Spawning the Physgun



Hey, I was just wondering if anyone else has tried to spawn the weapon_phsygun entity. I tried it, but it is invisible or something...

I dont know if its missing something or what... Anyone having the same problem?
I've been trying to figure out how to create the physgun period.
I see its in the weapon scripts but I have no clue how to mod, let alone put it into the game

im new... but how do u make guns piriod? i tryed making a prop_static (or phisic i cant remember) and skined it with w_ak47 or some thing but it didnt work... can u tell me?
Ingame its called the physgun, but with Hammer, its called weapon_physcannon. Just drop a weapon_physcannon entity anywhere and that should be it.
hmmm... when the physgun is used in game ..don't want to spoil this... but does it ever disappear? I.e. isn't the physgun just a manipulator gun with a new skin and a few settings changed? or am i completely wrong and stupid like i ususally am?
That makes sense - I dont see why they would have remodeled it. If they did, it was minor changes. Someone posted on another thread what the super physgun's name was for entity placement --- cant find that thread :/
Abix, have you tested what you suggested? I am at school right now, but I will test it when I get home. Do you know that the physgun is the gravity gun used in the hl2 video's released last year?

I have weapon_physgun in my entity list. Why would it be there if it does nothing? I put one in my map, and when I get into it, there is nothing there.
Are you saying weapon_physgun is nothing, and the entity in hammer called weapon_physcannon is the one im looking for?

I thought weapon_physcannon is the gravity gun used in HL2DM right now? Am I wrong?

I just want to know if Valve added the Physgun to the SDK, and how to add it to my maps. Thanks!

Could someone test this really quick?