split screen on single monitor?


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
I have been trying multiple split screen softwares, but none are to what i expect.

What im trying to achieve is having 2 or more split screens on your single monitor, while having all of them run at real time, so that i can multi task and switch between them with hotkeys.

Anyone know of such a program?
Resize windows and alt+tab? hehe

I dont think i've seen any program quite like that. But then I have not looked. Want them shown at the same time, sorta like a multiplayer game split-screeen. Or what is like on the Macs atm.
no, i mean literally split screen, to either 4 cubes or two stretched.

You could see all the applications in real time, at the same time, and interact with them and switch between them using hotkeys.