soo, Doom3 = this years Unreal2?

ive been trying to fight it for a while now but... i am disappointed with doom3
Mr-Fusion said:
Yes it's out in Australia now. I already picked it up from EB.

This game is soooo very immersive. Eating lunch.


Wicked dude! Thanks! I'm off to the store now. :afro:
God, this games rocks so much. Best FPS so far by a long shot, and it's so atmospheric. I'm running it smoothly on high at 1024x768 with my setup: Pentium 4 3.0 gig, 1 gig DDR SDRAM, 9800 non-pro. Buy this game, you will not regret it.
Shuzer said:
Without having read through this thread, I have to say..

Doom 3 is qutie possibly the coolest game I've ever played. And I'm only about an hour and a half into it.

It's made me jump about 3 times, which is awesome. I didn't expect a game to make me jump. I'm loving it :D
Three times in 1.5 hours? Rub it in, why don't you, tough guy. :rolleyes: I'm jumping every two minutes, it seems. :LOL:

I think I should use my shotgun more... it has a lot of ammo. :)
Sedako said:
God, this games rocks so much. Best FPS so far by a long shot, and it's so atmospheric. I'm running it smoothly on high at 1024x768 with my setup: Pentium 4 3.0 gig, 1 gig DDR SDRAM, 9800 non-pro. Buy this game, you will not regret it.

Oh man you have no idea how reassuring that is. I have pretty much that exact setup, except 3.06 ghz which isn't going to make any difference anyway. Good to know it'll be smooth.
Shut up! I hate you people! Playing your totally awesome new Doom 3 game while I stare blankly at HL2.NET. I swear to God I'm the only person on the planet without Doom 3. I live in Colorado, it's not like I'm trying to get a copy to Mozambique or some f*ckin' place. You'd think that if they can get copies to Australia they might be able to ship a few to Colorado!

*DarkStar goes insane.
I'm running it on high settings at 1024x768 smoothly too. This game is very well optimized and looks beautiful.. I thought it was good at first. Then, I turned off my lights to be in pitch black, and it got 10 times better.

XP 2500+ OCed to 2.24GHz, 1GB PC2700 DDR SDRAM, Radeon 9700 OCed to (almost) Pro (310/297.. had to turn it down due to artifacting in D3)
man this game is dope. this is the first game that has mad me jump so many times.
Soundwave said:
My main gripe here is, what the **** were people expecting with this game? It's like going to see a horror movie, then being disappointed when you watch it because it's a horror movie.

i think u summed things up pretty good there.
the HL2 vs Doom3 comparasions are getting a bit silly even tho they are both fps games...fact is both games are aiming for very different atmospheres for the most part.

as for the MP aspect...can we wait a while before harping about it?
cause the game isn't even fully released everywhere yet and we are already hearing pple whine about it.

wait til some custom maps and mods come out...that should give a good indication of how well Doom3's MP will be.. i mean afterall, the HL1 engine as survived these many years for its MP aspect...aside from the SP being brillant.

Shuzer said:
I'm running it on high settings at 1024x768 smoothly too. This game is very well optimized and looks beautiful.. I thought it was good at first. Then, I turned off my lights to be in pitch black, and it got 10 times better.

XP 2500+ OCed to 2.24GHz, 1GB PC2700 DDR SDRAM, Radeon 9700 OCed to (almost) Pro (310/297.. had to turn it down due to artifacting in D3)

ur post gives me hope that the game will run nicely on my PC :)
I really like it. Play at night, with the lights off, headphones on.
You hear the wailing of tortured souls through the walls around you, shouts of a human marine trying to stay alive, growls and moans of unspeakable creatures searching for you, and in the darkness ahead of you the clanking of undead feet shuffling closer and closer. Time to send these demons back to hell.
DarkStar said:
Shut up! I hate you people! Playing your totally awesome new Doom 3 game while I stare blankly at HL2.NET. I swear to God I'm the only person on the planet without Doom 3. I live in Colorado, it's not like I'm trying to get a copy to Mozambique or some f*ckin' place. You'd think that if they can get copies to Australia they might be able to ship a few to Colorado!

*DarkStar goes insane.
I feel your pain DarkStar. I was so desperate to get Doom3 off my mind that I played single player CZ. Didn't help though, All I was thinking was "WTF am I playing this for when I could be playing Doom 3, F***!!!!".
Just got the CHAINSAW, ha ha, and I gotta tell you, it gets in shouting distance of the allmight crowbar, the sound is excuisite as it cuts through flesh (wow, that just sounds so wrong).

Doom 3 is a great game by the way, it is by no means a legend like Doom or HL, but it's great nevertheless.
StardogChampion said:
Actually.... the thing with Unreal 2 was that it was worse than its predecessor. I've not played D3 but i'd place a safe bet that it's a lot better than D1+2 not counting nostalgia.

