

Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Specialmax has just recently joined after battlefrank was banned...They seem to have the same sense of "humor" and same odd name...

I hope i am wrong
Battlefrank was banned.

Damn timezones.
Oh, that tends to happen, so I would say it's likely.

Who's battlefrank?
^^ you wouldn't want to know him...he has the mind and humor of a 10 year old and the spelling of an ape.
Just like every other media brain-washed retard.
Just curious..
What was his bannable offence?
As far as I can tell, being a retard is not a bannable offence, else this forum would be desolate. :P
I actually have no idea..I wished i could have done it though i would have banned his IP too.

Edit: If specialmax is reading this...pleez tell me u r not battle frank because you are not anoying like he was.
Battlefrank watched too much Disney Channel :|
he was a poor freak of nature with an IQ of -0.1

NOTE: disney lowers your IQ!!!
MarcoPollo said:
Specialmax has just recently joined after battlefrank was banned...They seem to have the same sense of "humor" and same odd name...

I hope i am wrong
there's a report feature, use that. Stop making these threads to try have people banned. What have you got against this guy anyway, i've never seen him.
I guy with similar names was playing source forts tonight and destorying everything our team created. I was also playing a server earlier with an hl2.net tag and was being harassed for it. (in the hl2world server I might add).

EDIT:nevermind this guys name was different

*note: I actually quite enjoy hl2world, I have nothing against them :\
The Dark Elf said:
there's a report feature, use that. Stop making these threads to try have people banned. What have you got against this guy anyway, i've never seen him.

He hasn't done anything that he should be banned for...I'm just wondering if it is him or what.