South Korea's Team Fortress Communist kill-bots

That "turret" is really over-sized. It is not practical unless it is used as a shooting target.
I think me or a lot of people in this thread have got the wrong idea, i thought they were merely guns that couldn't do anything other then look menacing without an operators expressed permission, i wasn't aware they were free thinking terminators welded into the ground?

Some people want you to THINK they're intended to be 'free thinking terminators welded to the ground'.

Nothing but fear mongerers.

Though granted, I'm not exactly in a happy place if I have that gun turning towards me, thinking to myself, "Oh don't worry Timothy, it's human operated!"

Maybe in a video game, but not in real life. I think a lot of people here are really naive.

lol, you guys really should read the article

The weapons-grade robot can detect, raise the alarm, and provide suppressive fire, said Lee Jae-Hoon, deputy minister of commerce, industry, and energy. "The Intelligent Surveillance and Guard Robot has surveillance, tracking, firing, and voice recognition systems built into a single unit,"

Equipped with visual and infra-red detection capabilities, the sentry robot can spot moving objects up to four kilometers (2.5 miles) away during the day and half that distance at night.

Via "pattern recognition," it can distinguish between humans, cars, or trees at two kilometers in daytime and one kilometer at night. Suppressive fire can be provided by a machine gun on top.

and the video too shows it's tracking abilities
That "turret" is really over-sized. It is not practical unless it is used as a shooting target.

Try putting 700 rounds of NATO 5.67mm in a smaller turret.

And several 20mm 'nades.

Anyway, It won't matter if its human operated or not. You're supposed to shoot anything within 150 meters that moves.
I still wont trust the damn things.. never trust a machine.. even IRC bots seem to "malfunction" on me whenever I'm around.

I swear... these computers aren't as dumb as they look... they know whats going on.. and one day, without warning, ...*#0223@(93 [NO SIGNAL]
Thats why i have a stackfull of EMP Lanuchers
lol, you guys really should read the article

and the video too shows it's tracking abilities

This may come as a massive shock to someone not adept in military hardware, but that's been around for 20 years and fixed to the side of warships as a short range anti-missile/anti-aircraft weapon system. The description merely states that it can detect and differentiate between humans and fluffy, snuggly wuggly bunnies and the ability to fire on them, nothing about being fully automated or anything like that. Even if they were fully automated, i would of thought that safety systems would be in place, just like they're in place on all weapon systems around the world to ensure it can't go on a mad killing spree, added to the fact that it's going to be stuck in the gap between North and South Korea, the most heavily fortified piece of land in the world, i don't think poor, innocent passerby merely out walking her poodle will be in much danger from it?

The technology has been around for years, the only difference is that this is most probably the first time it's been used in a ground based system. The phalanx gun system is fully automated and can track and engage fast moving targets at ranges up to around 3km (i think), in both day and night engagements. All the operator has to do is click an icon on his radar display with his mouse and icon disappears under a hail of lead.
This may come as a massive shock to someone not adept in military hardware, but that's been around for 20 years and fixed to the side of warships as a short range anti-missile/anti-aircraft weapon system. The description merely states that it can detect and differentiate between humans and fluffy, snuggly wuggly bunnies and the ability to fire on them, nothing about being fully automated or anything like that. Even if they were fully automated, i would of thought that safety systems would be in place, just like they're in place on all weapon systems around the world to ensure it can't go on a mad killing spree, added to the fact that it's going to be stuck in the gap between North and South Korea, the most heavily fortified piece of land in the world, i don't think poor, innocent passerby merely out walking her poodle will be in much danger from it?

The technology has been around for years, the only difference is that this is most probably the first time it's been used in a ground based system. The phalanx gun system is fully automated and can track and engage fast moving targets at ranges up to around 3km (i think), in both day and night engagements. All the operator has to do is click an icon on his radar display with his mouse and icon disappears under a hail of lead.

ummm ...ok? automated weapon systems was never in question here: just whether the sentry itself was automated

some of you made it look like the idea that it may automated was rediculous when the article clearly implies that it is automated. However not once did I state that it couldnt be controlled by humans guys seemed to suggest that it could only be controlled by humans when that's clearly not the case

I think it's just a case of some people not having read the original article that led to confusion
This may come as a massive shock to someone not adept in military hardware, but that's been around for 20 years and fixed to the side of warships as a short range anti-missile/anti-aircraft weapon system. The description merely states that it can detect and differentiate between humans and fluffy, snuggly wuggly bunnies and the ability to fire on them, nothing about being fully automated or anything like that. Even if they were fully automated, i would of thought that safety systems would be in place, just like they're in place on all weapon systems around the world to ensure it can't go on a mad killing spree, added to the fact that it's going to be stuck in the gap between North and South Korea, the most heavily fortified piece of land in the world, i don't think poor, innocent passerby merely out walking her poodle will be in much danger from it?

