Spies Are Impossible!!!

I actually found a server full of idiots once, and I had a backstabbing bonanza! I only got to 3 though before I grabbed the flag and then got flamed...
i had a great game once as spy, but it wasnt idiots really, just most of the team was heavy and medics and a couple of snipers.
i got 24 kills to 2 deaths that round lol
Worst thing is when I'm cloaked, running towards a Sentry, and then one of my team pops up behind me, the Sentry swivels, and delivers a blistering missile barrage in my face.

Hehe, this happened to me earlier when they had the 4 sentry setup on dustbowl, It's just one of those things that happens.
spies involve a bit of planning if ur gonna use em. go invis to get in, find a corner, go visible and duisguise depending on what ur dooing (engy for sentry work, sniper for sniper assasination, medic for medic assasination) and eventually you should get a routine of infiltration nailed down that makes you the most hated bastard on any server with heavys/engys/snipers.
I've heard before that if you're a disguised spy and you point at friends it will look like you're shooting at them to enemies. Is there any truth in this?

Also, I was once backstabbed by a spy who was disguised as a medic and then my friend (who was on the same team as me) said that he saw the spy healing me before he broke his guise and stabbed me. Obviously, I wasn't actually being healed by a spy but will it look like that to your team mates?

I haven't played spy much since the first time I played, but the first time I played I ended up on a server with utter noobs (by that I mean people who sucked) and about a third of the enemy team were spies, but it was so obvious. I had never even played the game and I could tell. One example was some disguised as an engineer while just standing near a control point. I backstab him, and yep he's a spy. I backstabbed so many enemy spies that day :P
I've heard before that if you're a disguised spy and you point at friends it will look like you're shooting at them to enemies. Is there any truth in this?

Also, I was once backstabbed by a spy who was disguised as a medic and then my friend (who was on the same team as me) said that he saw the spy healing me before he broke his guise and stabbed me. Obviously, I wasn't actually being healed by a spy but will it look like that to your team mates?

I haven't played spy much since the first time I played, but the first time I played I ended up on a server with utter noobs (by that I mean people who sucked) and about a third of the enemy team were spies, but it was so obvious. I had never even played the game and I could tell. One example was some disguised as an engineer while just standing near a control point. I backstab him, and yep he's a spy. I backstabbed so many enemy spies that day :P

No. Spies do not shoot while disguised.
Engineer is the best desguise for Spys, it gives you an excuse to stand around and do nothing, unlike Snipers where you have to stand on a balcony or window shelf.
Personally, for me, the Spy is 2x easier to play in a 6v6 scrim than a 12v12 pub. I try to avoid large pubs when playing alone.

And no, I don't use enemy disguises without sentry guns around most of the time. Smart players will know you're a Spy if you run around disguised as one of their team. They'll just mic to their friends and pwn you. With allied disguises, they see an enemy, but they don't know that you're a Spy. This allows you to lure them or escape with a cloak and thus further confuse them. The even smarter ones will then find out you were a Spy, but it's too late. That, or they'll be spamming like crazy, giving your friends a good time to run in as they reload. The Spy has many passive benefits to his team, especially causing paranoia (it's fun to make them still think you're a Spy when you've switched to a Scout or something and watch them play a bit weirdly), but these things can backfire you. Spy requires lots of coordination and mind games, really. He's good for ninja caps and flag resets if you don't really want to "use" him...
That is because you suck? No seriously, spy is good. It's my 2nd best class

1. Spy works best in less linear and more open maps
2. You got to use this combo
- Disguise yourself (into a engineer, a sniper, or a spy NOTHING ELSE!!!!)
- As you approach the base, turn invisible
- Go to a safe place and er..univisibalize/visualize your self
- As you walk around your men, call for a medic (this reinforces your status then and when)
- Sap a turret or take a kill (A BACKSTAB, stabem from behind, INSTAKILL), and turn invisible, change class and repeat


You saying that is essentially telling everyone what spies are going to do now. Which makes your tactics now less effective.