Sorry, did you want Skype on your PSP?


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Sony f**ked up again.

Considering the product and firmware update needed to use it were supposed to launch, in Japan at least, on the 24th, (i.e. tomorrow) one would have thought Sony might have identified the problem sooner than now and hopefully rectified it. Mind you, as we all know, common sense and Sony don't often mix.

People who support Sony must get pleasure from being abused.


I'm more curious as to who actually plans on using the PSP as a phone? I think it's a safe assumption that pretty much everyone who owns a PSP would have a cellphone and so, why bother? Does it offer some kind of benefit that I'm unaware about?

Keep in mind that I really don't know anything about Skype aside from the fact that it's a VoIP service.
Seriously, first and foremost, the PSP is a portable gaming system. It already has a ton of extra features as it is, and also makes a great device for home-brew apps. I don't see the reason for hostility towards Sony for this.
Apart from the fact they failed to deliver on their promises in a hilariously incompetent way, as usual? They leave it till the day before the product launch before realising that the mics don't actually pass the Skype quality control standard.

It can't take much intelligence to build a mic to pass that standard in the first place. Infact, building a mic to pass that standard would be pretty far up anyones list of priorities. But not Sony's, oh no.

Who cares if people wanted this feature in the first place. Sony thought there was obviously enough demand for it, otherwise they wouldn't have built it.

... Unless they f**ked up here as well - but either way... You can't defend their complete stupidity on this one.
Uh yeah, for people that were anxiously awaiting Skype on the PSP...this sux.

Quality control on critical components would be pretty high on my list. But, whatever, I'm just a guy typing in a forum...
What's the deal with incompetent mics, I have my own ones.
there isn't going to be any VoIP on the PSP and there's nothing any of us can do to change that

Writer is an ignorant twat.

And it's better than than what Sony has going.

For those of you who live in the US or Europe, consider yourselves to be lucky since the corresponding PSP Skype launch won't be affected. Sony added that it "will make no difference to the European and USA launch, which will coincide with the end of January firmware upgrade."

Whew! With Japan being the only one affected, it looks like the PSP Skype launch is still something we can all look forward to.

People who support Sony must get pleasure from being abused.

Likewise people who write things such as posted in your link must enjoy looking like complete tards.
I wasn't under the impression that Skype microphone standards were especially high.
Writer is an ignorant twat.
By that logic, there must be a lot of ignorant twats with their facts wrong.

What is it about fanboys that stops them from being able to concede that Sony have actually made a big mistake here? The fact is, on the eve of the planned launch of the hardware, they've had to cancel because they've only just found out their microphones are crap. That's one hell of a blunder with no reasonable excuse, other than sheer incompetence.
By that logic, there must be a lot of ignorant twats with their facts wrong.

What is it about fanboys that stops them from being able to concede that Sony have actually made a big mistake here? The fact is, on the eve of the planned launch of the hardware, they've had to cancel because they've only just found out their microphones are crap. That's one hell of a blunder with no reasonable excuse, other than sheer incompetence.

/facepalm Re-read my post and comprehend the first quote, then follow my first link and read the quote again. And FFS all those news article specifically mention the launch is delayed in JAPAN. As my post explains the US/EU launch is not affected.
/facepalm Re-read my post and comprehend the first quote.
I read your whole post ... Like I said, you don't concede Sonys mistake, all you do is link to alternative software that has nothing to do with Sony like it somehow compensates for it. The EU/US launch may be unaffected but that doesn't mean it's OK. The original fact is unaffected - On the eve of the PSP Skype launch in Japan, Sony have had to cancel due to inferior products. If you don't think this sheer incompetency then there's something wrong with you.
I read your whole post ... Like I said, you don't concede Sonys mistake, all you do is link to alternative software that has nothing to do with Sony like it somehow compensates for it.

God your making me want to rip my ****ing hair out here. He writes "there isn't going to be any VoIP on the PSP" Which is bollocks because there already is VOIP on the PSP it's homebrew but that hardly matters. I did not condone Sony's mistake. Further more his statement is bullshit to begin with the launch is still going ahead for EU/US.

Jesus Christ I never thought people could be so bloody dense, I need to have a rest.

If you don't think this sheer incompetency then there's something wrong with you.

Oh please do tell me where I said it wasn't incompetence. Go on. All I did was point out the author of that article is an idiot. Delayed, yes in Japan with no current date for release. But delayed in EU/US no and still going ahead. So there is going to be official VOIP on the PSP, hence his article is complete bullshit.

