Source engine madness


Jan 23, 2004
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Bloodlines is schedualed to come out on October 24. Wouldn't that mean that the source engine will come out first on that game rather than HL2?? Wouldn't that put valve in a bad postiton...?? I mean people will be asking valve why they let some other company release a game with the source engine rather than their own game?? It just bothers me a little.
Ummm... isn't CS:S supposed to be released through Steam (as part of the Bronze/Silver/Gold packages) in a week? If I'm not mistaken, that also uses the Source engine. :E
Yes but that's also done by valve.

intresting thought,
Valve i'm sure would like to put out their game before another company that uses the same engine does to put out their game. But the whole lawsuit thing can hole them back and well, Valve is already in a bad position.
It wouldnt be fair for Troika if Valve held up their game after they are so close to releasing it, I mean they paid for the license right for source ? I just dont see valve doing that to them. They even have this article "Vampire soundtrack locked and loaded" so from the looks of it they are done.
Valve has made a deal with Activision that the game will not be released before Half-Life 2 is.
Bobcat said:
Valve has made a deal with Activision that the game will not be released before Half-Life 2 is.

Quote from "Affen"

"PC Gameplay September issue says that Vampire isn't bounded anymore by the agreement with Valve to release the game after HL² has been released. If another HL² release delay occurs, Activision now can release Vampire when they want."
tokin said:
Quote from "Affen"

"PC Gameplay September issue says that Vampire isn't bounded anymore by the agreement with Valve to release the game after HL² has been released. If another HL² release delay occurs, Activision now can release Vampire when they want."
Ok, so I can't catch every tidbit of news...