sorry to those that i offended

  • Thread starter Thread starter ktimekiller2
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my normal account, ktimekiller got banned for being flamehappy, im sorry to all the people that i offended, i didnt really mean it, im really sorry. i hope when my account gets unbanned,(2 days) i will act better, and try to help people. i didnt mean anything, but i think some people need to apolizies to me, like that one guy Jesus Lincoln , there was someone spamming, and he said it was me, when he didnt even know, i think he needs to apolizies, i mean, that is really not fair, he pointed fingers, when he didnt even know anything! Jesus Lincoln im sorry if i offended you, so you accused me of being that spammer, but that just isnt fair. and again and again, im sorry to those i offended, when i get unbanned, i will try to act nice, and try not to flame, but you need to excuse my anger, i get angry fast in real life too. :P

Jesus Lincoln i dispise you.......

edit: can someone get jesus lincoln to read this? i cant send a private msg
huh.... oh, it got deleted by admins, and the user got banned

a few people saw it, i think the guy with the alien avatar, and some other dude
What did you say that was so offending?

(you can paraphase to avoid re-starting the fire)
well, some guy signed up to spam, and flame valve, and halflife2, so uhe spammed, then jesus said "its ktimekiller" and a few people said, "he might be flamehappy, but hes a solid halflife 2 fan" or something. then he made another thread (the spamming flamer) and jesus said the same again! "its ktimekiller" i was ferious!!!! i was like wtf???
You're really that impatient that you can't wait 2 days? Now they will probably perm ban you :(
ktimekiller2 said:
i only signed up because i love this forum......
Well.. good luck then :P I've just witnessed the heat smackin' down on people that make multiple accounts when banninated.

Dancing imus.

:imu: :imu:
aw give me a break. i cant help it, this forum is the best ive been to
hehe :P, i want my avatar to be "moving".. if you get me..

and yes.. this is the best forum ive been on.
You're not going to get an apology from Lincoln after saying you despise him.
you were there! you saw how he said its me! but it wasnt! he didnt even know it was me, but he just asumed
Well i was deeply offended and am having trouble sleeping at night. I'm having nightmares about the ktimekiller incident, i wake up in cold terror sweats praying for daylight.

Thankyou for ruining my life.

wowzors mcschnizzle!
Christ, I've had longer bans on my left pinky finger.
ok nvm, forget it, i was only trying to appolizise........
usual admin rules state that making a new forum account during a temporary account ban will result in a perma ban.... sorry but you probably wont be around for much longer....
go to the rules section

scroll down and you will see this.

Circumventing Bans

If you log onto the forums and receive a message that you have been banned, please email an admin to get in touch with you. You may NOT re register under a new name if the software lets you. But, if you try to sign up again and we catch you, then it will become a permanent IP Ban.
creating a second account to get around a ban is against our rules, why not just wait 2 days until your normal account is back?
Hrm, something will have to be done.
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