Sparks have taken over the world!

I think it is silly to have sparks on that table. To make sparks in reality it has to have much power to push two objects togheter and make a spark. But when you move a table with som paintboxes on top, that should not make a spark!
I concur.

However like I already said, they said they were going to fix this ages ago.
maby they thought it was easy so they let it sit untill they have the big bugs fixed
Maybe they're too lazy to even think of what creates sparks and stuff so they decided to put sparks in everywhere to make it look shiny.
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
P.S. - It's sparks (good job) and your english wasn't too bad at all... Better than some of the people who's first language is English on boards like theses...

How would you know? It's not like you know if they're english or american just by looking at them. Germans and Americans have the worst english online in my opinion. I'm not saying all Americans have spelling or grammar problems but the ones that do often hit big-time wrong.

Anyway, I doubt you could tell where someone's from just by looking at their english.

And yes, this was off topic, live with it.

Dead-Inside said:
How would you know? It's not like you know if they're english or american just by looking at them. Germans and Americans have the worst english online in my opinion. I'm not saying all Americans have spelling or grammar problems but the ones that do often hit big-time wrong.

Anyway, I doubt you could tell where someone's from just by looking at their english.

It is often possible to tell between a UK/AUS/NZ English speaker and an American English speaker in their typing. 's' for 'z', 'ou' for 'o', etc., are usually dead giveaways. UK slang/swears are also big tipoffs ('bollocks', 'bugger', etc.) It's hard to quantify, but UK/AUS/NZ speakers use English a little differently than us Yanks. If you spend a lot of time talking to English speakers from another country, you start to see the differences. It's the same thing in Mexico, where the Spanish they speak is the same as what they speak in Spain, but it's very easy to tell speakers apart based on it.

I've seen no evidence that someone who knows English as a second language is necessarily worse at constructing proper grammar than a native speaker. I've known several second-language people who spoke better than native speakers.
Generally people who have spent a long time studying English as a second language are better at constructing sentences and so on, because they use less slang and colloquialisms, and instead implement the correct English they have studied.
:eek: Look to the left of this picture

do I spy with my little eye.... the old Half-Life gibs?!?

Chicken bone... Heart.... :O

edit: also... the chicken bone gib has landed... lol

I'm not sure whether I want these gibs in HL2 or not :laugh: :p
I know these are from the old E32003 vids but heh.... I don't seem to recall anyone pointing this out before?

edit 2: I know the Zombies have dismemberment points, but I am talking about what really appears to be the old chicken leg gib.... lol
I think that 'dust placeholder' makes the most sense of the theories presented. But, then again, there was dust in the coastline vid.

At least sporks aren't flying out. That would just be awkward.
Someone mentioned the sparks being exaggerated, I think it might just be that, and all to make things look "cool" :D because i've read that they also made the expressions on the characters' faces' exaggerated too so it's noticable. So I just thought that could be a possibility.
quite a few things can cause sparks even wood can, i've seen a tornado throw a piece of a tree against asphalt and cause sparks, also only when bullets ricochet off metal do they produce sparks.
Actually, that's a hollywood effect, bullets sparking on metal. Bullets are made of brass, which is far to soft to creae sparks, but you can show me a picture when you have a brass bullet sparking ;)

Steel bullets (never seen these used commonly) will spark.

And wood sparking? Maybe a nail in the wood sparking, but not the wood itself. It would simply splinter before creating a spark.
scheit, didnt know sparks where so interesting, only expected a couple of answers, not 4 pages :P

well, i hope theyve fixed the "problem" anyway, i dont wanna play a hl2 filled with sparks :)
You know , I came in here thinking " wtf!? Obscure 70`s english band achieves world domination ? Must be worth a look."

Boy was I ever disappointed.

Move along nothing to see here.
like i said b4 bullets will spark if they ricochet, next time u see a tree getting tossed at 180 mph at asphalt tell me if it sparks or not(cus it will).
Yes lets talk about sparks or nothing at all...

hmmm considering this is a public forum and its purpose is to talk then doesn't it seem normal that if there is a subject to talk about even if it is boring that we will talk about it?

Take your pick, boring sparks, or boring nothing.
Impulse147 said:
like i said b4 bullets will spark if they ricochet, next time u see a tree getting tossed at 180 mph at asphalt tell me if it sparks or not(cus it will).

