Spider-Man : HL2

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Hello, my name is ScOrPiOn and I am currently leading a team in creating a Spider-Man mod for HL2 as the title suggests. And we are looking for a few more members to fill in the missing spots on the team roster. Our Website is on its way up but there is something up at http://www.carbon-effect.com/Scorpion/sm/
and out ModDB profile is at : http://mods.moddb.com/4302/

Positions desired :

1 Mapper (ATM) to help with early productions
Prop Modelers

But all are available.

Any interests E-Mail me at [email protected]
AIM : Mc ScOrPo
MSN : [email protected]

Thanks in advance

hope to hear from someone.
Below is a copy of the Public Design Doc's

A mod designed upon the stunning Half-Life 2 Engine created by Valve, using the concept of the Spider-Man
comic books,cartoon,movie created by MARVEL comics and Stan Lee. Bringing Spider-Man and his villans into the beautifful
engine with full physics smooth animation stunning scenery and great game play. Is the main goal of the mod.

Game Play
The mod hope to bring stunning game play into the Half-Life 2 engine, using such modes as DeathMatch, Team Death Match, Last Man Standing, Capture The Webb for starters. The mod will focus upon the Multiplayer aspect, there are no current
plant to create a Singleplayer campagne at this time. Some serious thought will be put into it.

Players will be able to slip into the spandex of many Spider-Man Characters :

1) Spider-Man
2) Dr Octapus
3) Green Goblin
4) Rhyno
5) Black Cat
6) Venom
7) Carnage
8) HobGoblin
9) Reptile
10) Mysterio
11) Scorpion
12) Shocker

These 12 Characters will be the main 12 Aimed for the initial Release all with their special abilities and weapons advantages/disadvantages to create the greatest mix yet seen in a PC Game MOD.

Every Character will have their own unique weapons, from spideys web blast to green goblins pumpkin bomb. Every character will have their own train weapons/attacks.
Including a great melee system for hand to hand combat giving every character different styles depending on who they are etc.

All the characters will have their abilities, Spidey's Wall Crawl/Web Swing, Reptiles regeneration, Rhynos Strength and Fast Running. Giving every character advantages and disadvantages at the same time creating excellent game play.

Wish List
what is hopes from this mod, is to create a gaming experience never seen yet, bringing in MARVEL's Spider-Man, and sticking him in a beautifull world with all his freinds/enemys. For the player to be put in the shoes of their favoured MARVEL character's.
Nice but you missed out the bit where you show you have permission to do it.
yeah your right I did forget that part ah well these things happend ey, Ever heard of a Mod called Spider-Man Dynamic Forces on the Q3 Engine? Featured in last months PC Gamer. They dont have permission, how do I know? Use to be on the team. So that doesnt not bother me at this moment in time, if it comes to it, the situation will be dealt with. I am aware that mods do get shutdown because of this. But basicaly its a risk that has to be taken in the Modding, community. Just because my post count is 2 ladies, doesnt mean I know nothing of Mod-Making. Im from Q3 Backing, Been modding it since the day it came out nearly. so Im sure I know enough to keep me going.

But if it bothers some people ill pop an e-mail to the appropriate place and see their verdict.
** Im trying to sound disrespectfull about your concern if I am in any ways, I have taken it into considoration. But when you look down the lists of all Mods. At the end of the day their all Other Ideas, One of the most popular HL1 Mods was ESF which is DBZ. Not their own content the thing is this will be going on in the mod community for years to come. Its part of it, JA (Jedi Academy) has a mod on it Of an Enhancement of The original Dark Forces.
Here's the problem with this one:

You're not just tangling with one big company here.

Marvel owns the comics of course. They could get you easy. But you mention the movies. And all rights to the movies and their licensing goes through Sony, who can be a real bitch at times about it.

But on top of that, there's some other big, very protective companies out there. The one that comes into my head is LEGO. Say you make a map that looks too much like one of their LEGO sets, then well, they can issue as well, but more than likely they'd just go back through Sony, who they have their license with.

It just seems like quite a bee's nest to stir up, especially when a decent video game for the series has already been done.
but is it MP? No, What do most people want out of a game. MP. I sometimes only buy Games to play the MP. And Ive seen LEGO maps for games, theyve been ok. And LEGO has nothing to do with Spider-Man or MARVEL. And it has nothing to do with Sony, All they have is the OK to use MARVEL's character in a movie All likeneses character names logo etc in a Movie
In the end MARVEL Comic's Owns the rights to Spider-Man and have the big say.
Closed, you don't have permission, you show no signs of giving a toss, you hurl sly insults and I just don't like your attitude.

Get permission and it'll be reopened. No hard feelings.
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