Sony's Press confrence to air on GS soon (1.4 hrs)

Great strategy, buy the game, the system, the eytoy, and tons of cards. I thought only nintendo could get away with things like that.

PSone content on psp, thats more like it :D
Some online features, like video/text chat, ranking, user profiles etc will be free.
I am really starting to lose respect for sony
No X-box live subscription! Free to all net service
Ridge Racer :D

I like the sound of this feature.
ok I am lost now LOL!!!! RIDGE RACER!! LOL nobody of the crowd cared! LOL
PS3 has got a "marketplace" like Xbox live.
Don't think he did... you can buy songs to put into Singstar though.

Genji 2 is being shown.
OMG they're showing a game.

EDIT: Ug, looks like just an updated Dynasty Warriors game.

Jesus christ, I've seen that exact attack in Dynasty Warriors...

The weapon switching for combos is something we've already seen in DMC3...
Doesn't look too impressive... fire looks nice int he background.
if you're gonna showcase a game, at least make sure you can play it.... geez
The controller is like a dual-shock... but silver and more smooth and rounded round the R buttons... you can see the guy using it.
Omg, the game is based on history but they have giant enemy crabs. LOL
Real-time weapon change? Real-time character change? What is this 2087? This game is amazing...:upstare:
Sebastian said:
Omg, the game is based on history but they have giant enemy crabs. LOL

LOL. I was thinking that :P

F1 game has an interractive wing mirror on the PSP... wtf... how can you use the PSP and the dual shock? O.o
yay, I can use an expensive portable gaming device with my ps3!!!!.... as a frigging wing-mirror?

so far, absolutely nothing impressive

at least this next dude, can actually play his game
When I first saw the PSP, my first thought was "I really wish I could use that as a wing mirror"

Dreams really do come true.
This game looks nice... Pretty graphics and lots of fighting :D
Ok Heavenly Sword looks like fun but I actually laughed out loud at the Captain America style of shield throw. That was just silly.
Her clothes move in real-time by the looks of things. Very impressive game.
heavenly sword is a wonderful game with wow graphix

didn't you notice somthing that they are playing ps3 with dual shock 2 ???
Ok guys Its official!! best game so far! very nice looking game!!
not one to say, but how close is that to God of War mechanics?

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