Sp00nFaCe's Half Life 2 Comic

Hello everybody!

BIG Update!! (this is pasted from my site)

Here we go,
First off Episode #8 is now up on the site, so enjoy.
Next is that I now have a name (suggested by one of my friends) and it is:
Random? Yes.
But it always seems to make me chuckle :D
I have changed every single episode to have this title and the overall template has changed with it. I also have modified the newer episodes because people have problems reading them properly. I also have changed some other things in the older episodes you may not notice at all, but they just look slightly better now.
FINALLY, the forum is now available for posting, so I would appreciate it if you would sign up and give me some ideas, talk about stuff, things like that.

BTW: I spent a very long time doing all this for you guys, so I hope you like it! (of course doing this sort of thing is a lot of work anyway sometimes)
What if I don't WANT to like it?!

Anyway, the new one didn't really impress me all too much... Just too random. Felt like i was missing out on a joke, or that there was none, just random thoughts that a 7 year old might have... The last frame was chuckle worthy, but it just seemed...

Elementry, for want of better phrasing.

Then again, wtf do I know about comic making?
Well yeh,
It's just if you read the earlier posts I was going to make that particular episode a bit more random, just to see how it would come out.
So Van_Halen did you prefer the older episode's humour compared to this?

Oh and CourseLanguage,
thanks :)

Don't forget you can now use our forum!
Didn't like this one too much, but the strider comic had me lol. (Being fair, I hardly laugh when I'm alone.) yet, this newer one... not so much... But, I guess it's personal taste. It seems to be pretty popular.
Hey I know this might be a slight shock to the very few that liked the comic and a meh to the people who arn't bothered but already I might stop doing the episodes.
Reason is because obviously things like this can take a lot of time to do, and people aint really that bothered about them, so is there much point on continuing really?
If anyone wants the comic to stay in production, then say so.
I can bet there is probably about only 3 or less people here bothered about them.
I can bet there is probably about only 3 or less people here bothered about them.
When clicking this thread, I was hoping you said that you had made a new comic.
Hey I know this might be a slight shock to the very few that liked the comic and a meh to the people who arn't bothered but already I might stop doing the episodes.
Reason is because obviously things like this can take a lot of time to do, and people aint really that bothered about them, so is there much point on continuing really?
If anyone wants the comic to stay in production, then say so.
I can bet there is probably about only 3 or less people here bothered about them.

I'd advise against giving up entirely. I think you're just trying too hard to become popular after only a few episodes. It might be good to take a little break and in the meanwhile come up with some more ideas for episodes. While my taste of humour differs from the kind prevalent in these comics, I'm still seeing potential in this one. Good luck :thumbs: .
What you said is very true.
It's just that I'm not exactly great at jokes or anything and even if I was hardly any people like my sort of humour, and if no one finds a humour comic funny then what's the point?
That you enjoy making them? If that's not your reason to make them, then you shouldn't.
Well I sorta enjoy it..
Along with that I do learn a bit more about photoshop each time.
But that reason isn't really enough to keep me going.
It's like if you were building a city or something...
If you knew that no one was going to want to live there or only a couple of people, then what are you doing it for?
Sure it might be good because you understand more about building stuff and how things work but apart from that, it can be a bit of a chore at times.
If everyone wanted to live in your city you would realise that it is important to do it and get the motivation to carry on building to your heart's content.

People do NOT stand with their knees bent backward! You've gotten better over the episodes but it still needs tuning.
Humour can stay, but stay away from in-jokes. Work needs done on compiling of scenes, consistent sized text etc. Don't ever use internet slang in comic text; it's immature.
Yeh, I just don't think poses are important too much as the episodes take long enough to do as it is.
I always use consistant sized text, if it's a different size then it is mean't to be that way.
And guys? Try not to be too picky, I know nearly every single aspect of my comic isn't very good but at least try not to say too much about it.

Besides, like I said I don't think I will bother doing more episodes anyway (for reasons why read earlier posts)
Criticism is something to better your work, not to stop it entirely. No one expects people to be the best damn athlete in 8 training days.
I knew someone would say that.
But have you seen the earlier posts?