Speech Problems!


Jul 9, 2004
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This is a serious post! By a serious poster! Ok I have speech problems of somesort Its like when I speak I slur my words sometimes, But I think its just me thinking to fast, for me to speak. BTW Im mixed im black/white/asian/jamaican and I can say every word without mispronouncing them. When i speak I don't sound like any type of American by this I mean black, white, redneck, and etc. at all. I dont think this has to do with my knowledge as I passed this year with a 4.5GPA. Also people tell me to speakup sometimes and to me I feel in my head that im speaking at a perfectly audible level, although when I do speakup I feel like im screaming at the top of my lungs. I dont like to scream at people.. Does anyone else have a similar problem? If so have you seeked professional help with it? Also is there anyone who has something similar to this?

The reason I posted this because I people tell me I'm smart but if I learned how to "speak" coherently I would seem even more intelligent, and when people say things like this is makes me sort of angry. But I know they mean it for the good not the bad, so any help with my problem would be appreciated :) btw Im not insecure
I'm exactly the same... just depends on the situation I'm in.. but in different situations I slur words, stutter, speak quietly, etc.. some people are just quiet (whereas others are really noisy people, who need to be heard), thats just the way it is.

I'm curious why all famos black people say "axe", instead of "ask".. wtf's that all about?

Edit: I haven't sought any help for it, because frankly I dont have what I'd consider a problem. I can be as clear and concise as the next person give the correct situation and any "problem" I have is purley social..
I get that sometimes. It feels like I'm talking as loud as everyone else, but really if you're more than three feet away you can't hear a thing I say, and I used to also tend to slur my words as I had some sort of mental predisposition to shy away from my "nerdy" image (also, and part of that predisposition is the feeling that over-pronouncing your words makes you sound like a nerd (which it does, but this is relative to how I used to speak). I used to pronounce very well, but kids started to make fun of me in like grade four, so I started slurring my words, and it got to the point where I would at rare times sound as if I were heavily drunk.

What helped me out of that is to try to slightly over-pronounce a few words that you don't usually say, then move on to more common words, and the slow change keeps people from seeing you one day, slurring away, and seeing you the next talking like an Oxford english professor :p And just slowly concentrate on raising the volume of your voice at the same rate, and nobody will notice a thing until they realize how much your voice has changed, and probably how much better it sounds :)

I doubt this helped you too much, but good luck in your voice-related endeavors :thumbs:
Lately, Ive been trying to talk from my diaphgram that place over your abs, to project my voice a little more but it just takes to much effort. i find out in situations when Im talking to people I don't really know, I speak quieter to myself a bit more I dont think its because I may be shy, its probably because I dont want to say something stupid, but when Im around my friends they tend to understand more of what I say then people who I've just met, I usually have to repeat myself 2 - 3 times before they catch on..
nofx said:
Lately, Ive been trying to talk from my diaphgram that place over your abs, to project my voice a little more but it just takes to much effort. i find out in situations when Im talking to people I don't really know, I speak quieter to myself a bit more I dont think its because I may be shy, its probably because I dont want to say something stupid, but when Im around my friends they tend to understand more of what I say then people who I've just met, I usually have to repeat myself 2 - 3 times before they catch on..
I am the exact same around new people, it sucks when talking to new girls too. :(

I have learned however to literally force myself to speak with new people as if they are friends I just havn't talked to very much, it makes speaking to people I don't know alot easier.
Heh. I have speach recognition problems. When someone talks to me when I don't expect it, I get the first sentence only after 3 seconds. Dependless of the language.

As for, nofx, just try to shout. You'll get used to it and probably like it.:E
I mumble, slur, stutter, whatever :) It's only around people I'm not comfortable with though. My brain tends to work a bit faster than my mouth..so sometimes I end up jumping from thought to thought, or abruptly blurt out something totally off-topic or inappropriate (I can say some really stupid things without ever meaning to say them).......I'm weird
Do what I do...when someone asks you a question, yell 'WHAT' as loud as you can to sorta stun them while you think up a witty response. Works all the time :p
You should try logopedia/phoniatric therapy. I'm doing it since my voice used to get croaky very quickly after having so speak up for longer than 20 min. It's great fun. You'll be surprised what can be done with "just" your voice. It helped me big time. Hope this helps you as well..
dood whutufflawl ah speek kanduh weerd two lawl.

whunayvuhr ah speek ah jost kanduh blurt aoot uvreethang uhm traheeng two sey.
nofx said:
This is a serious post! By a serious poster! Ok I have speech problems of somesort Its like when I speak I slur my words sometimes, But I think its just me thinking to fast, for me to speak. BTW Im mixed im black/white/asian/jamaican and I can say every word without mispronouncing them. When i speak I don't sound like any type of American by this I mean black, white, redneck, and etc. at all. I dont think this has to do with my knowledge as I passed this year with a 4.5GPA. Also people tell me to speakup sometimes and to me I feel in my head that im speaking at a perfectly audible level, although when I do speakup I feel like im screaming at the top of my lungs. I dont like to scream at people.. Does anyone else have a similar problem? If so have you seeked professional help with it? Also is there anyone who has something similar to this?

