Spiders are bloody nasty and I want to kill them all


Aug 8, 2003
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I was looking at beared dragons on youtube then I came across videos of people with pet spiders.. who the hell has a big ass spider that looks scary and could possably kill you in their home!?!? I have corn snake and I know that you have to clean them out often, so you have to handle if alot to get it in, out of the cage. Sod picking that thing up! Then I came across a video that said they might bite you? F""k if it bit me i'd stamp on the bastard.

Then I saw this video of a goliath bird eater? F**k me, that things like 8 inchs across and people STILL keep them in their home.. what if it got out?!? IT'LL EAT YOUR CAT THATS WHAT!!

On a lighter note.. I herd this parrot on the radio the other day.. "Im going for fart" is too funny..

May I remind you that you are the SpiderPig?
But im pink and cute. Spiders are nasty hairy buggers that should all be stamped on on sight!
You sound like a 5 year old girl with that thread title. :|

Oh well, lol parrot.
Has anyone ever seen a male black widow before? Strangest spider I've ever seen.

It's tan colored instead of black and still has the little red hourglass thingy on it's stomach, but on it's topside, it has a strange pattern that looks like a bunch of red eyes. Irises, pupils, and everything. Creepiest spider ever. It reminded me of a skulluta spider from the Zelda series.


i hate those ****ers. in zambia, my brother once went to wash his hands, and sitting right
behind the tap, watching his hand, was this huge motherf*cker of a spider. biggest one ive ever seen.
cue " aaaaaaaaaaaaaRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHH"
the spider was subsequently squished, and the apocalypse narrowly averted.
i knew i would regret clicking on this thread
why the f**k did post those images.. im gonna be sleeping with one eye open tonight.. also read a fact today about the average human swallows 20-30 spiders in a year.. thats just messed up!
I frigging hate spiders and snakes, my friend Tommy has a snake a f***ing HUGE one. :\
(no innuendos intended)
Also aww at the cute parrot
*reels faster*

Anyone care to know the average amount of spiders we eat in our sleep?
Whenever you look at creepy spiders on the internet, do you rest your feet on the seat of your chair in complete and utter fear?
2nd pic reminded me of a plump cherry and now I'm hungry.
The really big fat spiders and ones with thick legs don't scare me as much as the ones with really long thin legs.
Not a fan of spiders tbh, those pics above sent shivers down my spine. But that parrot is adorable.
Goddamn now im itchy all over. Bloody spiders the one Arachnid/insect that bothers me.

Ants no, Wasps no, when everybody panics when one starts flying around i just remain still and let it fly around

but spiders i panic and vacate the area delicately planning on the best way of murdering the ugly bastard
For some reason spiders that are HUGE dont scare me. Tarantulas basically dont make me want to scream.

Im perfectly calm when one walks up my arm (did it at a zoo in Australia).

The only spiders i'd be 'scared' of, are ones that could do some serious damage to my organs/skin etc when they bite and inject their toxins (eg off the top of my head; black widows, trap-door spiders, camel spiders). Even then I wouldnt scream or get scared if I saw one, id just keep my distance.

I know that sounds 'oh how macho of you', but its genuine.

It's like that Im A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here show.

Id watch it with housemates, and theyd all curl up and scream with the celebrities as things like spiders are dropped on them etc.
I just said 'Oh for god sake, theyre not going to put ANY animal/insect in with you if it can kill you, so why worry?'
Sharks annoy me, I wear my anit shark g string when swimming.


i HATE wasps. i dont like spiders. i dont miind pictures though.
annoying when they try and land on you

Good job i dont hang around bins at school anymore it used to attract them either that or my ginger friends
2 thats right 2 ginger friends

one a fellow brother of geekdom( until WOW steals his soul)
the other not so much. Damn his popularity keeps increasing while we are left wallowing in the pits of possible inbetweenership
Sorry a little off topic.

Yeah **** the spiders! (and wasps)
How can a ginger be popular? Are his admirers blind?
wow didnt know they came in grey

should of jumped on his face

Tarantulas seem to bother me less that normal spiders which is weird. I aso hate the ones with thin long legs but the big furry ones not so much
Why'd he keep poking it up the ass?
And it doesn't suprise me he has a scary ass spider, he looks sh*t scary himself
Anyone care to know the average amount of spiders we eat in our sleep?
None. This myth is as stupid as religion.
who the hell has a big ass spider that looks scary and could possably kill you in their home!?!?
Dogs and horses are, bizarrely enough, infinitely more dangerous. Yet, a lot of people seem to keep them as pets. I wonder why.
Why'd he keep poking it up the ass?
And it doesn't suprise me he has a scary ass spider, he looks sh*t scary himself

Haha I was thinking the same thing, just 'wow that is one scary looking spi-HOLY****INGSHIT WHAT IS THAT THATS HOLDING IT!'
None. This myth is as stupid as religion.

It isnt a myth. What makes you think it is a "myth" is beyond me because it is entirely possible plus it is not just spiders , people eat lots of things in their sleep such as ants and the like. I have personally seen my dog eat a fly in her sleep so in theory spiders are edible in sleep too.
It isnt a myth. What makes you think it is a "myth" is beyond me because it is entirely possible plus it is not just spiders , people eat lots of things in their sleep such as ants and the like. I have personally seen my dog eat a fly in her sleep so in theory spiders are edible in sleep too.

Where the **** do you sleep, floor of your basement?
Where the **** do you sleep, floor of your basement?

I don't have a basement and I never mentioned anything about me sleeping in that post. Plus spiders can fall or use webbing to reach beds from the ceiling and they can also climb up the sides of beds or the bed posts to reach you , thus ruling out any excuses such as "they can not reach your sleeping area stupid."

I rest my case.