Source, crash test dummies!


Dec 8, 2004
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I fell that i have found a very usful task that the source engine can be used for! The think is that you really need to use Gmod to fully utilise it.
Thanks to the source engine, allowing for physics to be modeled and show in real time. It is possible to demonstrate crash test enviroments.
usually it is only really usful to demonstrate how the ragdolls are affected during these tests "laughs".
the reason form me posting this is that after two minutes of work, usually i found my self laughing my head off for another five!
The reason why i have opted to utilise the Gmod, is that it gives the user many tools to construct a test enviroment quickly " Thrusters, slider, props welding and frezzing, easy ragdoll manipulation, easy npc controls "

useful hints when using gmod for analysing the crashs.
with the console open i found that having
bind - "phys_timescale .1" was perfect for analysing a crash.
also bind = "phys_timescale 1" means the physics return to there normal speed. remember sv_cheats 1 must be on.

so coming to my conclusion "why not give it a go"
and post your suggestions, pictures and experiances
i will also post further pictures and ideas.
also tips to get the best results! Happy testing!
HEY! that's a good idea, i'm about to make a crash test video with a homemade wooden vehicle and breen... he he he
If you put a ragdoll in a car or something, then throw the car, sometimes the car freezes in mid-air and the ragdoll starts flailing around inside the car. I guess the physics engine has it's limitations.
diluted said:
If you put a ragdoll in a car or something, then throw the car, sometimes the car freezes in mid-air and the ragdoll starts flailing around inside the car. I guess the physics engine has it's limitations.

It's because the ragdoll has clipped into the car, and the physics engine doesn't exactly know what to do.
ok, been messing about again with gmod.
and found that having heavier objects hitting the ragdolls was real funny, and creates some good affects.
If you put a ragdoll in a car or something, then throw the car, sometimes the car freezes in mid-air
i usually found that having a ragdoll in the car caused problems, so i found possing the ragdoll on a crate or a box, then putting the same car on a slider with some trusters! send the car to the crate and watch the ragdoll fry through the air! "so funny once the timescale is slowed down"
oh, just thought must try it with a human pile up, then send the car at them! "should be good"
remember these tend to be very CPU intensive, and a such u will find that your FPS will drop quiet dramaticly!
Lol, that video is funny. I'm going to have to try that myself. :E Did you weld Breen to the chair?
yea, I welded his lower torso to the chair to simulate the effects of a seat belt, I should try it without welding him, though, he would probably fly out before he got to the wall... :D
i said i would post images of my crash tests,

this first one if breen lying over a box, unaware there is a table heading his way at 50mph! ha ha.

this secound one is breen possing for the camera!
any one else any good pictures?
I actually laughed when I watched that video :D . Good job! =).
lol at video :D

I had a go at crashing my G mobile.



thanks for the comments guys, and clarky003 nice car, lol, you should've put the aftermath though, anyways, good job
LOL! The video is so damn funny I almost fell outta my chair. Damn, I'm gonna try building that sort of a "car" too :p
Okay, I have to ask. How the hell do you build a car like that? I'm a newb when it comes to building objects like that in Gmod.

How do you get the wooden planks to be so precise? Very steady hand with the manipulator? Secondly, how do you get it to move? Thrusters or wheels? Couldn't get wheels to work, and thusters are... dangerous.
put wheels on put dont put them on, and in the thrusters menu click on one of the numbers 0-9 (make sure you have the thrust power that you want) and then place them, then you can press the number on the numpad to power the thruster instead of just having it go off all the time and the wooden planks being very precise, well.... i'm good with my hands.... <_<
lol this thread has been thriving since i last looked at it!
Loved that movie my self, laughed my head off!
also that car with gman in it clarky, looks cool.
HAHAHA that was a great movie, and that was a nice g-mobile too. I wish i could get that kind of stuff done but the coolest thing i've done on this subject is weld a bumch of blast doors together into a box, put a bunch of thrusters on the back (a LOT of thrusters) went inside and flew around. no screenies, cuz i was on inside, put it was fun till i died.
AlecRazec said:
Eh? As for the thrusters, okay. As for the building, any tips beyond don't suck? :)

I mean for the wheels, you put them on your vehicle, but when you hold "q" you don't press the button "turn on all wheels" or something like that, sorry i wasn't more specific