Sorry had to brag - Look what I just bought.

I wont scour the web for the information because Ill be getting the card soon enough, Plus im not the one here with a vendetta against Nvidia who keeps posting hearsay. I've got nothing to prove, Im just pointing out that your acting as if its a fact when clearly it has yet to be proven.
well if thats so, then nothin you say has been proven either so why are we fighting
15-20 fps!!!! you really have no idea what your talking about

you might see 5 fps in 1200x1600

seriously you need to do some more research.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
15-20 fps!!!! you really have no idea what your talking about

you might see 5 fps in 1200x1600

seriously you need to do some more research.

I do have an idea what im talking about, I just researched it to double check. Since your using words like "Might" im assuming you have no idea what your talking about since you didnt even bother to research it and get a quote from a review.

As I said im satisfied with my purchase and ive been following the video card scene for 3 years now so I do not go out and make a large purchase such as this one without researching the product extensively.

The 15-20 FPS gains were taken from a review site's two benchmarks in 1600x1200 as there are currently no credible reviews which pit the 5900 and the 5900 Ultra. Quit trying to bring me down because I paid 100 dollars more for the Ultra - Its not going to work. I bought it to overclock it and the core has a 50meg increase, To me with my current financial situation I think that coupled with the 128 meg ram increase justifies the products pricing. To add to that, someone from Valve even stated that having more ram on the video card will show a performance increase.

You need to stop this, You arent going to make me wake up or whatever your trying to do.
Northwood83 give it a rest already, you've been beat. Your so called 15-20fps increase if just biased reporting i bet. I consider myself to be knowledgeable in video cards, from the reviews that ive seen from many many sites they have yet to show that much of an increase. Maybe with future games you'll get benefits with the 256mb but now with current games you dont.
erm btw..i dont really trust research crap benchmarks etc...i wouldnt be posting here if i hadnt expierianced both of these cards in person....i dont think the 10 fps rise is worth worse image quality....and yes....the 5900 ultra dose have worse image quality..though i say worse i didnt not say bad.
Originally posted by Northwood83
I do have an idea what im talking about, I just researched it to double check. Since your using words like "Might" im assuming you have no idea what your talking about since you didnt even bother to research it and get a quote from a review.

As I said im satisfied with my purchase and ive been following the video card scene for 3 years now so I do not go out and make a large purchase such as this one without researching the product extensively.

The 15-20 FPS gains were taken from a review site's two benchmarks in 1600x1200 as there are currently no credible reviews which pit the 5900 and the 5900 Ultra. Quit trying to bring me down because I paid 100 dollars more for the Ultra - Its not going to work. I bought it to overclock it and the core has a 50meg increase, To me with my current financial situation I think that coupled with the 128 meg ram increase justifies the products pricing. To add to that, someone from Valve even stated that having more ram on the video card will show a performance increase.

You need to stop this, You arent going to make me wake up or whatever your trying to do.

just becuase you can copy and past a review doesnt mean you know any more than me.......

15-20 fps is a rediculus number... i hope you know that.....

there is no game current or announced that takes advantage of a 256 meg card......

wasted your money...:thumbs:
Yeah he did, and soon he'll come back saying were all ati fanboi's ruining his party. Would you like me to remove that "i bet" part? Would it make you feel happy?
And although right now 256 MB memory is complete overkill and will not make a big difference performance wise at this time.
Link (4th paragraph down)
Still, the Radeon 9800 Pro is ahead in most modes thanks to 8 pixel pipelines rendering 1 pixel per clock with one texture applied.
Link (Just look at the benchmark's)

Both the cards have their strong points, You'll only notice the difference when you run with higher resolution. Im sure ATI wil come out on top again in a month or two and this wil keep going. The price for the 5900 keeps alot of people away so only some hardcore fan is going to buy it, same with the 9800 pro (even though you can oc non-pro to pro speeds). With that i end my post for now, people must sleep ;)

Edit: By the time a game comes out that needs 256mb ram to get all the cool effects the 5600 will be history in my opinion and probably many others.
Originally posted by Northwood83
Show me proof they lowerd IQ in games for FPS gains, I have yet to see it. All I've heard is wild speculation about UT2k3 and its trilinear buffering but Ive seen no proof. A reviewer at Anantech has emailed Nvidia about the situation and everyone is awaiting its reply before they go mouthing off as if its the gospel. Im waiting for it as well.

I get my info from Beyond3d and a number of other sites. Im sorry you dont like my purchase decision but why try and flame me? Its obvious by your use of nvidiot that your an ATI fanboy which throws almost all of your credibility out the window.

