Source World?


Aug 3, 2004
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What happened to Source World.

Obviously I missed something.

*puts on antiflame suit*
MetalliMyers said:
What happened to Source World.

Obviously I missed something.

*puts on antiflame suit*

Your going to need it. It's still going i believe, just taking a break.

/Me puts on antiflame suit as well, just in case i am wrong
Looks like Tron answered your question better than i could, guess i didn't need that suit afterall....

(It got shut down?!?)
last i heard, they said they were taking a break for christmas....
lucky guys, 3months is one hell of a christmas:)
Chris_D said:
Ask The Dark Elf.
lets not, he's got far better things to be doing right now like painting beautiful women in gradually fewer clothes :)


Anyway, SW was a site thing, I'm not a mod. It was costing me too much, Source couldn't handle it, I had a better offer. etc. etc. etc.
and taking English lessons?
Now, with what to stati I would want to make this?

Bloody Russian, or should i say, bloody world lingo :p
Samon said:
Now, with what to stati I would want to make this?

Bloody Russian, or should i say, bloody world lingo :p
where would the world be without crap translator apps :E

Ahem, anyway, back on topic!!
The Dark Elf said:
where would the world be without crap translator apps :E

Stuck in a dirty, damp and rotten hole. Oh, were already there. :p

(I was busy playing MGS3, then realized i hadn't posted it, then realized Chris had posted, then realized i was off topic)

Source world...umm...
hmm...okay.. so.. is Source World still being worked on by someone? or not?
Chris_D said:
I really need to update my language pack :\ anyway on the topic of sourceworld going down: Boo! however, I expected as much ;) it seemed an impossible task from the start. Maybe it will be done another time
Died ages ago. No-one bothered to mention it I guess. Not sure if the smaller ideas of it were taken and are being made into a more realistic idea now.
No disrespect to the people involved in Source World, but I never really had much faith in it getting off of the ground. The concept seemed very advanced, and at the time no one really knew the limitations of the source engine.

I always had the feeling in the back of my mind that it would follow the course of so many failed mods which have specs higher than the team had the time/skills to produce, and then they just fizzle out.
You should have said something! Rather than let the hopes and dreams of......someone that
Better to burn out than fade away.

SourceWorld could have worked, it would have been a ~64 player meeting place and would be about the size of a small village, but still...

I said source couldnt handle what they wanted it to, but nobody listened. pfft. still nobody listens.
1) SW is not dead, I am currently waiting to hear back from WETA Digital regarding a job offer for The Hobbit, and frankly thats more important than some game. So right now I'm concentrating on that and other work such as painting to further my own career.

2) A certain person who shall remain nameless had a BIG hand in its original downfall, causing a huge rift between myself and qck and basically derailed it to the point where you couldn't simply jump back on and carry on as if nothing happened.

3) we were using another engine which we had the licence and source code for, and hadn't been using Source for quite some time.

4) That ended when we lost qck, and because of reasons I don't feel like explaining in great detail here, me and qck (while still good friends AFAIK) probably couldn't work together again, thanks to reasons mentioned in #2. It's just hard to put certain things that happened and things that were said by the person who's name I wont mention, that would make it difficult for us to work together now. But I want to make this clear that qck is NOT TO BLAME. He was ****ed just like I was by someone we foolishly trusted, if anything he was a victim. He's still a ****ing amazing coder though and has a bright future as one. He knew more about what engine was capable of what before anyone else except the developers themselves.

5) we were forced back into using Source at that point because of the connection with Which we didn't want to do as we knew it couldn't handle it, we knew a LONG time ago it couldn't handle it, even if we had access to the Source code itself, the whole way it works is simply not geared towards something like Sourceworld.

6) It's not dead, I'd hardly let something like that simply die.

7) I will not have a half arsed version with 90% missing from it made. That would defeat the entire point of it.

I hope that clears things up. And no, don't PM anyone asking who said person in reason #2 was. While personally he deserves to be named and shamed for all the shit he pulled. It wouldn't achieve anything but a few minutes satisfaction. It ain't worth it, its not big and its not clever. So no we wont say who it was.

The Dark Elf said:
...don't PM anyone asking who said person in reason #2 was.
Heh, you mentioned him a lot more than in just reason #2. :p

Cool that you might work on The Hobbit... are you talking about a game or a movie or something?


Well, since SW seems "out of order" now, how about we do some other form of community project, eh? :p
Ah, what engine will it be? :O WHat could possible top over source?!!! ;( Well, good luck in your future endeavors, TDE ;)

btw กูก็ทำมอดเป็นเหมือนกัน
Erestheux said:
Cool that you might work on The Hobbit... are you talking about a game or a movie or something?

The movie :):):):)

bet I don't get it lol
ill be looking for "the dark elf" in the hobbit credits now :p
Fat Tony! said:
ill be looking for "the dark elf" in the hobbit credits now :p

It's gonna be listed as Fenric, DUH!

... but that's really cool, TDE, I wish you best of luck :)
CREMATOR666 said:
Ah, what engine will it be? :O WHat could possible top over source?!!! ;( Well, good luck in your future endeavors, TDE ;)
I would assume that they were using something more mass-multiplayer based, as to not have insane crazy lag when there are like 64 people in a server.
Good luck TDE. I hope you get the job. Is Peter Jackson doing the Hobbit? bloody hope so. :D

And now its not on source... are you changing the name? :)