Sony PSP, 1337 or not?

I don't know yet. It's definately a GBA killer but we haven't seen it in action.
1337? Do you work for nVidia or something ;)?

Only joking, is the PSP the thing thats meant to be a portable PS1? Or is that something else?
Nobody knows yet.

It depends on the games - and how suited they are for playing on the move, something the GBA is excellent for.
It's closer in specs to a toned-down PS2, Murray, but supposedely games will look as good as PS2 games because of the small screens, but we'll see

$300 is a little steep for a portable system, but, it looks 1337 :)
1337?.... god knows... cool?? hell yes :smoking: il certainly buy one

ever since nvidia starting there l33T contest the word is practically worse then c*nt or f*ck to a nun
Thats just a concept. But Im sure whatever it turns out to look like, with sony making it, Im sure itll be sweet. As for preformance n stuff, Itll def be top o de line, untill microsoft makes one of course ;)
Its cool , but itll be a while before I get one. Ill wait for the price to really drop. Im getting a GBA:SP for x-mas. To use when I get free time at work/school.
Vigilante said:
So, looking at the title what do you all think?

whatever it is I'm going to slander it, Sony killed off the good old consoles with it's dirty playstation.
It looks sweet, but the N-Gage cost around 300 USD and we all know what happened to that (Only 5000 units sold first 1-2 weeks in U.S.). But Sony's one of the best known game companies, Nokia isn't. Playstation is one of the best known System names, N-Gage isn't. Plus the PSP doesn't look like it will be utter suckiness like the N-Gage was. But still I feel sad for Nintendo, the handheld market was their fallback when they lost the recent console war.
mrchimp said:
whatever it is I'm going to slander it, Sony killed off the good old consoles with it's dirty playstation.
And the Xbox didnt? Sony goes back further than it does... I'd say Sony has done remarkable as a console vendor. I think the PS2 is still rather great, and has lots of good games. Also, when gamecubes are cheaper, I'll definatly get one. Not all the games are kiddy, some of them such as the Resident Evil games are kick ass. They really have the best graphics of any game to date. Photo realistic.
fizzlephox said:
But still I feel sad for Nintendo, the handheld market was their fallback when they lost the recent console war.

Im a big Nintendo Fan too , but to be fair the lost the war partly because they make too many childish games. Video Games are now an adult enterprise as much as a kids fun time. Games like the new Zelda arent helping their image.
Man, the PSP sure sounds sweet. I will diffenetly get one. BTW, if you didn't already know, it was confirmed that Sony is going to show the PSP in person at E3 with also working games! That's only a couple months away, so get prepared!
SnowBall said:
Also, when gamecubes are cheaper, I'll definatly get one.

When Gamecubes are cheaper? Dude, they're already only $100 bucks, how much cheaper do they need to be? Or are you in a country where they haven't dropped to that price (range) yet?
n-gage is sad..... hahah its time to NGAGE its almost a joke with the community.... almost

but its a little to horrible to be a joke


-ngage has wireless net play!!, no it has raceing against records or "shadows"
-ngage plays tons of games/ no it has very little games and you have to take out the battery/ mem, field strip to replace game
-ngage is a phone too/ on the edge side... it would look like talking into the side of the orginal GBA... wow thats leet
-actually playing games on ngage drains batteries damn fast

ngage is sad........ end of story I hope nokia learned its lesson that majority of the game comm. doesnt exept sh** .....
SnowBall said:
And the Xbox didnt? Sony goes back further than it does... I'd say Sony has done remarkable as a console vendor. I think the PS2 is still rather great, and has lots of good games. Also, when gamecubes are cheaper, I'll definatly get one. Not all the games are kiddy, some of them such as the Resident Evil games are kick ass. They really have the best graphics of any game to date. Photo realistic.

I can remeber the days before playstation, the good ol nintendo Vs Sega.

If I had the money I would buy a gamecube and one of those disks with all the old snes games on and of course some of the newer games. In my opinion the PS2 and abox are just as childish as gamecube but gamecube doesn't try to be serious and just goes with platform games. If I want serious adult games I'll just stick with my PC and it's far superior processing power.
It looks sweet but we have to see how it runs first.
Yeah, in that concept shot it doesn't have the joystick. Did you ever notice that? I wonder if they didn't include it in the shot or if it's just hidden? Maybe it pops up or something. :D
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
n-gage is sad..... hahah its time to NGAGE its almost a joke with the community.... almost

but its a little to horrible to be a joke


-ngage has wireless net play!!, no it has raceing against records or "shadows"
-ngage plays tons of games/ no it has very little games and you have to take out the battery/ mem, field strip to replace game
-ngage is a phone too/ on the edge side... it would look like talking into the side of the orginal GBA... wow thats leet
-actually playing games on ngage drains batteries damn fast

ngage is sad........ end of story I hope nokia learned its lesson that majority of the game comm. doesnt exept sh** .....

are you just like mad because youre too poor to buy it, or something? i would never get an n-gage but i dont have such a inane hate for it like that. it may be crap, but its still got some good, fairly revolutionary ideas. youre like "IT HAS VERY LITTLE GAMES" which is brilliantly put, when it hasent been out long at all.

plus it has a wireless headset. only newbs talk into the edge.

only newbs fanboy against systems they dont own

but yeah, the psp looks sweet. if it has a bunch of ps2 ports i might buy it. gta on a handheld :sniper:
Looks like you won't just be able to play games. You'll be able to do other stuff too.
Wow, you know, upon closer inspection, this guys has turned just about every system into a portable.
CheapAssStrat said:
When Gamecubes are cheaper? Dude, they're already only $100 bucks, how much cheaper do they need to be? Or are you in a country where they haven't dropped to that price (range) yet?
I know, but its not very much of a priority to me. Thats $100 I would rather put into my computer. Im saying when the next generation of consoles come out and you can find gamecubes in bargain bins, I'll get one and a bunch of games. As for now, I need a new Case, Mobo, and Ram for my computer, and a new processor a little down the line.