Splinter Cell Conviction Demo


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
its on xbox live now. from a long time player of the game, i've played it and am so far embracing change. its a dead short demo but deffo worth a peak
Hmm, what did you get to play? How's the stealth aspect? Is it still there?
I shall play and review my findings.
Hmm, what did you get to play? How's the stealth aspect? Is it still there?

you play that bit that they show in all the trailers where you're throwing the guy round the bathroom and some warehouse level

the stealth is still there but you can tell they've gone for the I'M SAM FISHER AND I'M MAD AND DON'T GIVE A **** element. the gameplay feels quicker and all the controls have been changed round so it takes a bit of getting used to. i wasn't too keen on first playthrough but i went back and did it again a couple of times and realised its pretty cool playing
no demo = no sale. will rent it when it comes out which means they still lose a sale
no demo + ubisoft's new drm = no sale
Just played it and I actually really enjoyed it. The controls and action run with a lot of fluidity and there does seem to be a mix of action and stealth. There is one instance in the demo where there is a room full of people and you have to get to the other side of it, you can shoot everyone dead but I chose to sneak all the way to the other end without being seen. Using cover, dodging patrols etc. Was very satisfying to reach the other end.

There are very cool moves too, for instance if you take someone down by hand you get an execute move which basically allows you mark multiple targets, press y, and Fisher takes them all down in quick succession. I did that on three people while hanging from a pipe above a room. There is also a quick jump between cover option which helps your movements flow a lot better.

The demo was only short but gives you a flavor of what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised at how well it all works. Shall definitely be purchasing.
The stealth is still there. PHEW! It's a bit more streamlined now, particularly the controls. Do yourself a favour if you want a challenge - set difficulty to realistic and turn off the hint system.

The protracted text is kinda annoying I gotta say, really jarring, hurts immersion.

Was disappointed with the the interogation scene. Press B x3, hmm... Also, the guards speak ALOT: ''he's over there''
''yeah, thinks he's over there''
''gona patrol here''
''lets patrol here''
''need to patrol this area''


The biggest problem I have is how short it is. It's basically a brief tutorial. Can't really judge how the full game will be. MP is probably where it wil be at for most ppl, anyway. Will play moar ltr.
Not like Splinter Cell games for the PC are very good anyway.

Did any of you actually buy DA during the holiday sale?
pc demo?
oh wait, probably have to be connected to the net at all times so nvm
huh, original Splinter Cell on PC was nice
Not like Splinter Cell games for the PC are very good anyway.

Did any of you actually buy DA during the holiday sale?

So you never played Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow or Chaos Theory on PC then? All were actually very good on PC.
Not like Splinter Cell games for the PC are very good anyway.

Did any of you actually buy DA during the holiday sale?

I've played every splinter cell game on both the consoles and the pc except for pandora tomorrow. The PC versions were all better than the console versions.
How can I forget Pandora Tomorrow, asshole Ubisoft. I had a GF4 MX 440, no DX9 support. The demo worked fine, but when I tried to run the retail version, it said: you need pixel and vertex shader version 2.0 to run this game. Damn Ubisoft tricked me.
I love how I haven't had a good Splinter Cell on PC since the first one.
Second one was glitchy as hell, third was ridden with DRM that made it unplayable on my computer (not that I'd want to when it could break your cd drive), and the fourth was just unplayable because of the glitches. The fourth, keeping up its tradition, will have more intrusive drm. PC gamers just can't catch a break with Ubisoft, can they?
Which is why its smart to own a 360 and a PC, the best of both worlds :)
Ubisoft on PC: average games, worst ports in the business, and the most ridiculous DRM ever devised by man. No ****ing thanks.
LOL, so in the demo, there was 4 guys trying to find me from my last known position, I proceed to mark 3 guys and I sneak behind one of the guys and stealth kill but I got caught by doing so, but then I proceed to execute the remaining 3 guys right after the stealth kill. They had no chance.

This game is going to be ****ing awesome.
Huh? Hawx, Prince Of Persia, Assassins Creed 1 & 2 are all well ported games. Though Double Agent was a travesty.
Assassin's Creed: DX9

Assassin's Creed 2: DX9 - It looks horrible. (OK, console graphics don't look that bad) Cardboard cut-out buildings, flat as paper.

Half-assed ports.

Resident Evil 4
- it was a worse port than Pac-Man on the 2600.


But part of the blame was the technical limitations with the 2600. So what's their excuse? They saw fit to publish. Also, I'm surprised they didn't get sued for using the Gamecube controller in the menu.

They don't care. They want the name of the game on the box. They would put a 360 game in a PC box and sell it to you if they could get away with it.

IF ONLY THEY TOOK HALF THE TROUBLE TO PORT THE GAME THAT THEY DID ON DRM. It's like - you buy the most cutting edge DRM now. That's what they're selling. The game is just an afterthought.
So what if they're DX9? DX10 and 11 dont do anything significant, and are certainly not worth the effort of spending more time on. And AC2 looks really good considering the amount of stuff on screen all the time.

The rest of your post is just nonsensical drivel.
Assassin's Creed: DX9

Assassin's Creed 2: DX9 - It looks horrible. (OK, console graphics don't look that bad) Cardboard cut-out buildings, flat as paper.

Half-assed ports.

Resident Evil 4
- it was a worse port than Pac-Man on the 2600.