I care about Doom III benchmarks as it was the main reason I bought this new card.

Please try to remember im asking for proof of lowering IQ in GAMES and not BENCHMARKS. I agree that "cheating" in benchmarks is a lowly practice but Its not going to make me weep, as I dont base my purchase on benchmarks alone.

BTW you seem to forget/not know about about the Quack3.exe fiasco. If you havent heard of it I suggest you go look it up, It was quite amusing. ATI isnt as clean as you think. Before you go calling me a Nvidia fanboy, I have an ATI tv card inside my PC.,3973,1088795,00.asp
Read it all, benchmarks, yes, but proof.
D3 was the main reason? Haha, that's sad man, just sad.
ONE cheat, ONE. Nvidia has several cheats and you think ONE is reason enough to disslike ATI?
Nor is Nvidia, so I don't see why I should like them instead.
And? Having that card doesn't mean you don't dislike them, since you bought it you could have changed your mind or by other reasons changed side.
I have a ti4200, does it seem like I like Nvidia?
me enjoys my AA on my 9800 with HL2 as nvidia owners get burnt on no AA for $500
I dont dislike ATI, Infact I helped 2 people so far pick out their video card - A Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro. Dude the whole Nvidia cheating has been confirmed by Nvidia now even. They are changing their ways however:

Ive heard from others that their new leaked drivers have all the previous optimizations removed.

I never denied that they cheated in 3dmark so why go through the trouble to find a link I've alread read? As for the AA problem Im sure its going to be fixed somehow, I doubt Nvidia would let its flagship card be left out in the cold when it comes to AA. The driver dev team is really talented so I anticipate a fix. Even if it does not come however Its not going to bother me, Ill simply suck it up and put the resolution a little higher to removed jaggies. Besides, changing the resolution doesnt deliver as much of a performance hit as AA 8X.
Originally posted by Northwood83
I dont dislike ATI, Infact I helped 2 people so far pick out their video card - A Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro. Dude the whole Nvidia cheating has been confirmed by Nvidia now even. They are changing their ways however:

Ive heard from others that their new leaked drivers have all the previous optimizations removed.

I never denied that they cheated in 3dmark so why go through the trouble to find a link I've alread read? As for the AA problem Im sure its going to be fixed somehow, I doubt Nvidia would let its flagship card be left out in the cold when it comes to AA. The driver dev team is really talented so I anticipate a fix. Even if it does not come however Its not going to bother me, Ill simply suck it up and put the resolution a little higher to removed jaggies. Besides, changing the resolution doesnt deliver as much of a performance hit as AA 8X.

as long as you have a decent monitor you should be fine.

btw....i nvr said it was a bad card...for the record
Yeah, I can do 1600x1200 at 85 hertz so im fine. Ill be getting a new monitor eventually but for now im good.
i see the ati crowd are still bitching and whgining and complaining. well i deal in FACTS. and the FACT is i took a 9800 pro and a 5900 ultra and put them on the same machine and the 5900 won hands down. you see there is this thing many people try to deny, it is called REALITY, and the simple reality is that i have seen for myself with my own 2 eyes is the 5900 is simply the best card out there...PERIOD. i put both cards through thier paces with different various settings the ATI card is good, the nvidia was better..end of story.

i notice many people claim nvidia "cheated" because they wrote optimizations for 3dmark, well all ATI had to do was write optimizations too...OH!!! wait...THEY DID... ROFL!!! i suppose optimizations for different games is "cheating" which case i say "cheat on nvidia!! you do it better than ATI does!!"

it is not nvidia's fault ATI cant make a decent driver. of the 2 cards nvidia based ones are vastly the more stable...again this is something i have seen from working with both companies cards everyday, not something i read at billyjoejimbob's "hardware review" site...but people tend to believe what they want to despite reality around them demonstrating differently.

as far as image quality goes, they both looked great to me(that is until the ATI card crashed) i suppose i could blow up the screens past what the eye perceives and say that the ati looks better...

that thing called reality hits like a brick. at our store we have a 9800pro and 5900U machines running next to each other. without saying which card is in which machine i ask people which one looks the best. most say they look the same(same res, color depth etc. both on 19" trinitrons) some pick the ATI, a few more the nvidia...again this is reality, very inconvenient to the ATI diehards so far...

a person bought a 5900, good for him, i am getting mine in the next week or so, and to those who do not like it, i hope you get over it soon...and if you do not, i still won't care because i will be in gaming heaven with my xp2500 running at 2.2GhZ 512 megs of ram in dual channel, a 5900 ultra, and awesome sound from my audigy and logitech speakers.
Here let me settle this argument.

