Sorry to ask but....?

I remenber the princess jen incident

for the people that dont know

a menber called princess_jen or something like that started posting pictures of "herself" each one more revealing that the previous one,the thread got more visits and posts that emos to a the cure concert

most of those posts where jokes and such

but them I think(didnt witnessed that part) she asked money to get a new videocard in a paypal account,dont rembner if she offered more pictures or something like that but it seems a lot of people was convinced she was the one int he photos

I think the mods discovered the trick so it was a men using pics of some girls and aparently some people did send money and the mods took legal action

or something like that

I barely remenber it
Ah. I never realised it was quite that serious. The way people joked about when it was mentioed I never imagied that the mods took legal action because of it. Interesting. Thanks for telling me. I was wondering about that for ages.
I reckon' the Party incident was a real incident, since Riomhaire caused the entire thing unintentionally.
Proll, Misc, Stern Ascension, Party Incident, broken and Chernobyl..... all incidents, yet the worthiness of the 'incident' title is debated continuosly
Party Incident, is not an Incident, becouse as far as im concerned, it's not ****ing over yet.

Viva la revolution!
As for right now the party incident was just a party.
As 'Nomb' said it best,
Nomb said:
this is dumb
Honestly, the broken incident is my favorite, since my silly signature was one of the victims.
Half Life 2 Episode Incident ???

Please stop doing that. No one will like you. I'll forgive you using one of your unnecessary* apologies from earlier.

*Meh, not gonna bother worrying about spelling.
I still have the copypasta from when I phished that guy and the mods were up in :arms: and Valve were up in :arms: and I nearly got banned from both here and Steam.

And the internet.

And life itself.
I'm a bit of a newbie too.
Some of these 'incidents' sound quite interesting.
Who're you calling a newbie?

While we're at it, what exactly was the Angry Lawyer incident? I've heard it mentioned a few times over the years, but never got a clear understanding what it was.

Well, I decided to ban all of Deathseekers accounts, and it seems they are all really one person...


Holy shit on a stick, Princess Jen was RakuraiTenjin?
D: I read that Rakurai post too, but it made so little sense (the order of the post) that I figured it must just be BS or I misunderstood it.
No, as stated in the thread, it wasn't him. That was the point.
Ah. Well it must've been after I stopped reading and started jumping to wild conclusions then.
I found this site around that princess_jen incident but I don't remember it. I lurked around mainly because the latest news on HL2 was here with the best rumors. A lot of times I didn't want to post because it wasn't necessary but then I decided to join the fun. Anybody missing the biggest one?! Yeah the Munro incident? Oh that's right it never happened, the same way Munro covered up that other incident:
This happens on every forum every few months. :| Enough is enough now.
Almost like an assassin that kills his victim with a silenced pistol. THUMP, THUMP, whistles and walks away. Also when Valve went down with the whole power outage thing. Since this site is hosted by Valve, went down as well. The whole "Band of Spammers" thing on YTMND as well.
I found this site around that princess_jen incident but I don't remember it. I lurked around mainly because the latest news on HL2 was here with the best rumors. A lot of times I didn't want to post because it wasn't necessary but then I decided to join the fun. Anybody missing the biggest one?! Yeah the Munro incident? Oh that's right it never happened, the same way Munro covered up that other incident:
Almost like an assassin that kills his victim with a silenced pistol. THUMP, THUMP, whistles and walks away. Also when Valve went down with the whole power outage thing. Since this site is hosted by Valve, went down as well. The whole "Band of Spammers" thing on YTMND as well.

I remember watching the band of spammers. Lol's were had.
While we're at it, what exactly was the Angry Lawyer incident? I've heard it mentioned a few times over the years, but never got a clear understanding what it was.

Basically angry lawyer was banned and a bunch of members went crazy (myself included) and spammed and shit like that.

We found out later he was banned by request.
Basically angry lawyer was banned and a bunch of members went crazy (myself included) and spammed and shit like that.

We found out later he was banned by request.
Hardly sounds like an incident. D:

Anyone remember the Free Munro incident? That happened during the summer of 2005 if I remember correctly.
Hardly sounds like an incident. D:

Anyone remember the Free Munro incident? That happened during the summer of 2005 if I remember correctly.

Well obviously I'm not going into details. There was a lot to it. Normal forum activities were halted while the fawkes-mask-wearing forumites set fires and threw bricks protesting the prosecution of our Angry one.
The Hetairia incident. Good times.
Hahahahahaha. I was one of the Angry Lawyer spammers :|

There were also random things, like the condiment clubs... then something to do with pancakes... which is still in my signature...

Then the Munro Incident... aaaaand then broke and I stopped logging on... hello everyone btw. ;D


edit: that's not in chronological order...
I remember the Princess Jen fiasco although I didn't participate in it (luckily :D), I also remember the minute the thread disappeared. And Deathseeker isn't Rakurai, although I think he has some connection to him (RL friends or something?).
Me? I've been out and about. Seen the world, save a bear... become addicted to Kitten Huffing and just generally gained a level...