"lacks good plot, the game is short, repetitive shooter"... hmmm... and what were the original Doom games like?? :rolleyes:
Snakebyte said:
I really like it. Play at night, with the lights off, headphones on.
You hear the wailing of tortured souls through the walls around you, shouts of a human marine trying to stay alive, growls and moans of unspeakable creatures searching for you, and in the darkness ahead of you the clanking of undead feet shuffling closer and closer. Time to send these demons back to hell.
agreed :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I played it at a friends - he has a 6800 GT and we tuned it up all the way to high, 2 x AA and 1280 x 1024 - locked at 60 FPS and dropping occasionally at 40-50. Fanstastic at first sight, indeed. I only played 30 mins, can't wait to get my copy tonight!

The MP is a bit - well hum ho. Nothing extraordinary, we just played a match and were done with it.
Just got it tonight from EB. Once I start playing, you may not hear from me for a while...
To the thread starter.

Wow dude, wtf is your problem....really? I haven't seen one positive comment from you, its like you think this is just the crappiest game ever made!! lighten up...sheeesh

Btw all the ppl i've spoken too, says the game totally rocks - GOTY material fro sure - i'm not really expecting a hl2 beater - but a shooter than can scare the living daylights out of me.

Undying did this, and i'm sure D3 will do too.
Right, can anyone explain to me WHY the the Ozzies get it on release day and we don't? WE ARE CLOSER TO THE US THAN AUSTRALIA! I don't inderstand :(

On a slightly more upbeat note I should get my Galaxy Glacier 6800 today to replace my dead 9800pro (shame, was a kick arse card). If any of you UK based peeps are looking for an affordable foothold in the next generation of GPUs go here. £216.14 including the dreaded :thumbs:
Undying! That was a pretty good game! Nice story and pretty inovative use of the engine tech :)
A2597 said:
Just the general vibe I'm getting...lots of hype, game comes out, it lacks a good plot, the game is short, and turns into a repetitive shooter, and the ending stinks.

What IS it with games nowadays?!?

*smells A2597* EWWW!!!! HL2 fanboys smell like cabbage and ass cheese!!1
Pitbul said:
*smells A2597* EWWW!!!! HL2 fanboys smell like cabbage and ass cheese!!1
That's the funniest thing you've ever said

So far Undying is scarier Doom 3 but i know Doom 3 will pick up the pace
(I'm just after the Elemental Phase Deconstruction part, not that far into it but i got the Chaingun from ;) )
I felt Unreal 2 was a great game. Story was cool, gfx great, and gameplay was really good. Only downfall i felt was it was to story. Doom 3 is a lot longer then Unreal 2 from what i hear.
The problem is, a few people hyped the game up for themselves to be the most amazing, unimaginable game ever created, bar none, a game that would blow there socks off. Then when they get into the game, the slightest, littlest niggle, they blow up into the ultimate problem and it destroys the game for them. Doom3 is one of the greatest games ever, but it is just a few people have expections of a game that is 100%, not 99.9999999%.
Razor said:
Doom3 is one of the greatest games ever.

No way - and that has nothing to do with expectations. It's pretty good.
Warbie said:
No way - and that has nothing to do with expectations. It's pretty good.
Both Doom3 and Halflife2 are going to redefine first person shooters in different areas, compare Doom3 and Halflife2 to Far Cry and Unreal Tournement 2004.

All are great games but Halflife2 and Doom3 will redefine the genre, just like the originals did.
I think HL2 may 'redefine' the genre.

Doom 3 has no chance - especially not in terms of gameplay (nice gfx, thiough)
although i am enjoying D3 immensly i gotta agree with Warbie.

Usually i'm not anti Doom 3, but from everything i've read and played of D3 so far, its very formulaic and standard compared to the modern FPS. But that doesnt make the game shit. I don't care if it doesnt redefine the genre, i just want my money worth of entertainment
unreal 2 sucks BIG time! doom3 is a fantastic game, actually the best fps I have ever played.
To quote the immortal Penny Arcade:

"Doom 3 looks really cool"
"yeah, i can't wait until someone makes a game with it"

And i stand by that (at least for now, i haven't finished it yet :D )
A2597 said:

i can show u posts in this thread where pple say Doom3 is awesome.
whats ur point? my point is simply that there will always be pple that hate the game and others who enjoy it.

the same will be true with HL2.. whether u wanna believe that or not is definitely not my problem...anyway its one thing to read reviews, its whole other thing to actually play the game and see for urself.
Dr. Freeman said:
i can show u posts in this thread where pple say Doom3 is awesome.
whats ur point? my point is simply that there will always be pple that hate the game and others who enjoy it.

just as I can show you post in THIS thread from people who played it and say it's average. Your point being?

I agree with your latter statement about some likeing and some not, but right now, it looks 50/50. That's a pretty poor number for a game...