Soooo Half Life 2 is the Reloaded of the game world


Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Major disappointent story-wise, but gallons upon gallons of action.

That's not to say that it wasn't the best game ever made, bacause it is, but I think that it should have delivered more story.

Just like Reloaded, it asked more questions than answers. It sets you up for the final chapter.

Oh and same thing can be said for Halo 2.
No, it wasn't a major dissapointment story wise. Those who searched found many of their answers, with a reasonable amount of mysteries left. Ask any you may have and we'll let you know the answers if they were covered.
Oh don't get me wrong, I think the whole secrets behind it all is very awesome, but yet again it is like Reloaded because that movie also had secrets that you had to find.

I loved Reloaded though. :P
Ah, didn't mean to come off mad or anything. Just that there are a bunch of people saying "NO QUESTIONS ANSWERED" and they post them.. and most of them are easily answered by the community. Hehe.

I still don't think the storyline was a let down at all, but I'm the type of person who personally likes suspense and cliffhangers, as long as it will be eventually told.. I still have sadness from the Freespace series. They meant to make a third one but company issues in real life messed that all up and it'll never happen probably.
Yeah I know what you mean. I thought the last scene was the best thing to happen in video games for a long time. It totally blew me away. (No pun intended...wait yeah it is) But I think there should have been more moments like that, but G-Man is the coolest character in the game. God (Man) I wish he had a much bigger role, but I am sure that's for HL3.
What's funny is that G-Man has Combat animations. Who knows. Mysteries are what makes it great. Laidlaw likes to make you think. Develope your own theories, and perhaps our answers will come.
::hits everyone with a crowbar::

If anything, Revolutions had more action than Reloaded.

Besides, HL2 doesn't have the mind-numbing dialog of Reloaded. Although Breen does look like the Architect.
I was wondering when someone was going to come along and notice similarities with this series and The Matrix saga. Let's just hope it doesn't end as Revolutions did. :O
More questions brought up in the story don't bother me as long as the answers don't end up sucking ass like in the Matrix Revolutions.
HL2 is something I can enjoy unlike Matrix Reloaded. 'nuff said? :)
The comparison with the Matrix for me was that in the finale, you gain powers to just completely blow everyone away which made it more similar to the first film for me in that sense.
I bet Neo can't pick up Combine guards and throw them at each other by their balls...
HL2 is hardly Reloaded of the gaming world because:
a)it's a pure game, not based on a movie.
b)it has a cool story
c)Reloaded what all about phylosophical ideas, and less about story. HL2 is more about story than phylosophical ideas.
and d)most people actually like HL2, and just because a few people didn't they think that everyone else should feel let down as well.
Imo games and movies like HL2 and The Matrix are too complex for some people :/ I find the story in both to be very good. The movies make you think, they don't spoon fed you stuff, neither does HL2.
cleckmoon said:
::hits everyone with a crowbar::


The combine soldiers are clones of Breen, don't ell me there isn't ac connection :rolleyes:
Unfortunately for fans of the Matrix, the Watchowski bros. suffered from "Read Way Too Much Of Your Own Press" syndrome i.e. they got all caught up in the hype surrounding the first film regarding its philosophical undertones. They took it just a little too seriously, and in writing Reloaded, set themselves up to make some BIG sweeping statements about their views of life, history and the universe. Somewhere along the way, though, they realised that perhaps that may have been too pretentious a way to conclude their movie... their conclusion came too late, however, and so they had to quickly piece together some semblance of a conclusion for the final installment. This is why many, MANY questions were not explained in Revolutions (essentially, anything that had important, far-reaching significance, like the role of the architect). Of course, now they're trying to fix that mistake by writing a prequel. Let's hope they can pick themselves up from the ashes of the original trilogy's crash. Anyhow, these are problems I don't believe the Half-Life team suffers from, since they've got the actual gameplay of their products consuming perhaps 70% of market attention, there's no pressure to craft some grand, all-encompassing revelatory epic tale - just something that's cool. :)
Robinhood_01 said:
HL2 is hardly Reloaded of the gaming world because:
a)it's a pure game, not based on a movie.
b)it has a cool story
c)Reloaded what all about phylosophical ideas, and less about story. HL2 is more about story than phylosophical ideas.
and d)most people actually like HL2, and just because a few people didn't they think that everyone else should feel let down as well.

Well I did say it was the Reloaded "Of the game world."

Reloaded had a cool story as well. Im one of the true Matrix fans that loved all 3.

Half Life 2 has philosophical ideas too that make the story more interesting ya know. Not as much as The Matrix though.

Half Life 2 is the best game ever made and I am a GTA nut, so don't think I d it.
gotta think of it as a series, not individual games now. Its like the origional star wars trilogy. did people go like "OMG BAD STORY CUZ YOU LEFT US HANGING!" at the end of empire strikes back? no, its considered one of the best sequels to any movie. just chill and judge it for what it was meant to do, continue the story.

I just hope the 3rd one isn't set too far after hl2, don't want Alyx to lose her hotness and be an old maid.
I agree with you man.Like HL2 Reloaded asked more questions than it answered, and Revolutions just didnt finish it off as good as it started.

If half life is a trilogy, lets hope they finish it off right. The ending to any basic plot is tieing up loose ends, and several storytellers have gone away from that.
HL2 had just as much of a story and an explanation as HL1. HL1 only seems to have more of a story to alot of people because they are merging the original HL1 with its two expansion packs which made it seem like there was more too it.
I've noticed that the story for Half-Life 2 is very subtle. You can piece it together with hints throughout the game, and most of the time you're asking more questions than getting answers. It's done in a weird and mysterious way, like it's all a setup for something big coming in HL3.

I think it was done on purpose, and I like it.
if you end up tripping all the way to the combine planet or sumthing in hl3, itd better be a whole lot better than xen in hl. Sumthing similar to earth, maybe? (big cities and sh*t)