Splinter Cell: Conviction

prolly rent it for my 360
definitely will not be buying it for PC due to the new always online DRM
Looks like any other shooter with a cover mechanic. Why did they drop the stealth anyway?
The first Splinter Cell is still the best in my book. Pure sneaking goodness.
Buy it for my 360, no doubt.

I own SC(XB1), SCPT(XB1), SCCT(XB1 and PC), SCDA(XB1 and XB360) and will own SCC(XB360!)
prolly rent it for my 360
definitely will not be buying it for PC due to the new always online DRM

are they starting that already with Splinter cell con.?

oh well...my expectations are low after the disaster that was Double agent(for PC)...
Looks like any other shooter with a cover mechanic. Why did they drop the stealth anyway?

This. I don't get why they dropped the stealth element. It is the best aspect of splinter cell. I want my heart pumping as I slowly close in for the kill, not knowing when the enemy is about to because you are screwed if you don't and more importantly the thrill of finishing the mission without being detected.

At least co op gives me hope.
Looks decent to me... I'll still only buy it if it has some sort of cool multiplayer like Pandora Tomorrow's mercs vs. spies, though. And not just some console converted trash.
I really love stealth games. That said, I don't think I will love this. I really enjoyed Chaos Theory though. That running along window ledges looks horrible though.
I actually like the faster pace...and I also like that it now seems you can recover from a botched stealth attempt, you're an elite agent after all.

in CT if you messed up...you might as well just reload.
Yeah, everyone knows elite agents are able to jump out a window and make everyone forget they were ever there.
Hmm, I didn't like this footage tbh, where the hell have the stealth elements gone? It looks like it turned into another generic third person action game :( Still probably buy it if it gets good reviews, but that was quite deflating to watch.
Seems to be a lot closer to Uncharted now than Splinter Cell...

I'll rent it, whatever
My god, the comments on those pages...GT is full of casuals.

Also I'm laughing at the shit AI. One guard gets taken out and another is thrown out of a window, and the two guys guarding the door not ten feet away don't hear shit.
Looks like more action than stealth now. Hopefully that level is different from the others. Well at least the co op will be fun.
The Picture of Dorian Fisher


I'll get my coat.
I'm very disapointed with the changes made to the gameplay. I liked the stealth...
His hair also gets its color back apparently.

I thought you were exaggerating with you chimp on steroids comment. I mean the shimmying just looks really ridiculous. I don't see why they changed it from the previous installments.

also this GT comment made me sad.

This game sucks. The gameplay is slow and boring

At first, I thought this was a clever sarcastic joke. Then I realized he was being serious.
Stealth and strategy make the mainstream gaming public's brains hurt. We must turn Sam Fisher into a rogue, vengeful super-soldier action-hero bullet sponge out to uncover the truth behind his daughter's murder which is wrapped in a series of government conspiracies and other oddly-connected events. We'll write mission objectives and instructions on the doors and walls in each level so they don't have to bother reading briefings or looking at maps. We'll also add regenerating health, a Gears of War style cover system, aim assist, and a GTA IV style system for losing unwanted attention. Perfect.
Stealth and strategy make the mainstream gaming public's brains hurt. We must turn Sam Fisher into a rogue, vengeful super-soldier action-hero bullet sponge out to uncover the truth behind his daughter's murder which is wrapped in a series of government conspiracies and other oddly-connected events. We'll write mission objectives and instructions on the doors and walls in each level so they don't have to bother reading briefings or looking at maps. We'll also add regenerating health, a Gears of War style cover system, aim assist, and a GTA IV style system for losing unwanted attention. Perfect.

FYI it was Ubi Shanghai that first introduced regenerating health in Splinter Cell: Double Agent on the 360 and PC.

So if anything, they're the ones to blame.
I still don't get how people held out hope for this as a Splinter Cell game, or even as a stealth game (a genre that is rapidly disappearing). I mean... look at this old trailer. It's ridiculous in ways that make hollywood movie trailers look inspired and thoughtful.


"We made you. WE OWN YOU." :LOL:
I still think the game looks FUN, and in the end that's what matters for me when buying a game, that I find it fun.

It's a shame to see the stealth elements go the way they do but let's face it, it's the way most genres tend to go when they become popular, not to mention with the increasing cost of game development leading to developers being forced to try to make the game appeal to wider audiences.
From some of those original trailers, I thought it would be at least as stealthy as Assassin's Creed with the whole hidden in a crowd type mechanic, but the latest footage seems to look all actiony. Uncharted 2 has better stealth features (or at least I assuming that is how this will turn out). I guess all of us rogues will have to wait and see how ****ed up Thi4f is...:(
From some of those original trailers, I thought it would be at least as stealthy as Assassin's Creed with the whole hidden in a crowd type mechanic, but the latest footage seems to look all actiony. Uncharted 2 has better stealth features (or at least I assuming that is how this will turn out). I guess all of us rogues will have to wait and see how ****ed up Thi4f is...:(

If you didn't know, the original concept which basically was Assassin's Creed meets Splinter Cell got scrapped, hence why the huge delay, they started from scratch, it was announced together with the original delay announcement.

Which I agree, is a real shame, because the original concept was awesome.
I stoped carrying for Splinter cell years ago.
I stoped carrying for Splinter cell years ago.

What was it that you stoped carrying for Splinter Cell? Was it Sam Fisher? I guess he's quite heavy.

I couldn't resist.

I googled and google corrected my spelling for me. Damn google. You know what I mean though. Gameplay looks fun, maybe, but as many have said, it's too fast, and full of cool takedowns. I liked the first games. I didn't even bother with the last ones. I don't even know how many splinter cells there are now...
FYI it was Ubi Shanghai that first introduced regenerating health in Splinter Cell: Double Agent on the 360 and PC.

So if anything, they're the ones to blame.

Sorry, haven't played SC since Chaos Theory.