Let this be the end of it. Your mistake was assuming I'm a Sony fanboy.
The thread was made to inform people of the delay of the Skype PSP launch in Japan, and poke fun at another blunder from Sony.

Maybe I posted a bad source, but the underlying fact remains unchanged. Would you be happy if I changed the source in the OP?
Then it wouldn't make any sense why I raged at it. At least we see eye to eye now. Really though stuff ups are so common at Sony these days. The laughter value dropped a long time ago, it's more or less now pitying them.
It's gotten too easy to assume people are Sony fanboys. Sony has become the simple kid on the playground who everyone picks on because it's easy. Therefore anyone who tries to stand stand up for them must be gay for them.



Anyway, being a bully is much more fun. Sony sucks! Lol.
By that logic, there must be a lot of ignorant twats with their facts wrong.

There's at least one ...

What is it about fanboys that stops them from being able to concede that Sony have actually made a big mistake here? The fact is, on the eve of the planned launch of the hardware, they've had to cancel because they've only just found out their microphones are crap. That's one hell of a blunder with no reasonable excuse, other than sheer incompetence.

Seriously? Does this really matter all that much to you? Do you even own a PSP? Why the hell do you ****ing care? This is a completely useless feature anyway and is just another bullet point Sony can add on the back of the box to market the PSP. I haven't even touched half of the features on this thing and most of them seem more useful than this.

Honest to god man, why? Why are you so worked up about this? This affects people that a)Own PSP's b)Live in Japan and c)Don't own cell phones. Do you fall into any one of those categories, let alone all of them? Does anyone?
The Sony bashing is indeed getting pretty old. I mean, it is a nice-to-have feature if you are making a list of its capabilities, but who is actually going to use it??

That said, they'd better not delay one of the other cool features!!!
I'm not a Sony fanboy, just as I'm not an anything fanboy. What I'm saying is that the PSP is a machine designed to play games. They misjudged the capability of their 3 year old handheld in running a feature that wasn't even originally promised. No where was skype even used as a selling point. As is, the PSP is a great little device, but still you feel justified in bashing Sony. If the Sony bashing bandwagon was tangible, you'd make a fit driver.
No need to apologize I didn't even want Skype in the first place ;)

Thanks for the useless thread though.
Nobody's questioning the usefulness of the feature or whether or not it was originally promised. Sony cocked up. That's all.

Also, if it's getting "old" to bash Sony, that's only because they're so consistently incompetent.
Nobody's questioning the usefulness of the feature or whether or not it was "originally" promised. Sony cocked up. That's all.

Also, if it's getting "old" to bash Sony, that's only because they're so consistently incompetent.

It's getting old because some of Sony-bashing threads are grasping at straws rather than offering solid points to backup the bashing.
No worse than the excuses fanboys conjure up to dismiss the bashing.
Funny you mention Sony fanboys, since how many of them are here? 1? 2? When was the last time you saw a Sony fanboy post a thread and continuously bash the X360 over and over at whatever mistake MS made?

If anything, the Sony owners here are pretty bi-partisan in their attitude. It's probably got more to do with the ridiculous anti-Sony bashing for the sake of bashing attitude that engulfed the forum for a while.
Like I said, people bash Sony because they make it so easy, it's not like people have to make up reasons. Also, not that it has anything to do with this, but noone's denying MS made some pretty big mistakes, too - It just hasn't been on quite as consistent a basis.

Oh, but while we're on the topic, Undertow? Seriously, MS? :|
Like I said, people bash Sony because they make it so easy, it's not like people have to make up reasons. Also, not that it has anything to do with this, but noone's denying MS made some pretty big mistakes, too - It just hasn't been on quite as consistent a basis.

There's a difference between making a topic about an interview with a MS employee where they state that MS knew the product wasn't ready but released it anyway to beat Nintendo and Sony to market, resulting in massive product failure - and one about an insignificant service that got delayed a bit in Japan. A big difference.

A fair topic of contention is how Sony used CG and passed it off as ingame to hype up the PS3, or how they arbitrarily removed PS2 backwards compatibility from newer model PS3's just to drive sales of PS3 games. Those are legitimate, serious issues that are worthy of discussion.

This topic, however, is clearly the result of a slack jawed fanboy desperately trying to grab a hold of whatever straws he can because he feels like he needs to insult Sony. It's pretty common on this forum, and it's really ****ing stupid. I've never seen such a slew of brainless bandwagon hoppers as I have on this forum, though it has gotten considerably better.
Bandwagon hoppers?

It's just a laugh to poke fun at a company that used to be number one, but has the worst PR/management staff in the world.

The PS3 isn't entertainment for the masses - but watching Sony Management is.