Splinter Cell : Conviction Screens

Sam Fisher looks like a badass hobo. Actually, very much like Jack Bauer, especially with that shoulder pack thing.

It looks like a larger emphasis on physical interaction, mainly hand to hand combat. Could be an interesting turn for the series. Also seems like you don't have to do much to blend in regularly, which could be pretty cool.

Also, I'm loving the environmental interactivity.
Looking good. Just finished Double Agent and anticipating the next game. Just hope they dont **** up the story.
Looks like the leap from Pandora Tomorrow to Chaos Theory all over again... times fifty.
why wont this series just die already?
Looks pretty good. Then again I always think the next SC looks good but then get bored before I finish playing it. Anyway, I hope it's only a timed exclusive for the 360, as I don't have one. The original SC was an X-BOX "exclusive" too, but then it came to ... every platform ever. GTA was the same way, this probably will be too. Or I could have a decent PC by then and I won't give a shit either way.
None of this means shit to me screenwise, I wanna know if we next-gen users will be getting a true SC again(Done by the original team) or a 'not-true'(Like SCDA which was done by Shanghai studios for PC and 360)..
Wow, looks like it could be pretty cool. I've honestly never had too much patience for SC games in the past, despite liking the concept, but this looks like it could be brancing off just enough to be interesting.

Anyone else notice the borrowed features? Judging by screens atleast - combat utilising the environment ala Fable 2 (or atleast the tech demo, but we all know it's gonna be in there), and possible social stealth elements ala Assassin's Creed. Still, I like the setting in this one, and as already stated, Sam looks like one unwashed, raggedy-ass mofo.
I just thought of Sam Fisher as Jason Bourne after looking at these pics. Looks good :D but I am a bit worried that we will lose some of the stealth gameplay from the previous games.
hahahah man i saw that one coming from a mile away

Then why dont you GTFO and stop bringing negativity to threads? I was going to write why it shouldnt die, but I deleted it since you would just be a twat about it anyways.
why wont this series just die already?

Why let it die? It's a great series, Ubi makes A LOT of money from it (possibly the most out of all the Tom Clancy series which is odd seeing as it is the youngest) and it was clear from the 4th game that there would be a new game. So quit complaining!!
Looking good, ever since finishing DA, been looking foward to the next game
Hello, I saw in the these threads on Splinter Cell Conviction that a few users were confused as to what had happend, so I thought I'd make a new thread to explain the supposed 'plothole'.

Basically, there's a Splinter Cell game for the PSP, Splinter Cell Essentials, it's all Canon, and it explains what happens to Fisher after DA(Along with a few flashback missions).

In SCE, the game starts just after SCDAs ending with Fisher sneaking into a graveyard to visit his daughters grave whom was killed by a drunk driver, here he is finally captured by police/NSA and interrogated, the interrogations has him going through flashback missions, in the end of the game he is convicted of murdering Lambert in SCDA, the final mission is composed of hims stealing the proof off it and escaping, after which Splinter Cell Conviction starts.

Hope this helps for some of you Splinter Cell fans who were confused as to the ending of Splinter Cell Double Agent.

Footnote: According to WikiPedia, Splinter Cell Conviction will be the final game to determine what story was correct in SCDA(I.e. wether Lambert really was killed or not).

Looks like it'll be a bit more gun-ho than the others.
I think it will be less, keep in mind this is being done by the same development house that are doing Assassins Creed, my guess is that there will not be alot of gun action but more about trying to blend in with the crowd etc, I wouldn't be surprised if it uses the crowdengine from Assassin's Creed.:)
Translated from the article in the magazine.
[Finnish Translations]

- No more sneaking around in the shadows. Apparently you're going to be more like James Bond and infiltrate buildings in plain daylight. You won't have to use force or sneak around as long as you don't act suspiciously.

- According to the article, every single object that is rendered on screen has physical properties and most of them can be used by Sam. For example, Sam can pick up furniture and use it as a weapon, or throw printers at enemies or papers in the face of enemies to gain the upperhand in fights.

- Melee fights are much more than "press this button to hit" this time around. There's different context sensitive attack buttons and as mentioned before lots of environmental interaction.

- Some pretty negative comments about the ps3 made by the devs. They state the fact that they are exclusive to the 360 allows them to do much more than if they were multiplatform (duh) but they also state they doubt they would be able to achieve what they're doing with the game on the 360 on the ps3 even if it was ps3 exclusive.

*Added for accuracy

The lead programmer told the magazine he doubts they would have been able to pull of the lightning effects they have right now on the ps3. That's the only thing they say straight out, but they do state they believe they're much better off on the 360. Remember this is Ubi though, they aren't exactly known for their work on sony platforms.

Similar interpretation from another translator:

In the mag one of the 3d-programmers say that had they made the game with the PS3 in mind as well, they would have had to significantly simplify the lighting. He does add that he can't say what the game would've looked like, had they made it a PS3 exclusive.

Those are the most important things in there. Ubi also claims the AI is really good and the magazine says the AI for example makes cover out of chairs and tables.

-Courtesy of inoperativeRS [GS] and Uncle [NGA]
So the games basically a "Hitman" game now.
I think it will be less, keep in mind this is being done by the same development house that are doing Assassins Creed, my guess is that there will not be alot of gun action but more about trying to blend in with the crowd etc, I wouldn't be surprised if it uses the crowdengine from Assassin's Creed.:)
Ah, in that case my earlier statement makes a lot more sense :P

Heh, I just remembered a comment someone made on Assassin's Creed awhile back, that the whole modern/futuristic element of the game over screen could be Sam Fisher looking into his ancestor's memories somehow. Now that the series are getting that much closer together... *ponders*
impressive,... added this to my next gen shopping list.
Then why dont you GTFO and stop bringing negativity to threads? I was going to write why it shouldnt die, but I deleted it since you would just be a twat about it anyways.

because sharing your personal opinion is what this forum is all about isn't it?
like smsscott, i also get excited by the concept and early shots of each new SC but i usually end up getting bored of the game itself
SC just hasnt been the same for me since the first and second one
Sounds kickass, added this to my list of must haves.
I'm not liking the sound of "no more sneaking around in shadows", but other than that it looks like it could be pretty damn awesome.
ooh, i'm really liking the way the game looks, back to basics stealth in a way, gona keep an eye on it for sure....
I just realized how much that line "No more sneaking around in shadows" reminds me of the line they gave about MGS4, "No more place to hide".xD

Just had to get that outa my system!
haha, anyone notice on one of the pages Fisher is choke-slamming some guy :D
He's been watching wrestling in his time off.