Special Ed Thread

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
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Special is just another polite way to say your kid is a tard. Does that make the person useless as a human or can they accualty achieve something? Should the parents be able to end the childs miserable existance?


Pendragon said:
Of course they can achieve something, they just might achieve in different ways than others. Or they might be lazy, in which case they can but probably will never drive themselves to.

Pardon the rudeness, but what the hell are you on? Hell no!

Lol, that last thing is just a monkey wrench to keep thngs interesting.
i read somewhere that if we stopped trying to keep the dying alive it would strengthen the human gene pool. it sounds absurd but there is some sense to that.

if a person is brain dead/vegetable or whatever then they obviously can't make a decision for themselves, so i guess it would be up to the parents (who have to feed them, clean their shit, clothe them etc).
I think that the monkey wrench in a misunderstood tool. Although monkeys do have the capability to make use of simple tools there is no prominent relationship between said simians and the monkey wrenches that are used in a wide variety of human mechanical endeavours. But on one hand I suppose the monkeys could use the wrench as a primitive bashing tool. But that is not the main purpose of the monkey wrench, so I conclude that monkey wrenches are in no way related to monkeys.

But I think that if there's someone willing to take care of the "special" then they should be allowed to. In some cases I suppose forcing people to take of the mentally handicapped is simply a question of morals.
fizzlephox said:
I think that the monkey wrench in a misunderstood tool. Although monkeys do have the capability to make use of simple tools there is no prominent relationship between said simians and the monkey wrenches that are used in a wide variety of human mechanical endeavours. But on one hand I suppose the monkeys could use the wrench as a primitive bashing tool. But that is not the main purpose of the monkey wrench, so I conclude that monkey wrenches are in no way related to monkeys.

Very well put sir, although it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
We are being way to politiclly correct. I want to know YOUR opinion not something you learned in science.

Basically are tards worth taking care of or are they a waste and are just suffering and not knowing it.

Starship troopers had this all done very well...At least the book did, the film was crappy comparitively speaking.

In the book, you had to earn citizenship by ging through military training (yes some of you may say its all rubbish but blah...). When you become a citizen, you get the right to enter politics, have babies(well, you can get a license but its easier once you have citizenship), vote and do all sorts of things that you would hope only the cream of society really get to do. Civilians can still own businesses, but until you acieve citizenship you dont have a lot of say in how the country is run.

The thing about the book is, that it wasnt just about being in the army, it taught you morals and discipline as well as a good sense of how things run. I suggest everyone go out and read Starship Troopers, it is an amazing book and i read it before watching the film which meant the film seemed quite poor in comparison. Considering it was written in 1952, it was way ahead of its time and still is. For example the power suits they have, he spoke of artificial muscle...something only now just being devloped. The system worked with you, so it gave you great strength but would rip you apart.

Anyway, some people should have babies but as has been said.

My very own personal opinion on this subject is that, people with serious mental deffects shouldnt jsut be left to die...even stupid people are people. Where do you draw the line in deciding if someone dies? Yes i admit it puts serious strains on society, especially if the help is run off taxes. However, i believe that it would run quite smoothly if politicains had a little more integrity.
Farrowlesparrow said:
My very own personal opinion on this subject is that, people with serious mental deffects should jsut be left to die...even stupid people are people.
Uhhhh... did you mean to say that? ;)

Your subconcious is rearing its ugly head!
My very own personal opinion on this subject is that, people with serious mental deffects should jsut be left to die...even stupid people are people. Where do you draw the line in deciding if someone dies? Yes i admit it puts serious strains on society, especially if the help is run off taxes. However, i believe that it would run quite smoothly if politicains had a little more integrity.

Umm I am sorry for the misconception but do you mean that tards should not
be left to die, or they should?

off topic, omg letters u genious. :smoking:

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Cognitively impaired people.. Hm. Do you know if they want to live or not? Ask them, instead of saying stupid stuff.
Jhahn2k4 said:
Cognitively impaired people.. Hm. Do you know if they want to live or not? Ask them, instead of saying stupid stuff.

Ummmm, right........

They are complete idiots. They cannot make logical decision by themselves thus it being left up to the care takers.

Ask them.........they cant even poop without help.

It is rather pointless to ask them.
As being the brother to a mother of a mental defect daughter at an age of 7, I believe these kind of people should be treated with as much respect as possible, and getting assistance from the government when it's necessary, such as a personal assistant or the like.
CrazyHarij said:
As being the brother to a mother of a mental defect daughter at an age of 7, I believe these kind of people should be treated with as much respect as possible, and getting assistance from the government when it's necessary, such as a personal assistant or the like.

