Sorry, but the US - Collector's Edition packaging SUCKS - (and the UK gets a tin??)

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First off, the game is fantastic, no gripes there - well done, Valve,

BUT - minor as it may be - it bears noting that the Collector's Edition box (pretty much the whole package) for us in the U.S. BLOWS. Some cheap paper box that looks pretty stupid on the shelf next to my other nice FPS tins. For fricking $80+ Vivendi could have done better for a game of this caliber. They just simply charged as high a price as they thought they could get away with and completely robbed us on the quality for the benefit of their bottom line.

Now you may call me a whiner, but for that much money, I expect something better. Look at what the U.K. could be getting for THEIR CE -
Nice TIN

Of course, I realize that we should be happy there are even different SKU's at all after Doom 3 claiming they got a ton of pushback from trying to have multiple SKU's. But then again, since Steam is offering multiple packages, it's really a given they would do so at retail.
I'll take pictures of it once I receive it.
be happy that you have your CE.

Europe has to wait another 4 weeks for the CE. If you had so to you would complain about that.

dont whine so much, be happy you have the game. You didnt have to buy it.

I dont get it why you buy it, than whine about it here. You realised before you payed how the box looked right. So please stfu, its your own fault you bought it.
I dont see the big deal really, its only a glorified biscuit tin!:P
Im getting the CE if i have the spare cash - i should do. I already got two copies of the game retail. selling one to a mate hopefully :)
I was happy with my ce i got a nice new shirt and this book im not gonna ead any of it untill i finish the game though. My only problem is that the ce was over proced 114$ can thats too much for jsut a tshirt game and a book =(
joepjens said:
be happy that you have your CE.

Europe has to wait another 4 weeks for the CE. If you had so to you would complain about that.

dont whine so much, be happy you have the game. You didnt have to buy it.

I dont get it why you buy it, than whine about it here. You realised before you payed how the box looked right. So please stfu, its your own fault you bought it.

No, I'm not going to "stfu" just because you feel like being a confrontational jacka s s.

This is actually the very FIRST thing I've EVER complained about in connection with HL2. So don't go assuming I'm some attention needy troll who complains about every little thing.

I'm also perfectly aware that I didn't have to buy it, but like most of the people here, this game has been on my must buy list for quite a while. It's a stupid argument to act like I'm not gonna buy it and go sit in corner and pout cuz it's not exactly what I want, But I have the right to complain about getting taken advantage of if I want. They knew a ton of HL fans would buy the CE even though the box was crap.

I bought it because:
A) There's no way I'm going to miss out on getting HL2.
B) I want it on DVD to eliminate several cd's kicking around
C) I wanted the t-shirt
D) I wanted the sampler book as well (which turned out to be a teeny little joke)
E) The collectors box was at least something better than the regular version.


Is THAT so hard to understand?? You apparently don't 'get it' because you must think it's cool to act like everyone who has any sort of problem is a whiny little bi t ch who needs you to come along and be the man to tell them to buck up. Think again.

Perhaps your just irritated right now that you don't have your HL2, yet - not my fault is it now? But I already acknowledged this was a little thing and some might think it a little whiny - so I obviously am aware of this, and I DON'T NEED YOU TO CHIME IN. If you don't have anything positive to add to the thread then stay out and don't waste our time posting drivel in it.
FYI - nobody has to post positive things if they don't want to. They may also voice their OPINOIN such as it is.

In this case I don't see any reason to post anything positive. It's obvious that someone has a real issue and needs to vent their anger on the forums.

I myself have purchased the plain retail version. I am getting that which I care most about, HL2 (which is expensive enough), and not the extras for too much money. I can make my own cool HL2 T-shirt, thank you very much. As for the Gold Steam, I am not paying $40 dollars more for a hat and soundtrack, the only things in that package I could care about.

But I'm not here bitching about it because I looked it up ahead of time and knew what was in it.
I got sucked into the hype and expected this retail package to almost be worth the money, thinking that the t-shirt would be of decent quality, and I'd at least get a full-size Prima book for my $85.

But nope, Valve and Vivendi chose to screw me and the rest of their customers. The t-shirt is printed with a single tiny logo, and compared with the Half-life1 t-shirt I have from years ago, is a joke. That HL1 shirt's logo filled the entire frontside with a nice two-colored graphic; there is no comparison in quality.

The 'book' (it doesn't deserve to be called this really) included with the Collector's Edition is even more outrageous. Expecting to see the complete Prima 'Raising the Bar' volume, what I got was a 60page index card-sized throwaway, with 'excerpts'.

Don't waste your money on this retail package, just get the cheap one or buy on Steam. I wish I could return this, as I feel taken advantage of.

What's an "OPINOIN".

Heh, heh. But no, you're right - we can all be jackasses if we want to. So what does that help again?

When someone has a valid complaint concerning the quality of a product, it isn't necessary to go spouting off about whining just so someone can feel like a tough guy.

And as for your smartass parting comment, I obv DID look up what was in it, because I LISTED THOSE AS MY REASONS FOR BUYING IT. And if you took time to READ MY POST you'd know I didn't create this thread to complain about the CONTENTS of the CE - - I bought it because I'm a fan and I wanted what was (represented) inside. But I'm not going to agree with the poor way they packaged it - it isn't a comparable product with other collectors editions. Esp for $80.

It's not that big of a deal - if you don't agree fine. Just give it up with the "whiner" and "I looked it up ahead of time and knew what was in it" crap. It doesn't prove anything, but that you feel a compelling need to be contrary.

P.S. No, you CAN'T make a shirt as nice as a commercial one. Your iron on crap will peel off and fade faster than the trash they try to pass off on e-bay. It may look pretty the first 5 minutes, but enjoy those first 5.