Speedtest.net - What's your speed?


But I have loads of stuff that are downloading/uploading active currently
... I'm so sad...
I would be really happy to have your upload speeds as my download speeds, joule..

Holy crap, I want my upload speeds over my download speeds ffs.. *cries*

Eh not bad but im sure it wouldve been better before I went wireless.
So far I win this thread ;)

Somehow you're missing the first post.

I can get up to 16mb of download bandwidth but I just can't see the point in paying for it. I barely use the net for big downloads as it is.

Edit: I win the biggest distance award :D
Weird. I live in Amsterdam

But I get way better speeds from London

Somehow you're missing the first post.

I can get up to 16mb of download bandwidth but I just can't see the point in paying for it. I barely use the net for big downloads as it is.

yeah i missed the extra digits ;) you caught me pre edit

I win. Consider the distance. Ftw.

I get 9mb/s dl and 3.4mb/s up in Korean servers though.

This is with a shared net connection/other crap running in background. Could be better, could be worse.

WTF @ 22000

I think this is good for 9,000 kilometers.
I'm so pissed about my connection speed... Covad has moved out of my area, now i'm stuck with verizon line under Earthlink... I had 6mbps... now i'm back to 3.0Mbps!

Thats because you have better land lines on land than at sea.

I pay for 5mb/s Download and 500kb/s Upload...

BS Shaw

Weird NZ broadband... we get a pissy little upload =/


I guess that's about right. Excellent marketing strategy on behalf of the company, by the way.
I work at the phone company, I'll have to do a test there.
I think it's a 5mbps upload or something

10 mbit download
1 mbit upload

Upload seems to be half of what I should get :|
Here's mine. I'm on crappy dsl.

I get FIOS soon.

See I live in one of the first towns they ever installed FIOS to, Verizon that is. However, when I was slated to get it for early 2005, it's now late 2006 and I haven't gotten it yet. They only recently put down the conduit.

Wtf. I get way better speeds at like 10 times the distance.

Odd, my download was better from the farther location. hehe
I'm downloading a bit atm but it doesn't seem to effect it much.
5 mbps down
256 kbps up
this site ain't accurate. its crap.

I can get over 8456kb/s @ adsl uk test with this site my speed is 2689kb/s