

Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
ever since the creation of the gloglebag army, spam is getting a bigger and bigger problem. I'm pretty tired of people saying meaningless things just to get a higher post count.
Some people say extremely meaningful things to boost their postcount though!
Mr-Fusion said:
Some people say extremely meaningful things to boost their postcount though!

But that kind of posts actually matter. It actually means something.

Spam is meaningless.

spam -
.E-Mails or posts on message boards that were either pointlessly made by an annoying person, or made to annoy that were made by an annoying person. Or a link to a computer virus.
Or just contain adverts, that are sent out to people even though they might have no need for said product.

Remember, spam isn't just on the internet. It's spreading. People are getting "spam" via sms on their cellphones these days.
MaxiKana said:
Or just contain adverts, that are sent out to people even though they might have no need for said product.

Remember, spam isn't just on the internet. It's spreading. People are getting "spam" via sms on their cellphones these days.

I know, that was just one of several definitions.
I agree that the amount of spam on boards should be small, but an occasional useless post should be there too. Things might turn out too serious otherwise.

Spam that reaches you by mail or text messages usually contains cheap advertisers; that kind of spam should be forbidden.
In the General Off-topic forums nearly every thread is getting de-railed by spam.
Sprafa said:
In the General Off-topic forums nearly every thread is getting de-railed by spam.

Yep, it's really annoying now.
Now they made an entire forum dedicated to it...
Im getting the feeling they just delete the gone gold forum and whipe all the forum posts (with counters) with it... so we wont see any different in our dear post counter.
Majestic XII said:
Im getting the feeling they just delete the gone gold forum and whipe all the forum posts (with counters) with it... so we wont see any different in our dear post counter.
Actually from what I can see posting in that forum doesn't even increase your post counter at all right now.
Post counts are meaningless.
This forum is meaningless.
Spam is meaningless.

I fail to see how it matters in the grander scale of things.
When I've cleaned my pants I'll be putting a stop to spam again.
Sprafa said:
ever since the creation of the gloglebag army, spam is getting a bigger and bigger problem. I'm pretty tired of people saying meaningless things just to get a higher post count.
you're a huge hypocrit. can you for once in your life stop whining about everything?
well...somebody's had a bad day.....(sh33p)

i mean, half-life2 just went gold so i'm kind of expecting everyone to be happy and care free around this time, i mean if you really dislike spam and see certain people spamming constantly, well, just put them on your ignore list.
I'll be happy when hl2 is in my hand.

And whats this "gloglebag army"???

Also, if ppl are worried about ppl spamming to boost their post count, simply turn off post counts.
Sai said:
well...somebody's had a bad day.....(sh33p)

i mean, half-life2 just went gold so i'm kind of expecting everyone to be happy and care free around this time, i mean if you really dislike spam and see certain people spamming constantly, well, just put them on your ignore list.
I'm just really sick of sprafa. I don't know how much longer I can stand him.
Have you re-considered the creation of the Gone Gold forum? Its quickly degenerating into a mass of "OMFG!!111111LOL!!!!G0lD!!!!!!!!HAHAHaH@H@H1111111!" as well as other...well....more sexually-disturbing topics. :p

I'd suggest you close it before things get any more out of hand...
These forums are ruined. I am another guy on these forums, I'm just taking a break while my other computer is broke and posting from another pooter. I probably won't go back when I get access to my old comp.

Goodbye. It worked for a while, it was a hell of a ride.

My advice to you all would be to be unattached with everything you have, because it will not last forever. At the same time, treasure everything you have, because it will not last forever.

There are so many people here I love, the love won't fade away just because I'm riding into the sunset, you will always be there in my most precious memories. I really mean it.

Love is all that matters.

Peace out, mates. :)

MrBongo said:
Have you re-considered the creation of the Gone Gold forum? Its quickly degenerating into a mass of "OMFG!!111111LOL!!!!G0lD!!!!!!!!HAHAHaH@H@H1111111!" as well as other...well....more sexually-disturbing topics. :p

I'd suggest you close it before things get any more out of hand...
I think the idea of it was to contain all the spam in one area so that it could all be deleted easily once this whole thing blows over. Its just diverted all the crap away from general discussion.
Sprafa said:
ever since the creation of the gloglebag army, spam is getting a bigger and bigger problem. I'm pretty tired of people saying meaningless things just to get a higher post count.
You forgot the hypocrite tags, Sprafa. :|

Posting and you

There is a vast difference to me between spam and comedic, light hearted jokes. What, you want everyone to answer every thread with a direct response to a question, and nothing more, ever? That would be boring and stupid. Does everyone have to be straightfoward about everything, or can we make some jokes sometimes?

I understand that some spam can be annoying, but I don't consider everything relatively off-topic to be spam.

Chris_D said:
When I've cleaned my pants I'll be putting a stop to spam again.
That made me laugh :D
You know what i hate more
than the people that spam?
Ppl with sticks up their arses.
Get over it.. Its Off-Topic
Its there to be amusing
If you want to stick to
the more serious threads
Then don't go in there

Lighten up -_-

Besides, no one cares
About people's post counts
The people on this forum
With the highest counts
Are usually the most irritating

Or perhaps its just the people
That have over 4500 posts
It's general off-topic chat that the gloglebag army is restricted to. Oh no, the 399,940,399,995,00,494th political thread went off-track at the 544,344,344 page! Spam attack!!! Christ Sprafa, it's nothing more than a bit of light-hearted fun being had a by a group of friends. The mods are being really great and letting it go on, it isn't hurting anyone, people get a kick out of it. What is your problem?

This isn't about post-counts, it's about having a good time. That's what this forum is all about anyways. At least, it was.
Everybody spams, in one way or another. It all depends on how you view 'spam.' Something meaningful to one person, could be totally worthless to the next guy.
I wouldn't call the stuff in OT forum spam, I would call it more like banter. Banter is good natured joking. The biggest difference between banter and joking is that banter has some form of organization in it. Spam is typically unorganized and usually involves insults and flaming.

The stuff in OT forum is definetely not spam. Maybe in the HL2 discussion forum, but not the OT chat forum.
blahblahblah said:
I wouldn't call the stuff in OT forum spam, I would call it more like banter. Banter is good natured joking. The biggest difference between banter and joking is that banter has some form of organization in it. Spam is typically unorganized and usually involves insults and flaming.

The stuff in OT forum is definetely not spam. Maybe in the HL2 discussion forum, but not the OT chat forum.
No no, spam is, by definition, everything except what sprafa posts. :rolleyes:
CyberSh33p said:
No no, spam is, by definition, everything except what sprafa posts. :rolleyes:

Untrue. I do spam. Especially in the Newbie forums. Still, one or two gloglebags always get into every thread and start a random discussion about gremlins/hobbits/gloglebags.
Sprafa said:
Untrue. I do spam. Especially in the Newbie forums. Still, one or two gloglebags always get into every thread and start a random discussion about gremlins/hobbits/gloglebags.
sorry, then its everything you don't post, and some of what you do.