But part of the blame was the technical limitations with the 2600. So what's their excuse? They saw fit to publish. Also, I'm surprised they didn't get sued for using the Gamecube controller in the menu.

They don't care. They want the name of the game on the box. They would put a 360 game in a PC box and sell it to you if they could get away with it.

IF ONLY THEY TOOK HALF THE TROUBLE TO PORT THE GAME THAT THEY DID ON DRM. It's like - you buy the most cutting edge DRM now. That's what they're selling. The game is just an afterthought.

Assassins Creed had DX10, Assassins Creed 2 may only be DX9 but so what, the actual port of the game is pretty immaculate and card board cut-out buildings? What? Resident Evil 4 was simply published by Ubi for Capcom, they had nothing to do with the development of the game at all so they cannot be held responsible for the bad port.
Their actual ports have been good with the exception of Splinter Cell double Agent.
So you never played Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow or Chaos Theory on PC then? All were actually very good on PC.

Back when those were out I played them on consoles, my PC was ancient and could not run shit.

I'm more specifically saying newer Ubi games are TERRIBLE ports, and I can tell from the moment I get to the main menu. If I can't move my mouse around and are forced to use the arrow keys and enter to select things on the menu, I can pretty much be sure it's a bad port.

HAWX was a terrible arcade flight sim all around so I don't even count it.
I played Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 on both console and PC, and, again, it felt like it would play better on a console, while older Rainbow Six's remain superior on the PC.

Ubi has been becoming a purely console-based company while shoving out PC ports to try and up sales and not get people mad.

With all the recent Ubisoft games I've played on both, I enjoyed them more on the console than on the PC.

Of course most of their new games are crappy anyway. They need to stick to what they're good at instead of wasting money on bad RTS' and flight sims.
So what if they're DX9? DX10 and 11 dont do anything significant, and are certainly not worth the effort of spending more time on.
Holy shit - what?

And AC2 looks really good considering the amount of stuff on screen all the time.
yeah with DX10 and 11, it WOULD BE MUCH EASIER TO RENDER IT.


DirectX 9:

(I call this Cardboard cut-outs)

DirectX 11:

There's no shadow meter so you can't tell if enemies can see you are not. The screen goes monochrome sometimes but I'm not sure what it's supposed to be telling me because it didn't seem to relate to me being in shadows or hidden.

The movement speeds are pretty much gone as a gameplay device.

To cover you hold LT then line your crosshair up to another wall where an icon will appear (pre-made cover spots), then tap A and he'll automatically move there. The enemies will barely see you even if you're in plain view. http://youtube_DOT_com/watch?v=qM0Nn0KINV8

The mark system works fine unless one of the enemies is just behind the other. You won't be able to select the guy behind even if his head is sticking out a little.

Overall, it's a full consolization of what used to be a good series. In some parts it reminded me of some average game like Army of Two instead of SC. If you're into these simple console games made for those with an IQ of 40 and into having your hand held (can only jump when it wants you to), then go for it.

They could have a roof like that DX11 roof in DX9 mode if they wanted one. Hello model + LOD.
is that some parallax mapping?
They could have a roof like that DX11 roof in DX9 mode if they wanted one. Hello model + LOD.

Sure, but compare the work of creating high-res models for everything with the work of creating heightmap textures applied to regular models that get turned into high-res 'models' on-the-fly.
is that some parallax mapping?

Nope, Tessellation

Sure, but compare the work of creating high-res models for everything with the work of creating heightmap textures applied to regular models that get turned into high-res 'models' on-the-fly.

Not to be offensive (well, a little bit) but you're talking out your ass. Do you know what you need to do to make a heightmap? You need to make a high-res model. DERP. Not only that, but it would be better on performance to not use tessellation because you need a LOT more geometry even on your low res to make it work correctly. It would almost be better to actually model each of those roof tiles and just ignore the new texture pass altogether.

And those images are an unfair comparison because its showing you diffuse only vs tessellated. Once you throw in normal/paralax mapping the difference becomes minuscule and virtually only noticeable on the edges of the model as its silhouette wont be broken up. Its also a huge bitch to implement into your game, requires TONS of manhours and puts more work on already overloaded artists. And because of that, its my opinion that tessellation is bullshit and not worth the effort or performance hit on the vast majority of things, with the one notable exception of cylinders. Tessellation of a cylinder is a fantastic thing.

Example of unnecessary geometry that would be better off just being modeled.


Eh I thought the demo was decent. The guy that ran through the map most definitely played through it multiple times to get everything down pat. Normally you'll only play that part once or so and continue throughout the game.

It all depends how you want to play the game. You can go almost total stealth if you want or run around like an idiot as well...it depends on the player themselves. Only thing that bugged me was the marking system.
I am a huge Splinter Cell fan, i've played and loved every game (yes I think Double Agent is a good game). But this, this is not Splinter Cell, its an action shooter with stealth elements sprinkled in. I mean, you can't even go prone, or pick up enemy bodies. I am disappoint.
Yeah, I loved going prone in the other splinter cell games.
Yeah, I loved going prone in the other splinter cell games.

I agree, also

Can't change shoulders
Can't throw objects
Can't whistle
Can't avoid gunfights
Can't even render at full 720p (consoles)
Can't play without being connected to the internet (PC)

I miss anything? How can anyone consider this a proper sequel?
You do realize that you couldn't go prone in any splinter cell game, and that I was being sarcastic in hopes you would realize this... right?

Unless you're talking about crawling into vents and such.