SOURCE your favorite game


Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
What game, besides half life 2, would you like to see in the SOURCE engine? any game, old or new, 2d or 3d, list it here.
I think theres been some threads on this, but not for some time so i'l go: Duke 3D :D
I would have to say doing "perfect Dark" from the N64 would be awesome. It was great when it came out....but time, she is a cruel mistress.
donkey kong:source....the barrels would be NASTY....
Grand Theft Auto .....any of them
Sonic the hedgehog..
Road Rash
Silent Hill series
Resident Evil series

oh the list could go on and on
Tetris: Source with uber realistic physics and a manipulator to stack the blocks
Any of the old Sierra adventure games (King's Quest, Police Quest, Gabriel Knight, Laura Bow...etc). Wish they'd brind those back.
Thief. kicking ass and taking names- and everything esle they happen to have on them- is something i'd love in SOURCE.
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm in source theyre should be pong or pacman avilable for when your dead :/ it gets boring watching some noobie camper sit there for 5 mins while the other guy is afk :/
Oooo, Deus Ex, definately... that game is still my favourite of all time, the only thing that can possibly rival HL2 in my mind. It would just get better with an engine like Source... with realistic facial expressions and such.

And better voice-acting, it was pretty awful at times in Deus Ex.
While not video games, I REALLY want to see Jenga and Ker-Plunk in Source.
Freedom Force. That game had great interactive environments, but I'd love to see it done with Half-Life 2's physics!
Once again, LucasArts needs to remake The Secret of Monkey Island in the source engine. Countless hours of fun could be had playing with a rubber-chicken-with-a-pulley-in-the-middle with realistic physics.

Also, the old NES game Marble Madness would be great...but probably infinitely frustrating.
I just want a update to HL:S (would probably prefer that to HL2)

Other than that, Shogo and Sin on source would be great fun if done properly :)
shelob said:
Oooo, Deus Ex, definately... that game is still my favourite of all time, the only thing that can possibly rival HL2 in my mind. It would just get better with an engine like Source... with realistic facial expressions and such.

And better voice-acting, it was pretty awful at times in Deus Ex.

That gets the thumbs up from me too, definitely my favourite game ever.

Goldeneye N64 would be great too though.
Operation Flashpoint, it would be a good holdover until OFP2, but I think it would be a bit of a challenge to convert it to source.
Deus Ex would taste like chocolate on this engine...

If only they had gone for it for invisible war. And made it PC only...
I would absolutely love to see a Soldier of Fortune: Source. It would outclass any other multiplayer FPS.. EVAR.
StainlessJ-FPGA said:
I would absolutely love to see a Soldier of Fortune: Source. It would outclass any other multiplayer FPS.. EVAR.

Real-Location Damage ftw.
f|uke said:
That would be awsome.

An updated System Shock 1 might even be cool
Ah... but the System Shock games would be far, far better on the Doom III engine. I mean comeon. Doom III pratically was System Shock 2 minus the skills, inventive enemies, originality, flair or anything else that made Shock 2 any good at all. Dark corners, scary things crawling the halls, sparesely implemented ambient music, Audio-Logs telling you the keycodes to doors and crates, Throbbing pulsating veiny thingies infilitrating human tech corridors!. All very, very familiar. Lighting in source isn't all that great, but the Doom III engine does it excellently and with a massive kick to atmosphere. Shock 2 was one atmospheric game... Shock 2 plus Doom III engine? It'd be so scary that I wouldn't just soil my underpants: I'd have to redecorate my room after each playthrough.

Deus Ex under Source would be an interesting idea, but it was kind of done with Deus Ex 2... except of course, Deus Ex 2 sucked big time. So yeah, the original with decent facial animation, realistic physics. Would be interesting perhaps, to drop physics objects off of the Iron lady onto unsuspecting NSF heads...
Warbie said:
I just want a update to HL:S (would probably prefer that to HL2)

Other than that, Shogo and Sin on source would be great fun if done properly :)

THAT... we are working on ;)

I would really like to see OUTCAST done in this kick-ass engine.
Chaser! Fantastic FPS game that needed this. If you don't know the game (it never got much press) and can find it in the bargain bin, you won't regret spending a few bucks on it. The gameplay lasts a very long time too.