The moral route. So to you, government funds on tards is worth more than it being spent on schools or college scholarships for those who want to succeed and accaulty have a chance to.


Not trying to be rude, but those facts remain.
I think those without the capabilities to take care of themselves should have someone to take care of them. Frankly, the strain on my wallet pales in comparison to the fact that I don't have the right to decide if an innocent person dies. Morals before Money.

However, if it's some dumb teen that does drugs, ODs, and becomes retarded, I feel that should be left up to a jury or court. Sure, doing drugs doesn't hold a legal punishment of death, but people know the risk they're taking when they do drugs.
A mna with Down Syndrome is different from some Paint-huffing Hoodlum.
GhostValkyrie said:
I think those without the capabilities to take care of themselves should have someone to take care of them. Frankly, the strain on my wallet pales in comparison to the fact that I don't have the right to decide if an innocent person dies. Morals before Money.

However, if it's some dumb teen that does drugs, ODs, and becomes retarded, I feel that should be left up to a jury or court. Sure, doing drugs doesn't hold a legal punishment of death, but people know the risk they're taking when they do drugs.
A mna with Down Syndrome is different from some Paint-huffing Hoodlum.

This thread is based on born tards an not drug abusers. So things are clear.

GhostValkyrie said:
I think those without the capabilities to take care of themselves should have someone to take care of them. Frankly, the strain on my wallet pales in comparison to the fact that I don't have the right to decide if an innocent person dies. Morals before Money.

However, if it's some dumb teen that does drugs, ODs, and becomes retarded, I feel that should be left up to a jury or court. Sure, doing drugs doesn't hold a legal punishment of death, but people know the risk they're taking when they do drugs.
A mna with Down Syndrome is different from some Paint-huffing Hoodlum.

I agree with that, your fault for doing drugs and you should pay for doing something that stupid.
Mr.Reak said:
I agree with that, your fault for doing drugs and you should pay for doing something that stupid.
How about this then, the mother of the child was on drugs and caused the tard. Should it be aborted or allowed to live while the convicted mother gets the death penality.

(Assume the mother was a drug runner and shot some guy and was found guilty)
On an evolutionary standpoint those people who could be called "retards" (or whatever you want to call them) would have died off in the animal world long before they could have gotten anywhere near the ability to reproduce. This allowed for only the stronger to reproduce.

However that does not mean that we shouldn't just abandon them, we don't live in the wilderness any more, we live in large cities where we are protected through various systems. In today's society many people are now reproducing that are essentially going to devolve the human race (as has been said). However this should not be seen as such a threat when in this day and age we are comming to the point from which we can prevent such things from happening through other means.

Instead of deciding whether we should spoon feed these people through life or letting them die off we should be doing something to prevent them from ever being concieved in the first place. One of the major culprits for disabled children nowadays are not genetic factors but environmental, we should concentrate on eliminating those. Then of course we are also now getting to the stage where we can modify genetic codes. So if a woman becomes pregnant in the future maybe she would be able to go to the doctor and at the early stages of pregnancy have the babies genes examined to see if there are any genetic diseases. If there are any then we simply do something to eliminate them while the baby is still extremely young.

Then the problem is solved, we don't have to worry about supporting these people because there probably wouldn't be any.
Oh I have a hypothetical question.

What if you find a tooth in your bottle of soda. You go to the soda company and threaten to sue them for this. But the company representative doesn't listen to you and makes fun of your short stature. So you, in a fit of rage, find out the home adress of this company representative, go to his house and verbally harass his pregnant wife. The wife, not thinking straight because a midget is yelling at her, falls down some stairs and is terminally injured. The wife doesn't die right away and the baby is born a tard. Should the baby be sacrificed to demon gods to ensure that you gain immortality? You know the baby's a tard and their mom's already dead, and a human being with immortality could do so much good in the world.

You see you can come up with any number of hypothetical questions. But you can never cover every aspect of any one situation. So I like my hypothetical questions to be kept simple and realistic.

How far was the drug running mother in her pregnancy? Just exactly who did she shoot and why? Is she herself mentally disable in some way? Was she under the influence of something when she commited the shooting? Did she get a fair trial? These are all questions that that particular hypothetical question didn't answer.
The Mullinator said:
Then the problem is solved, we don't have to worry about supporting these people because there probably wouldn't be any.

Well that would require a Utopia. A Utopia is not possible.
fizzlephox said:
Well that would require a Utopia. A Utopia is not possible.
How does that require a Utopia? Were talking about less than 1% of the population here, and the ways of doing it are from impossible.
Common people, if we where perfect we wouldnt be human.
Utopia, only achieved when people are all the same and they have nothing the other wants. They also must all be the same race and WANT to live there.

