Source SDK Coder wanted for my Mod



hello. I am looking for a programmer that knows his way through Source SDK to make a .fgd file.

I would like to start from scratch on making an interesting and complex mod, but I need a team of programmers for now to get this started.

I am the leader of the mod and one of the mappers.

I have on the team so far:
1) 1 programmer
2) 2 mappers (including me)
3) 1 3Dmodeler
4) 1 2Dmodeler
5) 1 website constructor (not finished)
6) 1 artist

We need:
1) more programmers who knows Source SDK really well
2) more modelers of any kind
3) possibly a 3rd or 4th mapper

please contact me if you are interested in helping. at that point I will explain the mod and how I want it. It will be a cool mod when its finished and I appreciate you reading this.

AIM: helliscold99
Email: [email protected]

Thank you,
I can't imagine you'll get many worthwhile replies to a "mystery mod" post... you'll actually have to tell people what you're doing.
should it matter? its a HL2 mod that will require a lot work. if someone is interested. then ill proceed from there when they contact me.
Wildcard777 said:
should it matter? its a HL2 mod that will require a lot work. if someone is interested. then ill proceed from there when they contact me.

Yes, it actually does matter. Nobody with a shred of skill is going to waste their time on something they can't even begin to speculate on.
Alright u make a point. its going to be called FF7 Source. From there you can imagine what it will slightly be like. theres some specifics I am looking for when the mod is finished.
1) For each server it will save the xp of the Character you have chosen
2) in the title screen (options, playgame) there will be a "Buy" tab. for each battle you will of course gain gil(money). your gil will build up over time to allow you to buy a weapon of your character or a peice of armor.
3) there will be overdrives and summons like how the game went
4) overdrive will raise when player takes dmg
5) the game will be divided by lvls. (ex: lvl 1-10 will play in the beginning servers. only lvls 1-10 can make those servers, 11-20 will be intermediate and so forth. a lv 11 cant go back to beginner.

its just a brief over-view but I hope this can all be made and with yalls support and help it will be.
might want to try a new name, and you were right with saying it will be a lot of work. I dont know what square thinks about mods, but most companies are not going to let you use names like that. likenessess are ok, copying is not.
But those people aren't posting here... and when they are, they get told the same thing.

Just because everyone else is ripping off other people's IP, that doesn't mean it's OK... why do you even want to try and crowbar Final Fantasy VII into Source when you could make up your own stuff which is similar, and comes with none of the "translation" problems ?
"Hmm, Cloud uses his sword to fight, but Source is built more for guns... oh well..." <insert massive hack job resulting in terrible gameplay>
I post here to try and recruit people to help me make this work. so what if Source has a lot of guns. you can always reskin and rework them into other weapons. of course it will take time but no game is perfect. and Im trying to make a FF7 source because no other mod team is doing that. they are focusing on Zombies and HL2 based games. theres alreaddy a lot of competition in those categories so im trying to do something new in the HL community.
Wildcard777 said:
I post here to try and recruit people to help me make this work. so what if Source has a lot of guns. you can always reskin and rework them into other weapons. of course it will take time but no game is perfect. and Im trying to make a FF7 source because no other mod team is doing that. they are focusing on Zombies and HL2 based games. theres alreaddy a lot of competition in those categories so im trying to do something new in the HL community.

You're creating something new by stealing an already established and realized franchise?
yes but im not making money off it so its perfectly legal. call it a tribute if u want
Wildcard777 said:
yes but im not making money off it so its perfectly legal. call it a tribute if u want

No, it is not perfectly legal. I'm not a lawyer (Angry, or otherwise) but someone around here knows all the mumbojumbo and can fill you in.
Well i didnt really post on here to debate whats legal or not. If no one wants to help from this site then I dont care too much. i posted on 5 other sites aswell. and i alreaddy have a team of 10. took 2 days to get a team of 10 so ill let these posts sit for a while.
I'm surprised there isn't a pre-made post explaining all about copyright law somewhere on the forums that could just be copy/paste'd into every thread about the new Final Fantasy / Resident Evil / Matrix / Halo mod.