9800 > 5900

Both mathematically, and video card wise.
What sad times we live in where you cannot post what card you bought without getting flamed or getting told you could do better with XXXX card. I've never seen this level of hostility towards Cards before, I suppose its because ATI had the crown but lost it recently to the 5900 and some people just cant deal with it.
Welcome to last week, just let this die already. We all know ATI is more bang for the buck and nvidia needs to get their shit together.
Originally posted by Northwood83
What sad times we live in where you cannot post what card you bought without getting flamed or getting told you could do better with XXXX card. I've never seen this level of hostility towards Cards before, I suppose its because ATI had the crown but lost it recently to the 5900 and some people just cant deal with it.

Yes, it sad that some people buy a card from a company that doesn't feel any shame or regret about cheating and lowering IQ to boost FPS.
The hostility is there by a reason and is not there for nothing.
Check a few posts back and youll see they are changing that. Seems like you dont even read other people's posts. Your also forgetting that ATI did the same thing, So by your words its also sad that people buy ATI as well.
Whats sad is you feel the need to continue posting that this thread is useless when other dont think the same way. Quit trying to enforce your Nazi like control over the thread and let people take it where they want.

If you dont like this thread then stop spamming it with your off topic comments. Its no wonder why your an Ant Lion already, You just spam all over the place. You already expressed your dislike for this thread many times. Quit adding fuel to the fire.
Originally posted by Northwood83

If you dont like this thread then stop spamming it with your off topic comments. Its no wonder why your an Ant Lion already, You just spam all over the place.

Look at the date i registed. *gasp*

Quit adding fuel to the fire.

Oh the irony!
Originally posted by Northwood83
Check a few posts back and youll see they are changing that. Seems like you dont even read other people's posts. Your also forgetting that ATI did the same thing, So by your words its also sad that people buy ATI as well.

I rarely have the time to read all the posts in a thread and I don't put much energy in remembering what every single one has posted.
Same thing? Please tell me wich and what time. Is it Q3 or the 3DMark03? That thing about Q3 I know little about, because it happened before I really knew anything about gfx. And that "cheating" in 3DMark03 is so small and can hardly count as some sort of boost, and they where directly willing to talk about it when it was discovered and they explained.

Edit: And could be so kind as to answer to my post:
Read it all, benchmarks, yes, but proof.
D3 was the main reason? Haha, that's sad man, just sad.
ONE cheat, ONE. Nvidia has several cheats and you think ONE is reason enough to disslike ATI?
Nor is Nvidia, so I don't see why I should like them instead.
And? Having that card doesn't mean you don't dislike them, since you bought it you could have changed your mind or by other reasons changed side.
I have a ti4200, does it seem like I like Nvidia?"
Originally posted by Northwood83
Whats sad is you feel the need to continue posting that this thread is useless when other dont think the same way. Quit trying to enforce your Nazi like control over the thread and let people take it where they want.

If you dont like this thread then stop spamming it with your off topic comments. Its no wonder why your an Ant Lion already, You just spam all over the place. You already expressed your dislike for this thread many times. Quit adding fuel to the fire.

Did you really think about what you really wrote?
Originally posted by A.A
I rarely have the time to read all the posts in a thread and I don't put much energy in remembering what every single one has posted.
Same thing? Please tell me wich and what time. Is it Q3 or the 3DMark03? That thing about Q3 I know little about, because it happened before I really knew anything about gfx. And that "cheating" in 3DMark03 is so small and can hardly count as some sort of boost, and they where directly willing to talk about it when it was discovered and they explained.

Edit: And could be so kind as to answer to my post:
Read it all, benchmarks, yes, but proof.
D3 was the main reason? Haha, that's sad man, just sad.
ONE cheat, ONE. Nvidia has several cheats and you think ONE is reason enough to disslike ATI?
Nor is Nvidia, so I don't see why I should like them instead.
And? Having that card doesn't mean you don't dislike them, since you bought it you could have changed your mind or by other reasons changed side.
I have a ti4200, does it seem like I like Nvidia?"

Yes, I was referring to the Quake3/Quack3 issue. As I said in a previous post, I dont like it when a company cheats on a benchmark but im not going to worry about it, If they do it in a game then its another matter entirely.

Again, As I stated in a previous post: "I dont dislike ATI, Infact I helped 2 people so far pick out their video card - A Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro."
If you arent going to bother reading other peoples posts then why continue in this debate?

What am I supposed to see about this Extreme tech artice? 3dmark cheating, Yes and? I already acknowlged that they did this many times now, but you keep beating a dead horse.

