Source Mod Looking for XSI Modellers


Rick Dangerous

A dedicated and well known/respected team are looking for modellers competent in XSI. Willing to do work on Map Models and perhaps Weapon Models. Knowledge of other areas such as UV mapping/skinning would be a bonus.

PM or email me for more information if you are interested.


A dedicated and well known/respected team

you havnt even mentioned what the mod is nevermind what it is about and who else is working on it. plus why do you only want people who can use xsi? it doesnt make any sense... anyway if you provide some of this information i may be interested in helping with some of your prop models.
heh. just a question, why dont you put
-Angry Lawyer
within your signature to save you having to type it out each time you post. or do your fingers need the excercise.
Obsessive compulsive thing. If I don't bad things will happen to me.

Or maybe it's just habit from when I used to post on a forum that didn't allow signatures.

-Angry Lawyer
I remember you did a typo in -Angry Lawyer once, and everybody was hysterical :p
I'll be watching you Angry Lawyer, watching or one mistake. I'll be there to make you pay... Oh you'll pay... :p
You'll be waiting a long time, because I've been signing like that since I was fourteen. That's some six years.

Also, Mossman is hawter than Alyx.

On topic - Rick, You might want to go a little more in-depth to attract employees.

-Angry Lawyer
14 ... 15... 16....17...18...19...20 ! lol.

On topic - Rick, You might want to go a little more in-depth to attract employees.

yeah or actualy reply to the threads.
Give him some time, it has only been 8 hours :D
Hah, you'll have to excuse my vague post, I understand there's a lot of no-hoper mods and random advertising for people, but we are the genuine article with a mod on HL1 behind us and progress already made on the Source version.

As mentioned the mod is for Source (ala HL2) hence the need for XSI proficient modellers. I must also apologise for I made a slight error and left out the fact that we need modellers who have experience in (or the willing to learn) organic modelling; for example player models, rigging and such included (although XSI has some very easy to use guides afaik).

Just to give you some background on the mod, it's a team-based tactical first person shooter portraying modern combat in a realistic manner. And on top of that we have organised a Motion Capture deal to take care of the player animations (we will need somebody to assist our animators, and if you live in the LA area you are more than welcome to come along to the shoot); this is happening within the next coming months, so we need people now.
Our team is very close and we are always contactable via the Forums (which hosts over 3000 members), IRC or via the team's Ventrillo server.
Many of the team capable of doing these tasks with ease have moved on to greater things within the games industry and beyond; moving to companies including EA, Gearbox and IBM.

So, shameless plugging aside, we are in need of help and you could be just the person for the job.

So get in touch and let's work something out.
wow EA i hope to work there some day i live so close to the ea building i went there 4 times its so awesome.
who cares they make awsome games? and they have great benefits for there employee's people just dont like them cuz they just overthrow everyothere publisher lol. i bet in a couple years they will be making there own systems.
yeah and more background on the story. also just because its for hl2 doesnt meen the modelers need to be able to use xsi... that doesnt make any sense. is this a secret or something why are you so reluctant to talk about the actual story of the mod.
Angry Lawyer said:
Lies, I make no such mistakes D:

-Angry Lawyer
... except for the "-Angr Lawyer" incident and when you accidentally signed a post twice.
OCybrManO said:
... except for the "-Angr Lawyer" incident and when you accidentally signed a post twice.

*crosses OCybrManO off the list of potential ZM beta candidates*

-Angry Lawyer
Basically the MoCap requires us to use XSI, in order to reduce the amount of work involved and the errors that can be caused using other programs.

If you aren't interested then no big loss, but if you are then contact me, this is a great opportunity for anyone to advance themselves and learn about how the industry works; it's also a good achievement to have on your resume.

The name of the mod is Hostile Intent, check us out.
i dont actualy use xsi. how would you learn about the industry as its a mod its the same as beeing in another mod and same questions about having it on your resume compared to other mods...?
Because we are working with a company that works with leading names in the games and film industry.
what company. how are you working with them? is this aimed to be an actual retail game or a free downloadable mod? im not beeing negative im just curious :) p.s the game looks fantastic.
Well I've told you all more than was needed so if you are truly interested in working with us then contact me. :)
Your mod really does look very good, and your Half-Life release was a very good mod... if I get some more free time from the mod I'm working on I'll consider applying :)
You're Gabriel Logan on Interlopers, arent you?
so if by avoiding answering the question of is it aimed to be a retail game you are implying that yes it is infact aimed to be a retail game? so is this a payed position?
I work a paid position

-Angry Lawyer
It's a mod, modifications are rarely payed positions. No offence crackhead but you seem to have a lot of questions considering you don't use XSI and seem to have no interest in doing so :)
Crackhead does use XSI, in fact he never shuts up about how great it is... :?
thats carl booth to you. anyway im askign so many questions because im really interested in this mod but id have to drop some other projects.
lol oh sorry i had meant to write i dont actualy use 3dsmax as i believe my questioning why using xsi was a priority had led him to believe i use 3dsmax. my mistake.