Spawning npc do not work



I tried to spawn an npc on the missions but it never worked(The all weapons cheat worked) can anyone help me spawn an npc(to do my bidding muaahhh :sniper: )
Um a little more detail about what command your typing in would help, I assume your type "create_npc XXXXX" you need to type "create_npc npc_XXXXX"
try this:

npc_create npc_vortigaunt

He'll be on your side and fight enemies with his electrical attack (which btw is friggin' cool, sends them flying) although he won't follow you. Make sure your crosshair is pointing at an appropriate spot on the floor when you enter the command,

Hmm... I dont think so... if they have waypoints maybe.
Okay it works(the citizens follow) now the only thing i need is(since the cheats i was following arent that effective) is how to arm them with guns
sniperelite7 said:
Okay it works(the citizens follow) now the only thing i need is(since the cheats i was following arent that effective) is how to arm them with guns

use npc_create_equipment weapon_xxx command before spawing, it makes every npc spawn with that weapon.
do i have to insert specific "_" between the weapon's word for example, "rpg_rocket"?
bind b "npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2; wait; npc_create npc_combine_s"
bind n "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun; wait; npc_create npc_citizen"

Then, I loaded up a map, and started spawning them all over the place, and it slowed down my performance a little in the open areas, but it was hilarious to just get a whole bunch of teammates following me, and then spawning a bunch of combine soldiers in front of me, and running away and watching them duke it out.

NPC List
Ant Lion Guard: npc_antlionguard
Citizen: npc_citizen
Barney: npc_barney

Combine Soldier: npc_combine_s
Zombie: npc_zombie
Fast Zombie: npc_fastzombie
Poison Zombie: npc_poisonzombie
Headcrab: npc_headcrab
Fast Headcrab: npc_headcrab_fast
Poison Headcrab: npc_headcrab_poison
Ant Lion: npc_antlion
Ant Lion Gaurd: npc_antlion
Manhack: npc_manhack

Weapon List

To create your own, just use the npc_create_equipment command, to let the game know which weapon you want your NPC to spawn with. Then, load up an NPC with the npc_create command.

I haven't tested all of the weapon combinations and I'm pretty sure Zombies aren't going to equip RPG's, so use this at your own risk.

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to add this, but the reason I bound them to buttons, was because you have to be looking at a location that an NPC can spawn, so you can't spawn NPC's in midair, or in walls (manhacks are an exception), your crosshair has to be pointed at a clear area on a floor surface. (Which is also why Striders don't work, they spawn with their entire lower-body underground.)