Anyway, you guys are missing the questions again, are tards worth the burden or not?
We cannot spend the time and materials needed to make sure the entire world is enviormentally safe for pregnant mothers and their children. We also will never be able to offer andvanced genetic alterations and tests to all the mothers in Ethiopa and other third-world countries. Simple as that.
Not right away of course, im talking long term here. Next 200 years or something along those lines.
Dang.Don't you wish there was this device that would tell you a child would be "special" before he/she is born and still a fetus?
Tredoslop said:
Dang.Don't you wish there was this device that would tell you a child would be "special" before he/she is born and still a fetus?

That would be nice. But what if it just always said "pecial" and never differentiated between the "mentally special" kids and the "mentally gifted" kids.
They are already getting stuff like that, its called genetic screening. They can't recognize much yet from the genes they look at but given maybe 20 years and then doctors would probably be able to recognize the majority of dibilitating genetic conditions.
The Mullinator said:
They are already getting stuff like that, its called genetic screening. They can't recognize much yet from the genes they look at but given maybe 20 years and then it doctors would probably be able to recognize the majority of dibilitating genetic conditions.

Not even 300 years from now will every mother in the world have access to that kind of technology unless society was in some kind of Utopian form. Humans are greedy, we always want what's best for "us" and us alone, not what's best for the majority.
fizzlephox said:
That would be nice. But what if it just always said "pecial" and never differentiated between the "mentally special" kids and the "mentally gifted" kids.
Oh come on, you know that when I say "special" I ment tarded.
And saying special wouldn't mean gifted nowadays.
I cannot see why some of you have so much sympathy for tards. They are known for violence and control problems, they never listen, they are a phycological and financial burden and they cannot achieve anything and are basicly a waste of a human.

I hope I rocked the boat enough to get some emotion involved in this thread.
coolio2man said:
I cannot see why some of you have so much sympathy for tards. They are known for violence and control problems, they never listen, they are a phycological and financial burden and they cannot achieve anything and are basicly a waste of a human.

I hope I rocked the boat enough to get some emotion involved in this thread.
But just because they are tarded dosn't mean that even if they weren't tarded, they'll never have some kind of potential.
What if developed a medicine that takes away the "tard"ness? They would be stupid anyways?
fizzlephox said:
Not even 300 years from now will every mother in the world have access to that kind of technology unless society was in some kind of Utopian form.
Then lets just look at the "civilized" world. No one ever said it had to be the whole world. Either way it will probably eventually happen, you can't assume that we are going to remain basically the same for the rest of the time our race survives.
coolio2man said:
I cannot see why some of you have so much sympathy for tards. They are known for violence and control problems, they never listen, they are a phycological and financial burden and they cannot achieve anything and are basicly a waste of a human.

I hope I rocked the boat enough to get some emotion involved in this thread.

I thought we were talking about Utopian society and preventing retardation world-wide. Murdering or otherwise letting preventable harm come to the mentally handicapped is not something any humane person would allow to happen. I think it's not anyone's place to judge something they have no personal experience with. There are much more useless things in the world that could be gotten rid of before the systems that are set in place to protect the mentally handi-capped.
Tredoslop said:
What if developed a medicine that takes away the "tard"ness?

I laughed at that. I can see the ads now, "Do you wish you could take away your child's tardness? Do you know that 1 out of 10 children suffer from some form of stupidity on a daily basis? Then buy Prozethiumbenzite, let your kids be kids. The smart way. Warning may cause blindness and intense urges to murder siblings. Not for children under 18 years of age."
I didn't say I would murder them and I don't know where u pulled that from but are tards useless or are they worth something besides, "Its Humain and nice" etc etc.

No one is judging you, this is your opinion and people have to respect that. Be honest with yourself and us while responding. I have seen way to many, "Tards are people too" even tho they have the mental capacity of a dog. I want your honest opinions on tards and WHY! If you really think they are people then make a GOOD reason for it than just, its nice.

For the record i have not stated my opinion yet.

coolio2man said:
I cannot see why some of you have so much sympathy for tards. They are known for violence and control problems, they never listen, they are a phycological and financial burden and they cannot achieve anything and are basicly a waste of a human.

Who are you to put a value on another humans life? They can achieve things, they can do things, and they, like everything else in this world, have their place. As to your "They are known for violence" statement, there are many "sane and mentally fit" people in this world who commit evil on a level that far surpasses anything a retarded person could ever do. No human is fit to judge the value of another human. What you?re saying is a bit Hitler-esque.

coolio2man said:
I have seen way to many, "Tards are people too" even tho they have the mental capacity of a dog. :smoking:

So you think someones level of intelligence is what defines them as human?