Source code thief caught

Using babelfish:

One week ago the arrested mutma?iche Phatbot Entwicker Axel G. respectively "Ago" was obviously working at full capacity with the programming of the Trojaners. It time remained f?vielf?ige Aktivit?n, about Einbr?e in stranger of systems. After searches of heise on-line "Ago" was ma?eblich involved in spektakul?n the source code theft of the PC play Halflife 2. Indications f?seine co-operation are even in ?entlich zug?lichen Chatlog files.

In September 2003 the code in the InterNet, geklaute by servers of the US-American Halflife manufacturer valve, had been ver?entlicht. Valve does not have the long expected play until today into the sales to give. When reason provided daf?wird indicated that the SOURCE code did not only betray the most important bases and software techniques, but also an inadvertent knowledge jump for Cheatern, which want to provide advantages gegen?r other players in such Multiplayer Games. After information of heise on-line numbered US-American Ermittlungsbeh?en the developed damage on more than 100 million US dollar.

Also German enterprises erw?n to formulate demands for payment of damages against Axel G.. The Karlsruher Provider Schlund&Partner for example became victim of a Phatbot test run: "since at the end of of February we had a strongly growing number of HTTP post office inquiries to our enterprise addresses and determined", said to firm speaker Andreas bricklayer heise on-line. "these inquiries did not come from a Browser, and their structure referred strongly to the Phatbot/Agobot worm." Each Request contained 200 KByte of useless data. Afterwards it turned out that Phatbot in this way determines the InterNet range of the landlord, whom he infected with a "speed test in such a way specified".

Throat had rather fast succeeded it to filter the Phatbot Requests. "H?en we our Web servers does not gepatcht, w?n by the Request alone in the M? about three Terabyte at detailed Datenm? accumulated ", so bricklayers. The Provider registered appropriate HTTP inquiries of approximately 750,000 different IP addresses. At least so many PCS are thus infected of the W?ern Agobot3 or Phatbot already. Virus experts sch?en the number of the stricken systems even on far?r one million.

On this realization are not based to throat of lie?es. "Stutzig made us that it was under the IPs a Linux Rootserver gehosteter of us, from which a Windows worm come should", reported bricklayers. "we got permission from the customer concerned for looking at us its computer. There we found the current source text of the Agobot3-Wurms as well as further information, which pointed on the fact that the worm was spread by this system." Throat?rmittelte the collected data schlie?ich the kriminalpolizei and refunded an announcement approximately unknown (main header/c't)
Wow. I don't know German, but I'd rather read German than read a Babelfish translation. :)

So this is legit? This is the guy we all hate?
hope its true. and i hope we can take him to jail or something. or at least valve makes a lot of money in a law suit.
Maybe they could make a 3d model of him and let you shoot him in source:p

Seriously though, anyone got any verification of this, even a good translation?
any english link? you'd think this would be big enough to be on english news sites :p
fuzzy_aus said:
Maybe they could make a 3d model of him and let you shoot him in source:p

Heh, that made me laugh. It would be cool, someone promise to make a mod where we'll shoot the ****ing source code thief! Make millions of him running helpless and begging for mercy! Then I could slaughter him, psosibly with my bear hands! I would truly enjoy that! His brain blowing off to the wall! Yes indeed, we'll see, we'll see....Mwhaha!! Mwhahahhahah!!!

Uh, anyway, this is great. Put the fecker into jail! Let him rot there with others like him.
maybe its first on german sites cuz the german press is more interested in german police reports then english press :)
Would be great news if it turned out to be true.

Ow, I so hope his 'trojan backdoor' gets 'hacked' in jail.
PvtRyan said:
Would be great news if it turned out to be true.

Ow, I so hope his 'trojan backdoor' gets 'hacked' in jail.

I think he's lucky to go to jail. Gamers are the craziest ppl if someone touch their games, which means we'd all like to take a bite out of him. Figuring that's at least one million gamers worldwide I don't think there'd be much left of him.

Truly hope this is real, or the topic starter should be banned. Get an english article NOW. And get BBC/FOX/ANYTHING ELSE on this FAST! This is world news.
Oh, thinks, he is related to the incident, because the guy in the chatlog had the same nick as the Agobot3/Phatbot programmer^^
i used on the words i didnt understand...tis okay

anyway....Hmm nice find :)
why should i be banned? I didnt wrote that article on

btw: this site is very serious.. said:
On last Sunday the presumed author of the Trojaners Phatbot festgenomme in Loerrach (Baden-Wuerttemberg) is to have been involved according to searches of heise on-line also in the spectacular theft of the SOURCE code of help Life 2. When a possible proof of its co-operation applies a publicly accessible Chatlog, in which "Ago" (as it calls itself) reports of the fact that he came to the source code.

