Sony to show all new software and hardware for PS3 this month


Jul 18, 2003
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Thanks to D3VI0US at the GAF forums.

Sony announced they will host a PlayStation 3 entertainment festival named Akihabara Enta Matsuri in Tokyo, Japan between October 22 - 30, it seems Sony will be showcasing all the new PlayStation 3 software and hardware, it is uncertain whether the software will be playable or in video form only.


Damn, I hope there are playable games. That would be awesome.
Yes, that would be great if they some playable stuff, but its so early yet that I doubt much will be playable. Still, good to see them getting the word out--I just hope it s not stuff we have all seen before. I can't imagine it would be since they just had the Tokyo Game show for the public too, so there's gotta be some great new news for everyone.

Looks like a long festival too--will it all be PS3 focused I wonder? I hope so!
VictimOfScience said:
Yes, that would be great if they some playable stuff, but its so early yet that I doubt much will be playable.

Yeah, you got a point there. Anyways, here's for hoping. :cheers:
Doubt there will be any playable content for the PS3 just yet. The programmers for the console are all still doing an additional degree to learn how in the **** the're supposed to efficiently code for the damn thing as far as I'm aware.
woopy! Let me go put on my happy hat!

I bet it will be video only but surely the PS3 will be in the back room running it all in real time.
I bet it will be video only but surely the PS3 will be in the back room running it all in real time.
Running them all at once in real time ^_^.

The programmers for the console are all still doing an additional degree to learn how in the **** the're supposed to efficiently code for the damn thing as far as I'm aware.
Well Epic says diffrent.
VictimOfScience said:
Yes, that would be great if they some playable stuff, but its so early yet that I doubt much will be playable. Still, good to see them getting the word out--I just hope it s not stuff we have all seen before. I can't imagine it would be since they just had the Tokyo Game show for the public too, so there's gotta be some great new news for everyone.

Looks like a long festival too--will it all be PS3 focused I wonder? I hope so!
Well, supposedly they could have shown playable suff at TGS, but since PS2 is what they have up against Microsoft and Nintendo this holiday season they wanted to show that off at TGS because its the biggest show in Japan. Also, there were PS3 gameplay demonstrations at TGS so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't at least have more of that.

Guerilla Games said a while ago they would be showing ingame Killzone footage "before to long," so we may be able to finally see if it looks "just as impressive."

craig said:
Doubt there will be any playable content for the PS3 just yet. The programmers for the console are all still doing an additional degree to learn how in the **** the're supposed to efficiently code for the damn thing as far as I'm aware.
Sonic gamepay was shown on PS3 at TGS, and other games were shown running in real time on the dev kits, so things may be further along than you think.
torso boy said:
Sonic gamepay was shown on PS3 at TGS, and other games were shown running in real time on the dev kits, so things may be further along than you think.
I agree. I think they are learning from MS that showing crap even if its realtime is not effective so until you have awesome realtime ingame footage, let alone playable builds, don't show too much :).

I just can't wait to see what the devs can show us when they get the final dev kits in December! CES 2006 here I come! And whatever PS3 event Sony has lined up for February too with its big surprise and whatnot should be amazing as well! Its gonna be a great but long Winter!
What I'm hoping for most is footage from Sony's first and second party developers that haven't unveiled their next gen projects yet. Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Zipper Interactive, SCE Studios Cambridge, SCE Studios Santa Monica, SCE Studios San Diego, and the SCEI team responsible for Ico have yet to show their next gen projects. I'm also hoping for GTA PS3 footage, but I think thats still a ways off.

VictimOfScience said:
I agree. I think they are learning from MS that showing crap even if its realtime is not effective so until you have awesome realtime ingame footage, let alone playable builds, don't show too much :).
I wouldn't say Sony is "learning from Microsoft, I think both companies are just showing real time or in game footage when they get it. Actually, Microsoft has shown more prerendered FMV trailers than Sony
torso boy said:
What I'm hoping for most is footage from Sony's first and second party developers that haven't unveiled their next gen projects yet. Naughty Dog

Argh! I forgot about them! I am absolutely positive they are going to come up with brilliance when they demonstrate what they can do with the new hardware--Just look at what they have been able to do with the old hardware! Amazing results! And yeah, I can't wait to see what the SCE studios come up with--they are usually the ones that can do the most with the hardware since they are privy to the secret knowledge of the inner-workings of the system, so they can understanably push it further, or at leats that was so with the PS2. I wonder if Sony will alter that with the PS3. I say they will, esp. with MS getting headstart in the market. Sony will want every one of their developers well-versed in the ways of PS3 coding. Can't wait :).