Speculations on G-Man, Portal, and Episode 3

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We're never going to face off against the Gman in a boss fight.

It'd ruin the character if we did. We're going to end the game after learning something about his motivations. He will then leave, to do his own thing, cryptically.

Did I say boss battle? No. Just interacting in normal space
Here is what i think of the G-MAN.
I believe he does have ties with the goverment but not too much.He has ties with both Black Messa and Aperture Sciences.He uses portal technology (how else could he apear and disapear,and leave places with no exits)
I thing he cant stop time,but can make ilusions,and as for him seeing the future,i believe it has something to do with his Employers (people for who he works for :-)
that would explain the "unforseen consequences" and i think Eli knew of them
I refuse to even consider that Valve could come up with such a boring and mundane explanation to g-man.
Well it isn't really. Valve always give the impression that he is some type of super being, but I’m sure that in the end we will see that he is very vurnerable and just a small part of a bigger thing. G-man stutters, he has emotions, he makes mistakes,... Your actions (as Gordon) are very important to him and that’s why he cares so much about you. If he really was God-like, why would he need you? Of course he doesn’t show you that he is weak because he wants control you, but in ep1 you clearly see he isn’t that powerful when the vortigaunts stop him from 'taking' Alyx.(yeah I know that sounds funny)
The G-Man probably uses Gordon to fix the mistakes he made, and I think in ep3 you will slowly turn against him and don’t do all the stuff he asks you to do (by destroying the Borealis for example). This would be a nice story-twist.

The fact that you refuse a simple explanation for the G-Man doesn't mean it's wrong, I don’t see a reason why it should be complicated. In fact I think its less boring to have him as a vulnerable person instead of some type of super human. It can contribute a lot to the story.

Also, it doesn't make sense.
Well it makes sense to me in a lot of ways, it makes a lot of things 'fit'.
Instead of just saying "it doesn't make sense" maybe you could explain why?!
There is a theory that states that for every possible outcome it happens in another dimension. The Gman could be able to skirt these dimensions and plan accordingly.

Mossman mentioned String Theory and I believe that is the key to teleportation. If you could control the "strings" could could do pretty much what you wanted. There are aspects that drive our reality that we cannot understand because we cannot see them. The Gman, Vortigaunts and the Combine can because they evolved differently then us.

It is also possible that there are border worlds that straddle multiple dimensions like Xen. Mossman mentions using Xen as a relay, the vortigaunts are from there and the Gman teleports you around it at the end of Halflife. Also during Halflife and Opposing Force there are portals that teleport you to Xen and once there, there are other portals that take you to another part of Black Mesa. Maybe Xen is the "other" version of earth that allows things to go back and forth.

The Gman is probably part of a waring entity with the Combine and brought them here to be destroyed. Maybe humans (Gordon) are powerful enough to defeat them. That could explain why the Gman tested us in Black Mesa and seems so obsessed with us, and to a lesser extent Alyx and Eli.

Or maybe Gordon just took some bad acid.:thumbs:
Interdimentional businessman? Mercenary loaner? GOD? Maybe. Maybe he's just taken another form of something. Most likely he's perfectly/imperfectly human (why otherwise, wouldhe carry a gun?) If he was working for Aperture, there would've been no incident, just success of Aperture. Look at what G-Man can do compared to Apertures (in comparison) mere small tear in space.

He's a difficult one. But he's up to something that's messing with Gordon's everyday life. G-Man took Gordon's ponytail, he froze Gordon for ages, gave him no choice to work for him. Gordon is a slave and was a vessel of a message (expect unforseen consequences) as we saw with Alyx. It was like she was posessed.

I think we can definately rule out him working for a human organisation as 'simple' as aperture or the governement. In Blue Shift, after defusing that thing, he set it up again. (May have been Opposing Forces). He's a tricky sunuva beech but I'm sure Valve won't leave us hanging.