< Unknown __> Might some interesting information here....
< Unknown __> [ 19:04:55 ] < Ago >:p
< Unknown __> [ 19:04:56 ] < Ago > it suxx, especially from valve ton of Germany
< Unknown __> [ 19:04:56 ] < Ago > but
< Unknown __> [ 19:04:56 ] < Ago > they had all the hl2 content in vss
< Unknown __> [ 19:04:56 ] < Ago > $/hl2/release/dev:p
< Unknown __> [ 19:05:00 ] < Ago > so i coded myself my own sourcesafe

The damage by the theft is bezifftert meanwhile on approximately 100 million US dollar. In addition the play until today was shifted again and again.

Thanks at Setinel2150 for the reference

updated (Steeefan, 14,05,2004 16:47:41)
Just report the colleagues of that the Phatbot developer is again on free foot. More information in addition you find in related left.

Full chatlog.
madca7` said:
why should i be banned? I didnt wrote that article on

btw: this site is very serious..

This site isnt serious, its just..well...more paranoid about the law shall we say :cheese:
I really hope they did catch the guy/guys that did this. It would be nice for everyone, Valve, Havok, VU Games, Us even... We are close to the release of this game we've been waiting for, Valve has recovered from the blow of the Source code being stolen, E3 just happened and Valve has impressed us once again. Now having the guys that stole the code caught would just be a nice end to the whole drama before they release their next mega hit game!
I want someone to find out what this guy looks like, then make that model of him that was mentioned...

It could be the official Source crash dummy model...
Talk about taking one for the team. He leaked the unfinished game and he's going to pay the full price. :|
Google translation, edited by me:

Axel G, author of the Phatbot internet worm, was arrested one week ago. Axel was reportedly working with the programming of the trojans used in a large internet attack. After internet searches "Ago" was even determined to be considerably involved in the spectacular source code theft of the PC game Halflife 2. Indications for his co-operation are even in publicly accessible Chatlog files. In September 2003 the SOURCE code was released to the internet, stolen from the servers of the US-American Halflife manufacturer valve. As a result, Valve was unable to release the long expected game until this year. When asked about the reason for the delay, Valve replied that the SOURCE code did not only reveal the most important internal software code, but also an inadvertent knowledge jump for potential cheating, which would provide unfair advantages for players in multiplayer games. American authorities estimated the monetary damage done by the attack in the millions of dollars. Also German authorities are considering requiring payment of damages against Axel G.

The Internet Provider "Schlund & Partners" for example became victim of a Axel G. Phatbot worm test run:
"Since at the end of of February we had experienced a strongly growing number of HTTP post office inquiries to our domain addresses and", said representative Andreas Bricklayer. "These inquiries did not come from a Browser, and their structure referred strongly to the Phatbot/Agobot worm."
Each Request contained 200 KByte of useless data. Afterwards it turned out that Phatbot uses this method to determine the internet range of the provider, designed to function as a "speed test". The provider quickly began to filter out all Phatbot worm server requests. "If we hadn't patched our servers, by March alone about three Terabytes of data garbage would have accumulated", said Bricklayer. The Provider registered about 750,000 HTTP server requests, each from different IP addresses. At least so many PCS are therefore infected by the worms Agobot3 or Phatbot already. Virus experts estimate the number of the infected systems at well over one million.

"Stutzig told us that one of the IPs was a Linux Rootserver, from which a Windows worm might come," reported Bricklayer. "We got permission from the customer concerned about looking at that computer. There we found the current source text of the Agobot3-Worms as well as further information, which pointed on the fact that the worm was spread by that system." Throat conveyed the collected data finally to the Police and was awarded an undisclosed amount.


I don't know German, but this was the best I could do.
yeah, I know. 'Throat' and 'Bricklayer'. We definately need a german speaker here.
This is great news if it's true. I just assumed the guy would never be caught. Let's hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law.
does anyone know his real name besides Axel G.?
Let's hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Bah, in mainland Europe, they probably give you a medal for stealing from American companies (j/k). :)
Personally, instead of prosecuting him, he should be forced to help develop new security protocols for Valve.
Actually we should feel sorry for him. He is the real victim. Something happened to him as a child which made him steal the code even though he really didn't want to do it. He was temporarily insane. His mom said he is a good boy. The real enemy is violent vidoe games and rap music.
Ghost Freeman said:
Personally, instead of prosecuting him, he should be forced to help develop new security protocols for Valve.

Better idea.

I also agree with alehm, let's join the MOTHERS!
great idea. then he could explicity leave HOLES in everything. wow, good plane :rolling:
Valve should just sue him for damages, thus forcing him into bankruptcy. That + jail term = ruined life for mister asshat.
Ah give em a break, he was just giving us what we wanted, halflife 2 on September 30th. Or a close approximation of a small portion of an old build of halflife 2. Whatever.
yeah, cos that had like NO effect on the pushing back of the release date, whatsoever.

gg noob - you want HL2? dont support nerds who delay the game release by getting themselves off hacking on the internet
If you think the source code theft was even 5% of the motivation for the delay your dead wrong. They had to rewrite some simple online coding things that don't even deal with the single player game, thats it. Gabe has even blatantly stated in some interviews that it wasn't the cause for the delay.

So feck off.