Sparks have taken over the world!

When I said sparks from burning wood don't count, I meant in the sense that they certainly wouldn't be produced by wood colliding with things in the game, or even being shot at. Sure, they count as sparks in real life, but at no point in the game would it be realistic for wooden objects to produce sparks unless they are actually burning, and it'd take a hell of a lot of friction for that to happen simply from interaction with other objects or surfaces.
Depends on what you mean by "a hell of a lot". All I know is that I've seen sparks from wood rubbing against things before, but meh, whatever...
Just from rubbing on things? I wouldn't have thought that would happen but I could certainly be wrong. What were the particular circumstances?
I've seen it once with one of those plank-launcher gizmos they sometimes have at carnivals/expos/whatevers (that was an impact-induced sparking), and I've seen it actually happen once when someone was making a fire via that old trick where you rub a stick up and down against a piece of wood (I reckon the tension in the wood had something to do with that). It's rare, but it can happen.

I've also heard of it happening during hurricanes/tornados, now that I come to think of it.

High-velocity wood sparks can happen, but they need a bit of oomph to set them off...
Small puppies barking at apples

Okay, on the spark thing.

If any of you want to see some weapons induced fireworks.... grab any old .223 rifle, and head out and shoot something nice and metallic. A car door, washing machine (my personal favorite), or just a plain piece of steel.

While I agree that they DO tend to overdo sparks in many games, (Especially recently) they have never actually come close to the volume of "sparks" that a decent rifle will make when penetrating a piece of steel.

Yes, I know that not all ammunition, or even weapons will produce this effect, but it happens a LOT more frequently than some of you are making it sound. I've heard several veterans say that an M-16 or AK47 will both produce sparks from firing at sand, though I never tried it myself.

My point is that from personal experience, some rifle/ammunition combos will make a veritable cloud of sparks. By cloud I mean a 3- 6 foot ball of "sparks". I'd love to see someone replicate that accurately just once in some FPS.

Yeah..... noone would believe it, but until you see it for yourself a few times it sounds pretty far fetched. Having blasted a few home appliances, (and a computer) I am a believer...... long live sparks!
I tried shooting someone in the head and he exploded. And there were a lot of sparks.


but i wonder if there would be?
Fuzzy snarks on the rooftop

Depends...... I know a few people with a plate in the head, so........
HAHA! that might look pretty cool! (don't worry i won't try it)
OK I havn't read the whole thread so I'm sorry if I'm covering old ground but..

Sparks can't have taken over the world because this town ain't big enough for the both of us.
Hope this clears things up, i feel ppl don't really understand what sparks are;

Sparks are small pieces of either material that are extremely hot. The heat can be and most often is caused by friction.
I'm not sure if its still a spark if it isn't caused by friction though :P i suppose that'd just be burning metal, which in turn is just what a spark is lol
how is a bullet hitting a metal plate not friction? its a most extreme case of it