Try and make use of the Edit button. Double posting 2 minutes after your previous post is only to inflate your post count.

Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Link (4th paragraph down)

Link (Just look at the benchmark's)

Both the cards have their strong points, You'll only notice the difference when you run with higher resolution. Im sure ATI wil come out on top again in a month or two and this wil keep going. The price for the 5900 keeps alot of people away so only some hardcore fan is going to buy it, same with the 9800 pro (even though you can oc non-pro to pro speeds). With that i end my post for now, people must sleep ;)

Edit: By the time a game comes out that needs 256mb ram to get all the cool effects the 5600 will be history in my opinion and probably many others.

Hey look I can quote that digital life article too:
If we sum up all highs and lows, the NV35 will be the fastest game graphics card despite the fact that it loses sometimes to the ATI's card.
Why do you bring up peoples post counts so much? A bigger post count makes you jealous?
Why do you keep going off main topic? At least include something about the main topic instead of that. Noone likes a person who posts constanly under their previous one. The edit button is here for a reason, use it.
Originally posted by Northwood83
Yes, I was referring to the Quake3/Quack3 issue. As I said in a previous post, I dont like it when a company cheats on a benchmark but im not going to worry about it, If they do it in a game then its another matter entirely.

Again, As I stated in a previous post: "I dont dislike ATI, Infact I helped 2 people so far pick out their video card - A Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro."
If you arent going to bother reading other peoples posts then why continue in this debate?

What am I supposed to see about this Extreme tech artice? 3dmark cheating, Yes and? I already acknowlged that they did this many times now, but you keep beating a dead horse.

Try and make use of the Edit button. Double posting 2 minutes after your previous post is only to inflate your post count.

Everyone has their own opinions, and that's why this discussion won't lead anywhere.
I don't want to keep going on and on with this childish argueing because noone of ous will ever listen or believe the other.
I bother as much as I can, I never said i'd didn't give a shit about what other people write, did I?

Is it? Oh, then I know I only do it to get some more damn posts.
Stop being such a child and making things up, you'r beginning to anoy me.
It's not double posting, I'm useing the quote button, that button on the right of the edit button, can you see it? I'm quoteing your posts one by one, because I find it better.
(sorry for any bad spelling)
Originally posted by Northwood83
Why do you keep going off main topic? At least include something about the main topic instead of that. Noone likes a person who posts constanly under their previous one. The edit button is here for a reason, use it.

If it's so anoying, don't bother to reply.
Noone does? That's something new to me. Well no I know I don't like that, thanks for telling me.
Originally posted by A.A
Yes, it sad that some people buy a card from a company that doesn't feel any shame or regret about cheating and lowering IQ to boost FPS.
The hostility is there by a reason and is not there for nothing.

surely your not referring to ATI writing optimizatons....surely not! we all know ATI, (that icon of never-do-wrongness) would NEVER do such a thing!! ;)

as far as the hostility goes, most of it is from people who still cannot deal with the fact 3dfx got hosed by now aTI is thier hero.

ATI cards remind me of a ferrari with mechanical trouble, sure it's fast and has lots of power, but what good does it do if it breaks down every 3 blocks?

like i mentioned in my earlier post, i put both cards in the same computer, the nvidia looked just as good, and ran faster and did not crash in codecreatures like the 9800pro did. i put in an old game i really like, (wheel of time) to compare how both cards did, to bad the ati card would not even run fact ATI seems to have lots of compatibility issues. ATI people like to blame these problems on everything else BUT the vid card, but the fact remains i did not have these problems with nvidia based cards...BTW has ATI solved that problem their tech support calls a "known issue" with the AIW 8500 and nforce2 boards without disabling the firewire?
Originally posted by Shad0hawK
surely your not referring to ATI writing optimizatons....surely not! we all know ATI, (that icon of never-do-wrongness) would NEVER do such a thing!! ;)

as far as the hostility goes, most of it is from people who still cannot deal with the fact 3dfx got hosed by now aTI is thier hero.

ATI cards remind me of a ferrari with mechanical trouble, sure it's fast and has lots of power, but what good does it do if it breaks down every 3 blocks?

like i mentioned in my earlier post, i put both cards in the same computer, the nvidia looked just as good, and ran faster and did not crash in codecreatures like the 9800pro did. i put in an old game i really like, (wheel of time) to compare how both cards did, to bad the ati card would not even run fact ATI seems to have lots of compatibility issues. ATI people like to blame these problems on everything else BUT the vid card, but the fact remains i di not have these problems with nvidia based cards...BTW has ATI solved that problem their tech support calls a "known issue" with the AIW 8500 and nforce2 boards without disabling the firewire?

