Sorry if its been asked.


Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
I had a look through the valve info thread and couldn't find the answer but does the 256MB 9800XT's come with single player, multi player or no HL2 coupon.

Thanks for your time.
You get the full version (aka, both Singleplayer and multiplayer.)

Thats what i know, fill me in if im wrong.
don't bother buying a card with the coupon.. the next best ATI card will be out before HL2
I'm not buying the card for HL2, I'm doing it for a good card. The coupon is a bonus but I'm wondering what exactly IS the bonus :p
I'll be asking this question when I next talk to Rick Ellis, see 'Who wants to ask Rick Ellis a question'
i dont know and im not going to get that card anyway :p Too much money :frown: My video card will be good enough-Nvidia GeForce4 Ti 4600:)
Yeah, the Ti 4600 should run the game fine. Though you will not get the DX9 quality :).
what is the difference shaderwise? I saw those comparison screenshots and 8.1 and 9.0 shaders looked absolutely identical.. If someone found differences please post a link cause I couldn't spot the diff/..
to answer your question about the coupon.....

It IS SINGLE player and MULTI player version. I am buying the 9800xt myself once tax refund comes and I have gone to many websites showing an image of the coupon and ATI's website themselves have a image of the contents and it specifically has single and mutiplayer version on the coupon. I also believe by reading it is that you are going to get it through steam. I was also told that if you want a boxed version its going to cost 15 bucks to ship, which is still worth it versus the 50 bucks for buying it in the store
jimbones said:
what is the difference shaderwise? I saw those comparison screenshots and 8.1 and 9.0 shaders looked absolutely identical.. If someone found differences please post a link cause I couldn't spot the diff/..

If thats the pic from HL2 then that scene has only a very tiny ammount of DX9 stuff in it (if anything at all). If you wanna see what DX9 can do download the HDR video.