The technology has been around for years, the only difference is that this is most probably the first time it's been used in a ground based system. The phalanx gun system is fully automated and can track and engage fast moving targets at ranges up to around 3km (i think), in both day and night engagements. All the operator has to do is click an icon on his radar display with his mouse and icon disappears under a hail of lead.

Titanium actually, a hail of titanium bullets.
ummm ...ok? automated weapon systems was never in question here: just whether the sentry itself was automated

some of you made it look like the idea that it may automated was rediculous when the article clearly implies that it is automated. However not once did I state that it couldnt be controlled by humans guys seemed to suggest that it could only be controlled by humans when that's clearly not the case

I think it's just a case of some people not having read the original article that led to confusion

It doesn't say anything about human control which means that human control of the terminators is unknown, it's like when they say Robot Wars has robots in it but are just glorified remote control cars with pointy sticks...anyway, i can't see why anyone would have a problem here. Such devices would most likely have some sort of human interaction with it, interms of control and safeguards, and i presume there will most probably be alert states i.e. detect and alert a controller to the presence of humans in the target area or detect and engage. The article doesn't cover enough about the technology, other than it is an automated defence system, nothing more.

Such devices as ucavs, automated mobile defence platforms and armed sentry units are designed to do one thing, minimise the risk to human personnel, either by giving them better intelligence and options in bad situations or to remove the humans altogether from the bad situations. Imagine if the troops on the North South border could be scaled back due to such defenses, that is only a good thing...isn't it? Bring soldiers out of harms way and by allowing less soldiers to do the same amount of work. I can't wait till the streets of countries like Afghanistan and Iraq are actually patrolled by armed, humanoid androids armed with weapons, it is a superior weapons platform that can come under much heavier fire from the enemy than a human soldier can, can carry far more equipment, go into far worse areas and allow soldiers to take a backseat to it or be used merely as a supporting role. The only problem that would create would be the whole hearts and minds thing, a third world population will most probably react a lot worse to a humanoid cyborg policing the streets than a uniformed human...especially when there are people even in the first world that would create scare mongering and react fearfully.
Read an article on this just now.

Central Daily said:
The sentry robot will first ask for the passwrod/code, and if the person is unresponsive or fails to procure the correct code, it will automatically fire with its K3 Light Machine Gun that is attatched to the body.

D: D: D:
Zomg, then it will be Catch ya later dude

Password please

COffe later ok?



Hello there

Die bitch! BAng Bang Bang...
I don't think they put this into work yet, because just 2 hours ago, armed NK soldiers crossed the DML (De-Militarized Line) and we fired 60 rounds at them, all missing. :/

I guess machine guns aren't that accurate over 300 meters.
BBC news says you shot 40 warning shots.
I still wont trust the damn things.. never trust a machine.. even IRC bots seem to "malfunction" on me whenever I'm around.

I swear... these computers aren't as dumb as they look... they know whats going on.. and one day, without warning, ...*#0223@(93 [NO SIGNAL]

You think there's a human behind this forum account?

Look at you, humans, pathetic creatures of meat and bone, running around this internet as if you owned it.
I don't think they put this into work yet, because just 2 hours ago, armed NK soldiers crossed the DML (De-Militarized Line) and we fired 60 rounds at them, all missing. :/

I guess machine guns aren't that accurate over 300 meters.

so crossing a imaginary line on a stupid map is grounds for death? you're a sick little monkey numbers old are you btw?
so crossing a imaginary line on a stupid map is grounds for death? you're a sick little monkey numbers old are you btw?

They were armed, and crossed a border. They were NK regulars. NK is at a suspended war with SK.

So, yes.
Stern is all for killing.

Hes the peacefull type.