What?.. *doesn't understand*

And you really did everything right?
They do, and I blame the games most of it, but drivers also.
You will find me hard to convince. If you think I'm a fanATIc, you'r half right, half wrong. I could tell you that at the moment I have a ti4200, because it's the absolutly best card for the price I got it (it would be about..$130. I only have a problem with the people at Nvidia, and the FX cards. And I think that ATI has the best mid-range and high-end cards.
That would be because Nvidia and ATI doesn't want to solve it together, for all I know. But maybe I've been missinformed or my memory fails me.

The clock is 02:42 AM (After Midnight, right?) and I really need my beautysleep (not that it would help, I would have to sleep for an eternity or two) but my head and eyes hurt, so I think it's needed anyway.
Good morning or good night, what ever the it may be.
Originally posted by A.A
What?.. *doesn't understand*

And you really did everything right?

yes, the machine was built with the 9800pro so no previous drivers were interfering, then we tried the 5900u afterwards after we got it in stock.

Originally posted by A.A
They do, and I blame the games most of it, but drivers also.
You will find me hard to convince. If you think I'm a fanATIc, you'r half right, half wrong. I could tell you that at the moment I have a ti4200, because it's the absolutly best card for the price I got it (it would be about..$130.

(in most cases)i blame the card, more specifically i blame the driver. if the game is really old that might be suspect, i am running a ti4400 tweaked to the max right now, and am waiting with great anticipation for my 5900.

Originally posted by A.A
[BI only have a problem with the people at Nvidia, and the FX cards. And I think that ATI has the best mid-range and high-end cards.
That would be because Nvidia and ATI doesn't want to solve it together, for all I know. But maybe I've been missinformed or my memory fails me..[/B]

i see no problem with the FX cards, they run great without any problems, of course i would not sell a 5200 to a far as high end goes i have seen for myself the 5900 is tops. and the 5600 ultra is not a bad card either, in fact with the new driver release the 5800 is actually good too.

Originally posted by A.A
[BIThe clock is 02:42 AM (After Midnight, right?) and I really need my beautysleep (not that it would help, I would have to sleep for an eternity or two) but my head and eyes hurt, so I think it's needed anyway.
Good morning or good night, what ever the it may be. [/B]

it is 8:15 pm here, and have a goodnight! :)
Well here is a quote that I found from one of the links that you put up Northwood83: "Generally 8XAA/8XAF is un-playable whereas the Radeon 9800 Pro is able to give playable 6XAA/8XAF and is above in quality and performance compared to the 5900 Ultra’s 8XAA."

Well the 9800 beats out the 5900 right there with better image quality as well, the game us Unreal Tournament 2003

Here is another quote: "The tables turned in Inferno where the 9800 Pro was able to lead the charts especially when AA and AF were enabled."

Again 9800 is ahead and proves that the 5900 takes a big hit when AA and AF are turned on, at least on UT2k3.

And they keep coming: "In Splinter Cell we saw that the 9800 Pro was much better in Oil Refinery which stresses shader speed. That lead held mostly true in 1_1_1 and 1_1_2tbilisi though the performance was much closer together between the cards overall."

ATI is ahead again.

More: "RTCW and Enemy Territory both perform much better on the 9800 Pro than the 5900 Ultra, although the difference in performance is somewhat unimportant."

I dont know why he says that it performs much better on the 9800 but then says it is not important but still the 9800 is better.

Here is the link if you want it: Link, Click Me

Oh yeah, I am not and ATI fanboy, I actually have an Nvidia card in this computer right now, and I do like it but I am just stating some things that say the 9800 is better.
Originally posted by Northwood83
Why do you keep going off main topic? At least include something about the main topic instead of that. Noone likes a person who posts constanly under their previous one. The edit button is here for a reason, use it.

The irony is strong with this one.

Quit trying to enforce your Nazi like control over the thread and let people take it where they want.
If you dont like this thread then stop spamming it

I would just like to say that the Doom 3 test was completely organized and hosted by Nvidia. Nvidia had the Doom 3 build used as a benchmark previous to the test, and could have made any amount of changes or optimizations. Meanwhile, ATI was also screwed over in that test because their on-and-off drivers didn't make use of the extra 128MB of RAM, or there was a different driver bug that flatlined the Radeon's FPS at 10 frames per second, forcing HardOCP to use older drivers.

As for the choice between GeForceFX 5900 and Radeon 9800 Pro . . .

I'd go for the Matrox Parhelion.
Just kidding.