Source Engine Update Released



A small update to the Source Engine has been released.[br]</br>As always, just restart Steam for this update to be installed:
  • Source Engine
  • Fixed server browser not displaying favorites in game
Does anyone know if it adds servers you added when it was broken? I know when I added them they didn't show up at the time.
kmack said:
Does anyone know if it adds servers you added when it was broken? I know when I added them they didn't show up at the time.

yeah, they are.

I'm glad for this update, cause it was happening to me too :D
anyone know if they're fixing the fact that the friend search never seems to work from windows, but does in-game?

...not that i'm often able to find my friends anyway, *sigh*
what I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally wish they would attend to however, is the Voice codec used in source... it blows my mind that we are still subjected to v_miles.
