SP2 Effect on CS S


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
I am still downloading SP2, but has anyone (with the update) noticed any difference?
haha I'll let you know when my Windows Auto Update deside to actual download it, it's been a 0% download for 3 days lol.
Grand Architect said:
haha I'll let you know when my Windows Auto Update deside to actual download it, it's been a 0% download for 3 days lol.
same here
sp2 is..ehh id personally wait a while before getting it see what changes or if there are ways to get around all the programs it affects

and also to make sure nothing like last time happens again
Meh, I got it and no real FPS difference. My server list does update *seemingly* much faster however (probably because of the wireless update).
if you run a clean computer (w/o spyware or viruses) you have no worries about sp2. my friend ran the beta, that "everyone" seemed to have a problem with, and had no troubles at all.
SP2 Issues...

Ok, here's what i got.

I got SP2 the day it came out. No issues whatsoever with CS:Source, beyond those that everybody's having (i.e. Source crashed with mem error.... i resolved that the way everyone else did)

As with other stuff... well i hated windows trying to control my Norton Antivirus, but that is easily disabled... Some people i think are going to have issues with this, because SP2 likes to interface with your Anti-Virus and other things, so you just have to decide on that yourself.

As for the availability of it, i hear people are still having trouble DLing it from the Windows Update site... i just DLed mine from Fileplanet (i have a paid account, so i didnt have to wait. :p )

SO, just do what you feel you should do.

Oh, as with issues with other software?? Well i've been running all the same stuff i did before the update (well, mostly just games and winamp, Spy-Bot S&D and Ad-Aware6.0, but all my games still work, CS:Source and CS1.6/CS:CZ all work fine, no issues with Steam or it's games.)

Oh, and also, does anyone know if Valve is fixing their Friends list for Steam, everyone i know's Friends list is broke as hell, sometimes i see friends, most of the time i dont.... Makes joining my friends games a chore....

Well, you decide for yourself man, but if you have a wireless network i very much recommend you get this update. Connecting is way easier and you dont get discoed anymore....
Service Pack 2 helped me. It is extremely good.
I had a keyboard issue; my shift key and my pause key did not work properly... Since I have SHIFT binded as "+speed" (which makes you walk), I was unable to correctly walk right. Example: If I wanted to walk, I would have to already be moving forward! Rather than, press SHIFT and then move forward/backward. My pause key works too now. Before Service Pack 2, my pause key, when pressed ONCE, would actually think it was press TWICE! Therefore, I was never able to pause any of my other games... lol.
I highly recommend SP2.
There's a bunch of internet security things, updates and patches/fixes. All of which CAN be disable/deactivated.
So, it really does not hurt to have SP2.
SP2 helped mine out greatly.
When running servers, it made them more stable when you have the protection enabled.
However, I haven't done much testing since the first week of CS:S release.
At first it ran fine. Then it started to fuk my comp. It also slowdown my download speed when i downloading thru bittorrent. Decided to uninstall it and in the middle of the process it just BSOD on me. Tried to reboot, showed a quick flash of the windos logo b4 it BSOD me again. Had to reformat :/
seinfeldrules said:
I am still downloading SP2, but has anyone (with the update) noticed any difference?

If you have any of the following, do not download:

  • Your own firewall
  • You use Mozilla or any other browser besides IE
  • You don't have a wireless network

I don't use it...
SP2 was fine for me. Actually had it installed before CS:S came out (from the v5.windowsupdate.com site). Not had a single problem with it.
JimmehH said:
SP2 was fine for me. Actually had it installed before CS:S came out (from the v5.windowsupdate.com site). Not had a single problem with it.

When it was installed, I had no problems. I unistalled it because I couldn't play Warcraft 3.
SubKamran said:
If you have any of the following, do not download:

  • Your own firewall
  • You use Mozilla or any other browser besides IE
  • You don't have a wireless network

I don't use it...

The Security Center IS annoying and we can only hope they give us the option of shutting the entire thing off in one of the next updates. However, if you have your own hardware firewall, simply shutting off the Windows Firewall should pose no problem.