I'm not meaning to be the cliché, abusive forums person here, it's just that if you and these other 9/10 people are actually capable of making a mod (and aren't just a group of people with no real skills who'd like to think they could), then surely you're capable of coming up with your own IP ?
Fluffy Kitten said:
I'm surprised there isn't a pre-made post explaining all about copyright law somewhere on the forums that could just be copy/paste'd into every thread about the new Final Fantasy / Resident Evil / Matrix / Halo mod.

As demonstrated by this thread, the people who are the type to remake old games aren't really the kind to listen or care about legal advice.

They always seem to choose the worst games to remake too. (Except Perfect Dark Source, naturally)
resident evil mods are fine, capcom allows mods. Mario Kart Source is not, and I have actually warned them on that, but they dont care, Nintendo does not look nicely on mods. There are plenty of cases of mods out there based on games, many will be C&Ded when they are found out about. DragonBall Z is another that is allowed to be made. But before you go to the effort to do this you should email square soft and find out what they allow.
If you back to any thread in this forum where people posted their "idea" for a source mod based off an existing game you'll notice that they get bashed. No matter who they, what they can do... or what they smell like. So it's not just you! I love Final Fantasy 7, but do I want to see it get botched in Source? NEGATRON! Also Squaresoft will tear your ass to peices because of their supposed "re-workings" on FF7 for PS3. Till then, I ask you to untwist your panties, get them out of a bunch, and sit tight waiting for either a new FF7, or for Angry Lawyer to destroy this thread.
or, do exactly as you have planed, and call it something like the Last Dream 7 and call the characters something else, nothing wrong with likenessess, but plagerism is bad. should learn that one in school
I hope you know how long FF7 is and how long time it takes to actuallt create content. Also, Square had about three times the money it takes to create a _next-gen_ console title today... but back in 97. You can imagine that it took a lot of work to get it done.
I say you go for it. Nay sayers are just too old to remember how to dream.

Develop under the radar with no public website. Release to multiple distribution locations, and spread it by word of mouth. And most importantly, don't credit yourselves so Square has no one to track down.

Stick it to the man.
first they will track you down. and it has nothing to do with dreaming, it has to do with stealing content from others, dream, be original, dont be a thief.
Mantis said:
first they will track you down. and it has nothing to do with dreaming, it has to do with stealing content from others, dream, be original, dont be a thief.

This man is clearly working for the enemy.

The only way you'll ever complete your project is to track him down and eliminate him in real life.

Protip: wear gloves.
damijin said:
I say you go for it. Nay sayers are just too old to remember how to dream.

Develop under the radar with no public website. Release to multiple distribution locations, and spread it by word of mouth. And most importantly, don't credit yourselves so Square has no one to track down.

Stick it to the man.

Yeah, spend 18+ months of your life working on a mod that you can't publicly release, can't be visibly connected to, and can't take any credit for. Good luck persuading people to sign up for that.
damijin said:
I say you go for it. Nay sayers are just too old to remember how to dream.

Develop under the radar with no public website. Release to multiple distribution locations, and spread it by word of mouth. And most importantly, don't credit yourselves so Square has no one to track down.

Stick it to the man.
Yeh, sounds like a plan. go for it! FF7 FTW !1 :cat:

If you can't get permission from the developers it's not worth the effort to not be able to get credit from the community. I've had this experience in the past with a group who couldn't make up their mind about letting us work. I had 5-10 larger world objects finished by then. Luckily I've still found uses for them.

Is it so hard to make your own fantasy/rpg/combat mod? Hell I've got ideas already. Just base it around medieval times and throw in some crazy arse magic. Give it a decent thought out backstory and bam your slightly unique.
damijin said:
This man is clearly working for the enemy.

The only way you'll ever complete your project is to track him down and eliminate him in real life.

Protip: wear gloves.

Will you please be my hero?? But won't they be able to track him down by the largescale tin foil purchases he makes (hats and body suits are not known for their stability and rip-proofedness). The tin-foil is of course needed to keep 'the enemy' out of your thought waves.
Hmm... This is seeming to turn out into another "Gunz" without all the hacking and cheating and faulty servers.