I concede I can't disprove the fact that wood traveling at 180 mph will not spark as I've never been in that serious of a storm. I just read too that you said a tree, so there will probably no exposed nails. I don't know, I've never seen it, but I find it hard to believe, but I have no evidence to prove otherwise. It will just remain one of those 'you have to see it to believe it' situations.

As for bullets...

When have you seen bullets spark on metal? In movies? They create false sparks to make people think there is a bullet there(as they don't really shoot over important actors shoulders with live rounds), and so the audience can follow by sight where the bullet impacted. Through the wonders of logic and my own experience, I know brass bullets will not spark on metal.

So we'll both just have to take each other's word and comprimise :E
Impulse147 said:
like i said b4 bullets will spark if they ricochet, next time u see a tree getting tossed at 180 mph at asphalt tell me if it sparks or not(cus it will).
Typical handgun bullets are made of copper-clad lead or lead alloys. They simply don't create bright flashes of light when they strike objects, even if the objects are made of steel (physics.. go do some research before you babble about things you dont know). Discussion over.
Its for the looks I bet

A propane tank sliding on a wood table could not create sparks, and the sparks dont show up all the time, just some of the time.
harhar said:
Typical handgun bullets are made of copper-clad lead or lead alloys. They simply don't create bright flashes of light when they strike objects, even if the objects are made of steel (physics.. go do some research before you babble about things you dont know). Discussion over.

Thank you! :thumbs:
I knew someone had the right terms out there!!
Anything where superheated particles come off will create sparks.
Hate to say it , but new world order`s sparks were much cooler.
Each spark acted as a light source.
Shame there wasnt much more to the game(sorry Jimbo).
HerzaiMekhtar said:
i am gled to hear about spark fix. the sparks were hram

I'm sure I speak for at least a few other people when I say: I'd love to know exactly what "Hram" means...

Bad? Dorky-looking? Stupid? Goofy?

What does it mean?
Brian Damage said:
I'm sure I speak for at least a few other people when I say: I'd love to know exactly what "Hram" means...

Bad? Dorky-looking? Stupid? Goofy?

What does it mean?

I recall that word:

I think it means "sinful" or "sin".
wood does not spark...i've seen very fast moving saws and grinders on wood, but no sparks
I've seen wood on wood make sparks...

They don't fly off in parabolas, but they do pop up...
I've seen wood spark, lots of times actually.

When it's been heated up til it glows, and then rubbed together. :P
As far as I'm aware, wood will never spark unless it's hot enough to be burning. It wouldn't spark by just rubbing against something (unless it's rubbing forcefully enough, and for a long enough time, to build up that much friction), or being shot. To those who said that a tree hitting a barbed wire fence causes sparks, and a tree hitting asphalt causes sparks, I think both of these can be explained easily enough.

When the tree hit the fence, it caused the wire to be pulled very quickly through the holes in the (presumably) metal posts. The tree itself (wood) didn't create sparks.

When a tree being thrown by a tornado hit an asphalt road, I bet it very quickly and forcefuly pushed lots of little pieces of asphalt into one another. That's probably what created the sparks.

Wood doesn't spark, unless it's basically on fire, and that doesn't count :P . A bullet going through, say, a wooden door or table would never create sparks unless there is metal in the wood (like a nail), and the bullet is made of a material prone to creating sparks (like steel). Anyway, I think it's been established that the spark thing was a bug and has been fixed. I'm sure they'll be used more appropriately in the final game.
No matter how many times I see this thread I read it as, "Snarks have taken over the world!" :laugh:

Anyway, I think the sparks in the videos looked.. well, crap. They annoyed the hell outta me, but ah well :) I hope it is fixed in the final game
Logic said:
It wouldn't spark by just rubbing against something (unless it's rubbing forcefully enough, and for a long enough time, to build up that much friction)

Of all the posts in all the spark threads, I have to read that bit first..

/me steps back out of HL2 Discussion
When i get spanked my ass sparks... err... what.. no

Don't care about sparks in hl2, it's something that doesn't really affect gameplay, not for me at least.
So... err... why don't sparks from friction-burned wood count? They're still sparks...

Or are we, for some reason, only talking about little hot flecks of metal here?