The reason I posted this because I people tell me I'm smart but if I learned how to "speak" coherently I would seem even more intelligent, and when people say things like this is makes me sort of angry. But I know they mean it for the good not the bad, so any help with my problem would be appreciated :) btw Im not insecure
are you me? be honest... :(
I have the problem that I don't anounciate properly. I guess I am too lazy. :(

I guess this must be a problem that only smart people have. :D
I talk really fast when excited... then i start breaking up, until i'm making no sense at all, and people start going: "whoa! slow the hell down!"
when I realize I am making no sense, I just deliberately do it even worse.
nofx said:
This is a serious post! By a serious poster! Ok I have speech problems of somesort Its like when I speak I slur my words sometimes, But I think its just me thinking to fast, for me to speak. BTW Im mixed im black/white/asian/jamaican and I can say every word without mispronouncing them. When i speak I don't sound like any type of American by this I mean black, white, redneck, and etc. at all. I dont think this has to do with my knowledge as I passed this year with a 4.5GPA. Also people tell me to speakup sometimes and to me I feel in my head that im speaking at a perfectly audible level, although when I do speakup I feel like im screaming at the top of my lungs. I dont like to scream at people.. Does anyone else have a similar problem? If so have you seeked professional help with it? Also is there anyone who has something similar to this?

The reason I posted this because I people tell me I'm smart but if I learned how to "speak" coherently I would seem even more intelligent, and when people say things like this is makes me sort of angry. But I know they mean it for the good not the bad, so any help with my problem would be appreciated :) btw Im not insecure

It’s a matter of articulation...because some people try to use words they can't pronounce just so they sound smart...

People who say that just don't understand your predicament....
Icarus said:
It’s a matter of articulation...because some people try to use words they can't pronounce just so they sound smart...

People who say that just don't understand your predicament....

some words ar ejust hard to pronounce without slowing down. try to particularly, enunciating every par of it but doing so in a normal speech speed.


google gets me sometimes too. :p ggggle
I'm better writing than I am speaking, so I just carry a note pad around and pass people notes!
I tend to think faster than I talk and as a result, slur my words. I also sometimes say something stupid and drift off. I find typing/writing something much eaiser and I never stuff up what I'm trying to say.
jimbones said:
You should try logopedia/phoniatric therapy. I'm doing it since my voice used to get croaky very quickly after having so speak up for longer than 20 min. It's great fun. You'll be surprised what can be done with "just" your voice. It helped me big time. Hope this helps you as well..

Sorry if this seems a bit personal, but how much do they cost and do you have to get a referral from your doctor to go? Does you insurance cover you?

Haha, mortiz so true I wish talking had a backspace function...
I get that problem alot. Not while hanging out with friends.
Most often it happens when talking to that someone special. :>
My vocabulary gets a bluescreen and my mind kind of yells at me -"WHAT THE FSCK ARE YOU SAYING YOU MORON?! TALK SMOOTH! SMOOTH DAMNIT!" and I get more nervous and I just slur even more. When it's at it's climax and it should sound like this "Well, i like them too. I love their sound, so original" it sounds something like this instead "Wll. ilik mmtoo. Ilve r snd. s orngl.... errr.. yah..".

And pretty often when writing on IRC or on these bords i often put togeather sentences that dont just make sence. But you should have noticed that already. :>

This is nothing I am ashamed of. I like it. No-one that I know does theese things so I'm quite happy. Gives me a wierd/psycho image - and I like it. =D

Edit: I just read the other posts here and.. Alot of people describes my speech "problem" quite well. I guess it's just the Geek way. We have been waiting for HL2 for so long now and we dont really have the time to slow down, cuse if we do it will result in that the actual time and space in the universe will slow down and one day will seem like a week, and then we have to wait for HL2 another year. Or something like that. Maybe I should stick with "It's just the geek way of talking".

I'm a geek. Not a nerd. I'm a geek, and damn proud of it. If anyone tries to mess with me i'd be like "AY! I'VE WAITED 24/7 FOR 8 YEARS JUST FOR A GAME TO ARRIVE! DONT YOU BE TRIPPIN' ON ME FOO'!!" ... and I would get beat up. But I'd still be proud of being a geek. :smoking:
Well there are two simple and somewhat effective ways of improving speech.

