Space Combat in Source


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
I'm a noob with a noob question so please, be nice and don't hurt me. :E

If I wanted to create space combat in a mod using source, would it be as simple as creating a box level, with stars as the sky all around, and making all ships flying vehicles, which are present in the engine. Would it be that simple, or am I missing something?
Well it depends how realistic you want it, but if you were just going to fly around and shoot people, i guess it would work. You would hit the walls though, ive heard something about endless loop stuf, but i dont know how you would do that, but zero gravity is not in Source if you want it that realistic. (it could be done in a mod probably) But you would have to make your own flying vehicles to drive, source supports it but HL2 does not have them in it.
Your going to need to do some coding, which is why you came here i hope? :)
Well, you might get away with a map, but it will suck! I'm doing a space combat mod, let me know if you have any talent, hehe
Well, I am the leader coder in my mod and I need to find a way to do this well, not jsut for the hell of it. Well, I guess I am looking at some work after all. Thanks for the feedback.
what do you mean zero gravity isnt in source. its not source that controls it, its gonna be like the first, pull down the console and punch it in.
Moved to Help Wanted and Offered.

Since it seems to be turning out that way, goodluck :)
true,, you could just use the sv_gravity command,, hopefully wit the iproved mapper support, mappers will be able to set server variables
I'd say, have each player stationary on their iteration of the map, and have all the other players move past them. Do that for each player, and it could work very nicely. It's an illusion.