when he owns both consoles... grow up.

Im not "crying" i just hate thick headed hypocrites.

They're both great consoles. Each has its pros and cons. Discussion over.

Agreed. As iv said many times i liked my 360 more then my PS3 up until it simply started getting better in every way.

The online is up to par.
The Games are 100 times better.
The system interface is better.
Trophies mean more to me.
and better yet the kind of support it offers is more like a PC rather then the restricted xbox.
not to mention i hate it when people over look so many flaws like the fail rate.

Don't get me wrong i am looking forward to games on the 360 but in comparison its non sense.

Xbox Spinter Cell Conviction which depending what kind of development it gets might be a PC buy for me
Mass Effect 2 again probably a PC buy for me.
Kojima: This "R", is Metal Gear Solid: Rising(Originally: This "R", is xxxxxxxxxx)
Hamamura: Ahahahaha.
Kojima: I won't say "please release this", but if it's going to be released I guess there's nothing I can do.
Hamamura: So you don't know at this point?
Kojima: Well It's not that I don't know, hahaha.
Hamamura: Ah, then you DO know.
Kojima, Well, I don't know, hahaha.
Hamamura: Which one is it, hahahaha. Even with that, this is going to make a big impact on people when this is announced.


so by your logic that the most powerful system wins, the pc is actually the winner. it outperforms both consoles by leaps and bounds ..except the biggest seller of the bunch isnt even mentioned: nintendo wii and hell even the DS. which is several times less powerful than the weakest console and outsells all three what do we measure success then because it's certainly not rendering power

in the end it all boils down to; who gives a **** ..people concerned with graphics that's who! yet the people who care about graphics and argue about console power are barking up the wrong tree because they should be pc gamers if that's the selling point that made trhem purchase a console

the rest of us: those who judge game systems by gameplay arent, for the most part, concerned about what looks better etc, it's more about the games ..because if I wanted the best graphics possible I'd look to the pc
Godbless fanboys across the world. They are the glue keeping the internet together. (Or apart depending on how you look at it)
Do you honestly think that Uncharted 2 couldn't be ported to the 360 and look exactly the same?

And Killzone looks like ass.
If a game is for multiple platforms doesn't mean it can only be as good as the weakest link (capped).

Look at Grand Theft Auto 4 for the PC. If you have a great gaming PC, it's got way better graphics than the consoles. Look at Call of Duty for the Wii. The Wii version certainly didn't cap the graphics on 360 and PS3 versions.

The graphics, sound, gameplay, framerate on the 360 and PS3 aren't drastically different. The difference is certainly not so much that a game made for one of the consoles wouldn't be able to be created for the opposing console. Complete comparisons are available:

Gamespot said:
A solid year's gone by since we ran our last Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3 graphics comparison. The differences between the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 have diminished with every passing batch of games, but some variation still exists between the two machines. Our first graphics comparison between the two consoles showed that the Xbox 360 looked better on most of the games, oftentimes drastically so. The second graphics comparison showed that the PlayStation 3 looked nearly as good as the Xbox 360 in some games, and actually looked better in a few as well. Now with both consoles well into their respective life cycles, developers have had plenty of time to figure out the nuances required to code beautiful games. With our third batch of games, the two machines seem evenly matched. The two trade blows on various games, each with its own set of advantages.

We've upgraded our capture equipment since the previous installments in the series. We captured all 720p images through an HDMI connection and then resized them for use in the article. The fullscreen shots are, of course, shrunk down to fit onto the Web page. The pixels in the zoomed-in shots are 1:1 representations of the original image captures, but cropped to fit our page width. We compressed the images slightly to make them more palatable for the Web, but they haven't suffered too much in terms of quality for it.

Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed is a great example of what a next-generation game should look like, with well-rendered environments that are nicely shadowed and filled with intricate details. The game looks beautiful on both systems, but we did notice that the Xbox 360 has sharper textures with better 3D-depth simulation readily noticeable in the flat cobblestone streets. Edges look great in both games, as do graphical effects such as shadows, smoke, and lighting. The extra time it takes to install the game on the PlayStation 3 doesn't seem to give the console any benefits over the Xbox 360 in initial or subsequent loads of the game.


EDIT: you guys beat me to it.
I didn't hand pic anything in anyone's favor i tried to get a screenshot from the games major environments.

"You need to compare the same games on each system or it's a moot point." are you ****ing playing stupid or are just very thick headed. Seriously?

The point im trying to make is that even tho harder to make games for once the system is learned its unrivaled. The way to prove that is to compare the games that focus on using their representative system with the most potential.

Gears of War 2 is only on the 360 so it focuses on using its power and architecture to its greatest potential. Same goes for Killzone 2. Why the **** would i compare the same game on both systems when my exact point is that because its on both the greater system losses out on what "could have been".

Thank you for proving MY point.

"Different game engines have different strengths and weaknesses, as do artists of course, so comparing different games is like comparing the graphics of Mario to Call of Duty (which both are featured on the Wii)"

Again i agree that the development team has a huge impact on how a game looks and even tho it might not be as technologically advance as another it still "looks" better because of art direction. But to my point just compare the games i listed and honestly tell me the 360 has "better" games.

How so, if its more powerful in the real world then why are there better games with every passing moment?

Im not "crying" i just hate thick headed hypocrites.

Agreed. As iv said many times i liked my 360 more then my PS3 up until it simply started getting better in every way.

The online is up to par.
The Games are 100 times better.
The system interface is better.
Trophies mean more to me.
and better yet the kind of support it offers is more like a PC rather then the restricted xbox.
not to mention i hate it when people over look so many flaws like the fail rate.

Don't get me wrong i am looking forward to games on the 360 but in comparison its non sense.

Xbox Spinter Cell Conviction which depending what kind of development it gets might be a PC buy for me
Mass Effect 2 again probably a PC buy for me.

Meh, the PS3 is shit mate.

BTW, you dont need to justify your purchase to us...
so by your logic that the most powerful system wins, the pc is actually the winner. it outperforms both consoles by leaps and bounds ..except the biggest seller of the bunch isnt even mentioned: nintendo wii and hell even the DS. which is several times less powerful than the weakest console and outsells all three what do we measure success then because it's certainly not rendering power

in the end it all boils down to; who gives a **** ..people concerned with graphics that's who! yet the people who care about graphics and argue about console power are barking up the wrong tree because they should be pc gamers if that's the selling point that made trhem purchase a console

the rest of us: those who judge game systems by gameplay arent, for the most part, concerned about what looks better etc, it's more about the games ..because if I wanted the best graphics possible I'd look to the pc

My point is much more then who looks better, but who has the better platform. I agree PC > All but man the PS3 has really stepped up in quality games and i feel their "exclusives" are bar none.

Hey, those aspects of MGS have worked for the fans for so long, why stop now?

The reason I didnt put "good" down is because its all relative. Some people loved the story, and others hated it.
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