The dumb easy one (which kinda works) is done using only a pen/pencil. Just stick it sideways in your mouth, I'm dead serious. Place it so you hold it in place with your teeth, and the ends stick out the side of your mouth, essentially keeping your lips apart. This only really helps with articulation. You won't be able to speak perfectly, but with extended use, when the pen/pencil is removed, there will be a noticible difference in your articulation. This technique is not only for speech impedements, but for anyone (esp. you Speech and Debaters) who wants to improve their articulation.

The other method I know of is using a tape recorder to listen to your speech. There are special recorders you can buy that will play back your speech with different speeds and pitches. You can look online for these and they supposedly work fairly well.

The cheap method is for everyone, and mught help with slurring. But if a serious impedement involved, some consultation might be helpful.
Like so? Only question i have is how far back should I put the pen?

Behind my canine or before?

Picture am I doing it right?
Basically as far back as possible, but that's the idea. And you do have to talk a bunch. It makes it harder to articulate, so once it's gone you should be better off. Just try and speak as clearly as possible.

[SARCASM]Results may vary[/SARCASM]

But it should work. I've seen friends of mine do it before and it seems to work.
other the years i have found one thing to be most helpful. try not to think when you talk, honestly. babbling oddly until you hit a steady speaking tone seems to work fine for me :p
nofx said:
This is a serious post! By a serious poster! Ok I have speech problems of somesort Its like when I speak I slur my words sometimes, But I think its just me thinking to fast, for me to speak. BTW Im mixed im black/white/asian/jamaican and I can say every word without mispronouncing them. When i speak I don't sound like any type of American by this I mean black, white, redneck, and etc. at all. I dont think this has to do with my knowledge as I passed this year with a 4.5GPA. Also people tell me to speakup sometimes and to me I feel in my head that im speaking at a perfectly audible level, although when I do speakup I feel like im screaming at the top of my lungs. I dont like to scream at people.. Does anyone else have a similar problem? If so have you seeked professional help with it? Also is there anyone who has something similar to this?

The reason I posted this because I people tell me I'm smart but if I learned how to "speak" coherently I would seem even more intelligent, and when people say things like this is makes me sort of angry. But I know they mean it for the good not the bad, so any help with my problem would be appreciated :) btw Im not insecure

I have the same problem, but it only happens when talking to people I know for some reason. When I'm talking to people I've just met, I'm fine :shrug:
I have a similar problem, although I believe more severe. Mine isn't a case of nervousness or anxiety, but I can start stuttering at completely random occasions. I literally can't speak for a little while. The weird thing is that it happens most of the time when I'm fairly relaxed and just hanging out, but when the pressure is on I can concentrate and speak perfectly. It's not so much a problem now though, I sort of grew out of it.
I get the craziness with the not being able to cpeak coherently cause I try to go too fast. then I end up staying awake. :(
smwScott said:
I have a similar problem, although I believe more severe. Mine isn't a case of nervousness or anxiety, but I can start stuttering at completely random occasions. I literally can't speak for a little while. The weird thing is that it happens most of the time when I'm fairly relaxed and just hanging out, but when the pressure is on I can concentrate and speak perfectly. It's not so much a problem now though, I sort of grew out of it.

Oh yeah. I do that too. Studder alot when talking to new people. That along with alot of mumbling and various other slur I sound pretty wierd. But still in a geeky way. :imu:
Speech problems is very usual among males. At the age of 3, girls have about the double amount of words in their vocabulary as boys have. At the age of 10 to the rest of their teens to even ages like 18-19, most boys have speech "problems", missing words, slurring, mumbling and such.

If you're in that age you shouldn't be too worried with speech flaws. I used to have alot of problems talking, it's alot better now. :)
traesko said:
I'm a geek. Not a nerd. I'm a geek, and damn proud of it. If anyone tries to mess with me i'd be like "AY! I'VE WAITED 24/7 FOR 8 YEARS JUST FOR A GAME TO ARRIVE! DONT YOU BE TRIPPIN' ON ME FOO'!!" ... and I would get beat up. But I'd still be proud of being a geek. :smoking:

That's what I tell the morons at school.

Then they just stand 20 meters away and hurl projectiles.
It's really quite lame - they haven't hit me in years.
I tend to get my words mixed up and slur quite abit. I guess I kinda make out that Im changing the word to something else and do so when I know Im screwing up a word.

Mighty annoying considering I have such a big vocab, but I have trouble getting it across.
I tend to get a little out of breath when talking to someone new, around friends, i am fine though. I also develop a slight stutter whenever i get nervous when talking.

Just take your time when you speak to someone, especially when you talk to that someone special.
nofx said:
Also people tell me to speakup sometimes and to me I feel in my head that im speaking at a perfectly audible level, although when I do speakup I feel like im screaming at the top of my lungs.

I talk quietly too, i find it annoying when people cant hear me and i hate speaking up, possibly because i dont like people hearing my conversation. Its really hard when im trying to talk to people in noisy places like bars and clubs. Alcohol gets me abit louder though. :cool: