Source SDK on Steam update history

Just restarted Steam, and would you believe, the SDK is listed!

35mb btw. :thumbs:
Wow great cliffe. Tell Doug I'm sorry if I/we offended him or anything ;( :thumbs:
The Thing said:
Albeit crappy takes time to make good maps.

Yes, this is true, but i know quite a few people actually have plans already, including thought-out play details. 3 days to create the map, with these things already done, is realistic(if ya work real hard). Playing it, and making it refined, is another story.
Yay I was really looking forward to learn mapping and modding with HL2 looks like today's the day
w00t w00t! :E :bounce: :E

And, luckily, i don't have much HW this weekend... maybe i can get started on a mod... :)
Sashswash said:
w00t w00t! :E :bounce: :E

And, luckily, i don't have much HW this weekend... maybe i can get started on a mod... :)

sorry to burst ur bubble, but this is not a full sdk. Its only enough to make maps
Do you need to have HL2 pre-ordered to see this in your steam list?

Because I don't see SDK in my steam list..or do I need to preload hl2?
Goddamnit..steam freezes everytime I start to preload HL2
I think you'll have to buy HL2 before you can use Hammer, cause I fully preloaded it but I have no SDK.
Pff...the temptations I have to face because of wanting a hl2 box :(...
Valve did it again, I was all happy once I saw "SDK released". I immidietly restarted steam, lo and behold, nothings there (only for steam preorders). So much for something tieing me over until HL2 retail. Thanks again valve for screwing over your fans.
Zeus said:
Valve did it again, I was all happy once I saw "SDK released". I immidietly restarted steam, lo and behold, nothings there (only for steam preorders). So much for something tieing me over until HL2 retail. Thanks again valve for screwing over your fans.

Err... seriously, what's the use of Hammer 2 when you don't have CS:S? You can do most stuff in Hammer 1 too, like most brushwork.
PvtRyan said:
Err... seriously, what's the use of Hammer 2 when you don't have CS:S? You can do most stuff in Hammer 1 too, like most brushwork.

model viewer, mess around with the editor, just to keep me entertained for a little while longer