
Toad ftw. GG Raz.

In the mean time, shitty webcam quality face studies!

Wow, those are awesome! What the HECK is the second person supposed to be? :o
I know its old as the hills, but would you have a larger version of the Purple City speed?
I really like the pose of the second picture. Excellent drawing. Needs scann0r though (buy one!)
Oooh, I like. The shuttle landing platform one (?) and the one posted after the cave video are my favorite.

The T-Rex has a bit of a "derp" face on, but maybe that's how T-Rex do.
I like the lava one, and the last one.

The T-Rex definitely has a herpity derp face going on.

Oh and is that large alien face inspired from Dreamcatcher?

If you do wallpaper requests, then this one at 1920 plz. I really like your stuff man.

The derp face I think is just because he seems to have a really stubby face. I think it should be more elongated, but I base that solely on the one from Jurassic Park.
Well thanks guys!

T-rex is a bit herpy derpy, I didn't pay much attention to the reference and ended up lumping his face up a bit. I like his happy expression though.

The chaos marine is a study, by the way. The original is amazing, I'll try to dig it up somewhere.

Krynn, pm me your contact details and I'll send you that image scaled up for you.

Remus, the large alien face was a little inspired by dreamcatcher, but it originally just "happened" out of a photo study of an old man. I ended up mirroring the image and painting over that, so the eyes that you see on the sides are mostly the old man's.

Also, practice from today.

Great work as ever smoke, they always seem to hit a note of mystery...
Wow, very cool! How long on average would one of those have taken?
Holy ****balls Smokeh! You've come an incredibly long way since you were sending me pics of planets/starscapes you made in photoshop back in 2005 or 2006. Amazing stuff, keep it up :D
Holy crap. This is pretty awesome.

How much 1920x1080 do you have?
Those are great. I agree with ZT, the colours are really striking.