Source question...


Jan 14, 2005
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Just a real quick question here about the Source physics.

Lately I have been playing the crap out of any and all surf_ maps in CS 1.6. You know, those fast and fun maps with the waves and the Scouts and the high speed knifage...

Anyways, I don't know much about the way the Source Engine physics differ from the old HL1 engine (don't know the name of the old engine... someone help me out here).

My main question: would surf maps work if I were to port them to source?
I think these would be great fun in HL2DM especially, one could add all sorts of puzzles to go along with the normal waves, maybe some g-gun jumps and trebuchets...

But I am rambling...

As a side question for you in-the-know mappers:
Would anyone by chance have a link where I could download the wave .mdl file?
Or how to contact the maker of these maps?

This sure fell off the main page quickly. :E
Don't mean to double post, but...
Can't really help you but you should really consider making good subjects for your posts. "source question" doesn't really tell any1 anything so it's not very appealing.
ok I _think_ I've worked out the puzzle of the post.

Apparantly some maps existed on CS 1.6 that had heavy waves that would randomly block your view, and he's wanting to know if its possible to do that in source (having likely heard you can't have moving/waves water with the water shader in HL2)

Yes it can be done, but yeah you can't use the water shaders HL2 uses. But you can use the old water method. Or get hold of a coder to write a shader that will work along those lines.

It would probably be easier in Source as you could just use an animated model for the waves. OR, I think there's still some legacy entities that HL1 used, such as the func_water + wave height settings. Not tried them myself and they may only be in there so people can move maps across and not be there for creating things from scratch eg: they might end up being removed at a later date.

Was I close?
Yeah I should have made the title more clear, same with the actual question...
I'm not to good with words.

The question I had was of wether or not a surf style map would work in the HL2 engine.

Surf maps are a recent addition to CS 1.6, and include prefab "waves," or a better description would be large triangular prism shapes that, when strafed across lengthwise, cause a great increase in player speed.
This boost in velocity allows the player to fly across large gaps.

The specific part of my question that I am wondering about is:

Does the HL2/CSS engine allow for the "waves" to speed the player in the same way it would in CS 1.6?

Even that question is not clear enough... I guess my question is not easy for me to put in words.
Do you have any screenshots of these maps? Are the waves actual water waves or just triangular brushes with properties that affect speed?