Speed Reading


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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Who here can do it. And how long did it take you to learn?
i read fast but it's not like technique to skim or anything
I have only tried like 7 or 8 times and it messed me up. It would take a long time for me to be able to do this I think.
Yeah, I can skim read, but I only usually do it with magazines or books I need to read for school that really aren't very intresting (Shakespeare, for example) But like said, its not really a technique or anything.
You're making too many threads ty... D:
D: Shakespeare is funny. Sometimes.

Not really. I've never been amused by his work, or intrested either. If anything, Macbeth was the only book I liked, but I say 'liked' as light as I can. I can't even remember the books we studied for English. They were so horrendously boring.

EDIT: Me saying ''Not really'' makes me sound like its a national fact that his work isn't amusing. My apologies.
i have never taken a course, but i read rather rapidly, attributable mostly to my love of reading.
Reading? What, you mean like books? Preposterous.
I skim-read all the time. It's just sort of a natural talent.
Me too.

btw, shakespear eats babies.
Hehe that's brilliant, Woody is a talented guy!
Me too.
btw, shakespear eats babies.
Get some taste!

I can read at a fast pace, i'm sure countless people can, but i choose to read slowly to take in every bit, and remember almost every bit. I enjoy things more that way, and have a better understanding.
You're making too many threads ty... D:

I dont see how actively participating in creating interesting discussions by making a few threads is a bad thing :rolleyes:
I can naturally read pretty fast, but I think that there is a technuiqe or something that people take classes for. I see ads for courses that claim they can teach you to read pages in a second and retain 98%...

EDIT: Who cares if Tyguy makes a lot of threads if they aren't myspace threads?
I kind of speed read, though I 'taught myself.'

Basically, you read a page or so so you have an idea of the writing style/language used and than you don't read the parts you know are 'useless' - yup, sounds crazy but it works and I more or less never miss anything important and I use it @ uni and so on.

I'd explain it more, but it's a bit hard to, but yeah, either learn your own method or find out how to.
I do that on uninteresting things that I read because I have/need to, but I don't actually think about when I do it.
I can fast read through articles but with novels I'm interested in, I don't. Maybe it's cause I don't want to read it fast....who knows.